Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 703 The Despicable Yin Yang Tiger

I shouted: "Stop!"

However, according to his instructions, although the distance from the pavilion was only a short four or five meters, the ground was full of gravel and thorny vegetation, and every step he took would cause excruciating pain.

I wanted to stand up and fight with them immediately, but Yin Yanghu's hand was still on Xiaofan's neck, so I didn't dare to act rashly.

Yin Yanghu and the two subordinates behind him commented on my climbing posture with great interest. I gritted my teeth and swallowed the blood into my stomach, roaring in my heart: "Damn it, as long as I don't die, I will definitely kill everyone in Longquan Villa." Leftover!"

I finally climbed to the pavilion, but just as I was about to stand up, I was kicked over by Yin Yang Tiger. My head hit the ground with a thud, causing my eyesight to go black.

"Haha Zhang Jiulin, aren't you very proud in Fengdu Ghost City? You killed two of my brothers and sisters, and now you continue to be proud." Yin Yang Tiger said proudly.

Seeing that I didn't answer, he said to himself: "I know that your cultivation has improved a lot recently, but what's the use? In the end, you will have to lie at my feet like a dog?"

As he said that, he kicked me hard, then clicked his tongue twice in disgust and moved away.

Ignoring the pain, I threw myself at Xiaofan who was sitting on the stone bench the moment he released his foot.

As soon as he touched Xiaofan's soft little hand, Yin Yang Tiger hugged Xiaofan and quickly ran out of the pavilion.

I took out the invisible needle and prepared to give Yin-Yang Tiger a fatal blow, but Yin-Yang Tiger lifted Xiaofan up, stared at me with piercing eyes and shouted: "Do you want to try whether your needle is faster, or I kill people faster?" ?”

I weakly withdrew the invisible needle and shouted: "You have the guts to come at me. Is this the style of Longquan Villa?"

Yin Yang Tiger smiled coldly and said: "When young master gets tired of playing, I will naturally strike you to death with one palm!"

Ichiro Ryuzawa? It turned out to be his fault!

Seeing the Yin Yang Tiger hugging Xiao Fan and walking away, I staggered and wanted to chase him out, but found that a magic circle had been set up around the pavilion.

I hurriedly manipulated the invisible needle to find loopholes in the magic circle, but found nothing. I never imagined that they would go through all the trouble to trap me here. I collapsed on the ground, the wounds on my body hurting terribly.

After I briefly treated the wound, I got up and tried to find a way to get out of the battle, but I was horrified to find that the scenery around me had changed.

The rolling Yangtze River water disappeared, replaced by dense woods. There seemed to be pairs of green eyes staring at me in the darkness.

Wolf, this is a pack of wolves!

Fortunately, before I came here, I guessed that the Yin Yang Tiger did not dare to confront me head-on, and definitely wanted me to throw away my weapon first, so I temporarily prepared a fake Sirius whip. I touched my waist. This weapon that had been with me for the longest time gave me a sense of security.

Gradually, those green eyes were getting closer and closer to me. While controlling the invisible needle to gain strength, I waved the Sirius Whip to prevent them from sneak attacks.

Oudama was shaking in her pocket as if she wanted to help, but I knew she might be my last life-saving straw, and I couldn't let her out unless absolutely necessary!

My subconscious told me that the green wolves in front of me were illusions, but I still couldn't help but feel the fear of wolves in my heart. Gradually, I forgot about everything else and just mechanically killed them one by one with weapons.

But when one pair of eyes disappeared, another pair of eyes came to replace it. In the end, I had to withdraw the invisible needle and only held the Sirius Whip for defense.

As my offensive slowed down, the pack of wolves immediately came forward to surround me. When the first wolf shouted, they rushed towards me one after another.

I was accidentally bitten on my arm by a wolf. I was horrified to find that I could feel the pain.

It seems that if you don't act serious, it will be difficult to get rid of the wolves! I instantly raised the apricot-yellow flag in front of me. After chanting the spell, the apricot-yellow flag spun around me, forming a golden protective shield wherever it went, enveloping me, and the wolves began to retreat involuntarily.

