Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 702 Jiulin has a son

Wang Xun'er is still getting close to me intentionally or unintentionally these days. Fortunately, I keep going out to pick up some small business, and I can cleverly avoid this bad luck most of the time.

In the blink of an eye, another two months later, Yin Xinyue finally helped me give birth to a chubby son. Although I returned to my hometown in Shandong very low-key to take care of my mother and daughter, I was still chased all the way by the head of the Zhang family.

When he saw the child's cute face, he said excitedly: "The Zhang family finally has blood..."

"His name is Zhang Fan, ordinary Fan!"

I replied angrily, meaning that I wanted my son to be an ordinary person and no longer get involved in the disputes between Jiangbei Zhang family and Longquan Villa.

The clan leader was slightly stunned after hearing this, and then smiled bitterly and said: "Jiulin, there are some things you can't avoid."

Although the patriarch said something scary, he quickly left Shandong with the black sword on his back. Before leaving, he told me to take good care of the child.

It can be seen that he really likes this kid, not just to win over me, because before leaving, he secretly lent me an artifact: the apricot yellow flag!

According to legend, the original owner of this apricot-yellow flag was the Primordial Yuan Zun, the god of ancient times. The apricot-yellow flag itself has no power, but the moment it is attacked, it can absorb the spiritual power of five directions to form a powerful protective shield, covering the owner. Yuanshi Tianzun once relied on this apricot-yellow flag to block ninety-nine and eighty-one thunders!

It can be said that with a flag in hand, all evils will retreat and all evil will be invulnerable!

I didn't expect that the Zhang family could get such a magical weapon, so I asked the clan leader how he got it.

"You don't need to worry about it. You just need to understand that I will lend you the Xinghuang Flag, and the day when we will fight Longquan Villa is not far away!" After that, he left.

In order to avoid being discovered by the people at Longquan Villa, I returned to Wuhan before my son was one month old, leaving Yin Xinyue to recuperate at her parents' home.

When I miss my son, I can only ask Xinyue to send me two photos, or listen to my son's whining and sipping milk on the phone.

Although this kind of life is difficult, it is relatively safe. Yin Xinyue has always complained that she is like a widow raising a child. When she said this, I did not dare to say anything, so I could only keep apologizing.

I thought this would keep my son safe, but then something happened!

That day, when Li Mazi came to me with wine, I was about to call Yin Xinyue. He put the wine bottle on the table and said, "Brother Zhang, look at the lustful look on your face, don't you want to have sex with me?" Are you going to play Wen Ai?"

I ignored him and continued dialing. During this period, he often came over and looked down on me while I was on the phone. Over time, I regarded him as nothing.

As soon as the call was connected, I couldn't wait to call my wife. It was quiet on the other side. I called again but there was still no response. However, the phone was indeed connected.

"Xinyue, what's wrong with you?" I asked worriedly.

Li Mazi poured himself a sip of wine, waved his hand and said that the signal from his sister-in-law's side was probably not good. Come and have a drink first, and then call after a while.

I called twice more and there was still no response, so I planned to hang up.

"Zhang Jiulin?"

At this moment, a man's voice called me from the other side, and it was very cold.

My face instantly darkened. I knew the owner of this voice very well. He was my old enemy, the Yin Yang Tiger among the four elders of Longquan Villa!

Yin Yanghu sneered and said: "Hey, your wife and son are all in my hands. If you don't want anything to happen to them, go to the foot of Snake Mountain and wait for me at ten o'clock tonight. There is an abandoned pavilion there. Remember, only one person is allowed to come! "

I clenched my fists and tried to control my emotions, gritted my teeth and asked, "What did you do to them?"

Yin Yanghu laughed and replied: "Your son is very cute, and he is having fun with the young master right now. It's just that the woman didn't know how to appreciate him, and was knocked unconscious by the young master."

I clenched my fists loudly in an instant, wishing I could beat the person opposite me to pieces.

Hearing my roar, Yin Yanghu said: "Don't forget, you are here alone. If I know someone is following you... do you want to receive your wife's finger first or your son's finger?"

After saying that, he laughed loudly and hung up the phone. My mind went blank listening to the beeping sound.

