Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 701 Zhang Family History, Battle of Kunwu Bridge

Although I had no feelings for the Jiangbei Zhang family at first, and they were always taking advantage of me every time they came to see me, but later on the Zhang family did help me a lot on the issue of Longquan Villa.

Coupled with Da Jinya's continuous efforts to mediate, the relationship between the Zhang family and I has gradually been cleared up!

As for some people in the Zhang family who are disdainful of me and Senior Shu, I just let them go. The five fingers are not evenly aligned, so there is no point in fighting for this false reputation.

"Haha, have you heard of the name Zhang Yaowu?"

Seeing my strong reaction, the middle-aged man nodded with satisfaction and then asked.

I was stunned after hearing this and asked in disbelief: "Could it be that you are the clan leader?"

Zhang Yaowu is the current patriarch of the Zhang family in Jiangbei. He and my grandfather Zhang Yaoyang belong to the same generation as Yao, so I have to call him grandfather.

He did not deny it, but went straight to the point and said: "I am here to remind you that the young master of Longquan Villa, Ichiro Ryuzawa, has been on the move recently and seems to be planning to attack you..."

I couldn't help but feel happy after hearing this. Tantanshou said that you don't need to remind me that Longquan Villa seems to want to kill me every moment since my debut.

Having said this, I couldn't help but wonder: "It's just that I'm a little strange, why does Longquan Villa keep giving me trouble?"

"you do not know?"

The clan leader was stunned after hearing my question. When he saw that I didn't respond, he sighed and said: "It seems that Brother Yaoyang doesn't want you to interfere in this matter anymore, but there are some things that cannot be avoided. Whatever, I will tell you about the grievances between the Zhang family and Longquan Villa."

It turns out that after liberation, Longquan Villa and Jiangbei Zhang Family were the two largest yinwu sects in the country.

One south and one north were drawn across the river to govern, with great momentum, and it was also called: South Dragon and North Zhang!

At first, the relationship between the two parties was not bad, at least on the surface, they maintained harmony, so that Maoshan, Kongtong and other sects were all courteous to the Zhang family and Longquan Villa.

After 1978, the South took the lead in reform and opening up, and Longquan Villa took advantage of the spring breeze to make a lot of money. In just a few years, it doubled its industry thousands of times.

During this period, many children of the Zhang family proposed to the then patriarch to expand southward, but the patriarch insisted on the unspoken rule of dividing the river to govern and missed an opportunity. A few years later, Longquan Villa has become a large-scale modern enterprise, but the Zhang family still maintains some fortune-telling parlors and coffin shops to make a living.

Originally this was nothing, but later the wealthy Longquan Villa began to ignore the Zhang family and expanded northward through capital investment. Due to the Northland government's strong support for capital, the Zhang family lost official support and their status plummeted...

Under this situation, the Zhang family had no choice but to declare war on Longquan Villa!

In order to make a quick decision, it was decided to capture the thief first and capture the king first. At that time, the four masters of the Zhang family, gold, wood, water, and fire, led sixty or seventy of their clan's best men in an ambush near Kunwu Bridge, waiting for an opportunity to kill the master of Longquan Villa.

Unexpectedly, the main cultivation level of Longquan Villa not only reached the legendary state of great freedom, but also obtained the Yinwu Pantian Seal from the Conferred God Period, which shattered the brains of the masters of the Four Halls of Gold, Wood, Water, and Fire on the spot, and sixty or seventy Zhang family elites also They were all killed, and only three of them managed to escape.

This tragic scene is called: the Battle of Kunwu Bridge.

Speaking of this, the patriarch paused, his body couldn't help but tremble, and his eyes were full of fear!

Looking at him like this, it is not difficult to guess that he is one of the three survivors. It is no wonder that he is so scared. Fan Tianyin is one of the ancient magic weapons. It is carved from the spiritual stone on Buzhou Mountain. As long as it is beaten by Fan Tianyin, If Tianyin slaps him on the head, Da Luo Zhenxian will be stunned!

Before this, I always thought that Fantianyin was a fabrication, but I didn't expect that it was a real thing. However, magic weapons have always been expected and reasonable. There are too many things that Xuanmen cannot explain...

I poured a glass of water and handed it to the patriarch. He took it and took a sip before continuing: "You may have guessed that I am one of the three people who survived. The other two are your grandfather and Zhang Yaohua.”

"Zhang Yaohua?"