I seized the opportunity and once again controlled the invisible needle to attack the group of wolves. One after another, the ferocious wolves were stabbed to death by the invisible needle. The first wolf howled, and the group of wolves retreated like a tide.

After retracting the invisible needle, I instantly collapsed on the ground, with heavy cold sweat dripping from my forehead.

My body lay on the ground in a big letter shape and I rested for a while. I bit my middle finger and smeared the blood on my forehead and looked at the woods again. As a gust of wind blew by, the leaves swayed and made a rustling sound.

I fell to the ground in despair. This one-armed dragon must have put in a lot of effort, and I couldn't even see the flaw in this formation.

At this time, the sound of spring water suddenly came to my ears. I immediately propped up my body and walked in the direction of the sound. Where there was the sound of water, there was a way out. This might be the birthplace of the formation!

After walking for an unknown amount of time, I finally saw a small spring. The water flowed down the mountain and made a pleasant sound when it hit the smooth rocks.

After seeing the spring water, my throat began to feel dry for no reason, so I rushed over to it without thinking, lay down next to the spring water and drank heavily.

I have to say that the things on this mountain are good, and the spring water is sweet.

After drinking half a full meal, I lay down on the big stone beside me contentedly, letting the water from the spring wash away the wounds on my body.

I felt a little confused when he was pointing at me, and my eyelids kept fighting. At this moment, a milky voice suddenly came from my ears: "Daddy!"

I sat up suddenly and saw a doll about three or four years old lying on top of me, pulling my nose playfully.


I touched his head and sighed that time passed so fast. The child has grown so big in the blink of an eye.

Xiaofan threw himself into my arms with a smile and opened his mouth to bite my neck. I smiled and picked him up for a kiss, but unexpectedly his lips touched my arm.

I couldn't help but be stunned, and then looked around in panic, where was Xiaofan anywhere?

Except for the stone under my feet, everything was dark...

I don’t know if you have ever had a dream like this: In the dream, you are standing on a big stone, and the stone is split bit by bit, and there is a void space in the middle.

I am now in this situation. The stone under my feet is split into pieces the size of a bench, and a crack as thick as a thumb has appeared in the middle of the stone.

I squatted down and held on to both sides of the stone with my hands, and looked at the black hole under me with fear, fearing that I would fall in the next second.

Good things don't work, bad things work. As soon as this thought came to my mind, the stone cracked silently under my feet. I screamed and kept falling.

Just when I thought I was going to fall to my death, I suddenly woke up. When I opened my eyes, I saw the man in the T-shirt looking at me worriedly. The river breeze blowing around me instantly cleared my mind a lot.

The man in the T-shirt said that when he came, he saw me lying on the ground screaming in panic, and it looked like I had been hit by a high-end ecstasy.

I immediately grabbed his hand and said: "Xiaofan is in the hands of Longquan Villa, go and save him!"

The man in the T-shirt said while treating my wound: "Don't worry, Bai Mei has already followed the Yin Yang Tiger in the dark. If you are fine, we will leave now. I'm afraid Bai Mei alone will not be their opponent."

I nodded hurriedly and said that I had some superficial injuries. The man in the T-shirt took one look at me and realized that I was not lying, so he took me down the mountain.

It was already getting bright at this time. When we walked to the tourist area, the T-shirt guy and I had a 100% turnaround rate. Many rotten girls walked past us screaming. I could vaguely hear them yying on me and the T-shirt guy. Regarding the relationship between men, I couldn't help but feel a little speechless.

The man in the T-shirt had an iceberg face as expected. As if he hadn't heard the discussion, he walked at the front with an expressionless face while carrying his Eight-sided Han Sword.

But his appearance further satisfied the curiosity of those rotten girls. They held up their mobile phones and kept taking pictures of us, saying they wanted to post them on WeChat Moments.

Normally I would have joked a bit, but now I'm not in the mood.

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