I have been very careful during this period. When I went to Yin Xinyue's hometown, I changed several buses on the way. Unexpectedly, this group of people took advantage of me.

"Damn it!" I smashed the two antiques on the counter to the ground and cursed fiercely.

Li Mazi asked me carefully what was wrong?

With red eyes and clenched fists, I said my son had been kidnapped.

The wine glass in his hand slammed to the ground, and he shouted angrily: "Xiao Fan was kidnapped? What are you doing here? Fuck him!"

I grabbed the bottle and drank a few sips of liquor. Li Mazi was so frightened that he snatched the bottle away: "Brother from the Zhang family, don't get excited. We'd better think of a solution first."

I hammered my fist on the table and cursed bitterly: "What the hell! Longquan Villa just wants my life."

Li Mazi's eyes widened: "Are these turtles again?"

I nodded and suppressed my anger. It was already six o'clock in the afternoon. Although Snake Mountain is in Wuhan, it is still a little far away from the Antique Street. So I quickly packed up a few self-defense items and drove to Snake Mountain in a hurry.

Li Mazi originally wanted to come with me, but when he heard Yin Yang Hu's request, his face turned red and he cursed a bastard. After hesitating for a long time, he decided not to get in the car.

Snake Mountain, next to the Yangtze River, has a very steep terrain. After reconstruction, it has become a famous attraction in Wuhan. It was already nine o'clock in the evening when I arrived, so except for some scattered lights, half of the mountain was shrouded in night.

The people in Longquan Villa have always been cunning and cunning, and I didn’t expect them to directly return Yin Xinyue and my son to me. To be on the safe side, I sent a text message to the man in the T-shirt, told him the situation, and then started looking for Yin Yang Tiger’s mouth. That pavilion.

Since it was an abandoned pavilion, it would definitely not be in a tourist area. I called the deputy mayor and asked him to give me an order to let me go up the mountain, and then walked all the way to an inaccessible place.

I held the flashlight and moved slowly. The terrain of Snake Mountain is very steep. You have to be careful when climbing during the day, not to mention the dark night.

I didn’t know how many times I fell down along the way before I saw a crumbling pavilion beside the roaring river.

Yin Yang Hu stood at the edge of the pavilion, holding Xiao Fan in his arms. Behind him stood two subordinates of Longquan Villa dressed in black. The two men each held a red lantern, reflecting the Yangtze River water behind them. flushed.

When Xiaofan saw me, he opened his hands as if he wanted me to hug him.

My eyes turned red and I pulled out the Sirius Whip, shouting hysterically: "Longquan Villa is also one of the best sects. If you have anything to do with me, what's the point of arresting a child?"

Yin Yang Hu didn't say anything. He slapped his hands lightly. The two subordinates behind him walked up to Xiao Fan and raised the lantern to the same height as Xiao Fan. The hot temperature made Xiao Fan cry out.

My heart ached, and I yelled and asked him what he wanted?

Yin Yang Hu sneered and said: "This is simple, first throw the Sirius Whip into the Yangtze River, and then kneel down in front of me."

I had the heart to fight but couldn't take action. I looked at the Yin Yang Tiger so hard that my teeth almost broke.

He smiled coldly, and the two subordinates beside him moved the lantern forward, almost touching Xiaofan's face. Xiaofan cried harder, feeling that he would lose his breath at any time.

I let out a long sigh, threw the Sirius Whip into the Yangtze River, and then knelt on the ground with a thud. The sharp stones scratched my skin, but I didn't feel any pain. I just begged him not to torture Xiaofan anymore.

Yin Yang Hu smiled sinisterly and waved his hands, and the two people removed the lantern, but Xiao Fan was still crying heartbreakingly, which made me extremely heartbroken.

He put Xiaofan on the stone bench expressionlessly and said, "Zhang Jiulin, do you want to come over and comfort your son?"

Although I knew he had no good intentions, I had lost my mind now and stood up to walk towards the pavilion.

"No, I want you to crawl over here!"

The soft voice of Yin Yang Tiger was mixed with the river wind and reached my ears, which made my face hurt.

My reaction was a little slow, and he put his hand on Xiaofan's neck. Xiaofan immediately choked and coughed.

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