I expected that my grandfather would participate in that struggle, but the name Zhang Yaohua was very unfamiliar to me.

The patriarch showed a wry smile and said that Zhang Yaohua is your senior rat, Lord Rat!

After that battle, the Zhang family had no masters who could fight, and it never recovered.

Longquan Villa was afraid that someone from the Zhang family would rise up in the future and seek revenge from them, so they began to massacre the Zhang family.

Fortunately, not long afterward, the Zhang family obtained an ancient magic weapon: Luobao Money. Luobao Money was made from the scales that fell off Titing, the mount of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. It can make all offensive magic weapons in the world become invisible in a short time. Internal failure.

It was precisely with the existence of Luobao Money that the Zhang family was temporarily relieved of Fan Tianyin's death shadow. Although the two sides continued to fight, there was no collective conflict.

Later, grandpa and his father left the Zhang family and came to Wuhan; Senior Shu was even worse, not even leaving any heirs, but this also made it easier for him to travel around the world.

Within a few years, Zhang Yaowu became the new clan leader. He wanted to revitalize the family, so he kept searching for the legacy of the Zhang family, and then he found me.

I was accidentally linked to the Zhang family, and naturally became the target of Longquan Villa's eradication. Fortunately, the T-shirt man and others have been secretly helping me, so I am able to survive until now.

After the patriarch said all this, his face was filled with emotion, and he patted me on the shoulder and said, "Since you already have your own business, I will not force you to return to the Zhang family! But when it comes to dealing with Longquan Villa, I hope you will Can stand on a united front with us."

"That's natural."

I nodded in agreement, and then he got to the point. It turned out that every time Longquan Villa attempted to murder me, the Zhang family would use the treasure money as a bargaining chip to balance them.

But this time, Longquan Villa didn't take the treasure money seriously at all. The patriarch felt that something was wrong, so he asked someone to secretly inquire about the news. Finally, he was shocked to learn that Longquan Villa had obtained another ancient magic weapon: the Book of Seven Arrows with Nail Head!


After hearing this, I couldn't help but curse out loud. The Seven Arrows Book of Nail Head can be said to be one of the most mysterious magic weapons in the Romance of the Gods.

Legend has it that Jiang Ziya used the Nailhead Seven Arrows book to kill Zhao Gongming, the God of Wealth, who was unable to advance against Xiqi's army.

The so-called Seven Arrows Book of Nails, simply put, is to plot against the opponent by piercing a straw man. You only need to write the opponent's name and birth date on the straw man, put a lamp on the head and feet of the straw man, and then Recite the spell, and when the straw man is burned to ashes, the opponent's life will come to an end.

But I quickly recovered from the shock and asked doubtfully: "If they really got the Nailhead Seven Arrows book, I should be dead long ago!"

"They don't know your date of birth, and there is no need to waste an ancient artifact on a young boy like you unless it is absolutely necessary." The patriarch said, "The reason why I came all the way to Wuhan is to ask you not to give up your birth date." Tell anyone the horoscope, and be careful next time!"

"The Zhang family will continue to put pressure on Longquan Villa and delay their action! During this period, you must improve your abilities as soon as possible."

The patriarch sighed when he said this, and I asked him what was wrong. He told me that unless I get other magic weapons to counter the Seven Arrows Book of Nails, Longquan Villa will one day be able to succeed with just passive defense.

I asked him what the other artifacts were referring to?

As a result, the clan leader shook his head and said that he didn't know. It was just that one thing would bring another, and there would always be something that could compete with the Nailhead Seven Arrows Book. As for whether I can get it and when I can get it, everything depends on chance.

After the patriarch told me, he carried the black sword and left without even eating a meal. I was very grateful and felt an unprecedented sense of belonging to the Zhang family in my heart!

For the next period of time, I kept the mentality of not inviting disaster or causing trouble, and stayed in the store to run business with Li Mazi. Wang Xun'er occasionally came to play with me, and I took the opportunity to convey to her, intentionally or unintentionally, that I had a relationship with Yin Xinyue. The relationship is very good, and there is news that I will have a son soon.

She must have understood what I meant, but her attitude towards me has not changed much. She still comes to see me from time to time. Over time, she has become familiar with Li Mazi, and she often regards herself as the third owner of the antique shop. Regarding this I was very helpless and had no choice but to let her go!

(PS: Three updates will resume from tomorrow! Thank you readers for your support.)

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