Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 704 The Eight Great Protectors

After leaving Snake Mountain, I randomly found a clothing store to change my clothes, and then followed the man in the T-shirt and ran outside Wuhan city.

There has always been a unique means of communication between the T-shirt man and Zen Master Baimei, which saved us a lot of time.

I drove the car very fast along the way. When I passed the toll station, the man in the T-shirt patted my shoulder, pointed in the distance, and got out of the car.

I was stunned for a moment and realized something was going on, but I didn’t know what exactly happened?

As soon as he got out of the car, he quickly jumped over the security check and ran to the highway. This move immediately attracted the attention of the officers on duty, and the scene suddenly became chaotic. I followed the T-shirt man's instructions and sneaked out of the toll booth when no one was around.

I don’t know what tricks the man in the T-shirt used, but after the officers caught up with him, they only said a few words and let him back.

However, as soon as the man in the T-shirt got into the car, he stepped on the accelerator fiercely. When the car was about to hit the car in front, he rolled over from the window to the roof of the car, then jumped over several cars in a row and followed him from a distance. I join.

I was terrified when I saw his series of actions. You must know that his driving skills are very poor. A slight mistake may cause him to get involved!

The driver of the car in front also reacted very quickly. The moment the car was hit, he jumped out of the car, quickly dodged the passing car, and looked at us fiercely with a pair of red eyes.

The man in the T-shirt sneered and pressed the alarm. The cars passing the toll station all stopped thinking that something had happened.

The officers on duty immediately set up a cordon and began to divert traffic.

Although we were only a few dozen meters away from that person, the stopped cars gave us a chance to escape. The man in the T-shirt pulled me and quickly climbed up the barren mountain nearby.

The mountains nearby are not high, and they have been developed quite thoroughly. Large tracts of rocks are exposed on the surface, which saves us time on the road.

"what happened?"

Only then did I remember to ask him what happened. The man in the T-shirt said in a muffled voice: "The driver who was hit by me just now is a blood wolf among the eight guardians of Longquan Villa. His status is not much lower than that of the Yin Yang Tiger! It seems that Longquan Villa has received the signal and wants to catch us all."

"Although I caused a traffic accident, the road closure can only block him for half an hour, so we have to rent a car as soon as possible and meet Bai Mei in front of him, otherwise Bai Mei will definitely die."

After saying that, he quickly slid down the hillside, and I followed him all the way down.

Although we moved quickly, the man in the T-shirt made a mistake.

As soon as we slid to the ground and turned a corner, we found the blood wolf with a mustache standing in front of us with a sneer. Before I could react, the man in the T-shirt pulled out the eight-sided Han sword from its sheath, and the bloody The wolf obviously didn't expect the man in the T-shirt to start fighting directly, and his movements were a little panicked.

But after all, he was the protector of Longquan Villa. After a few moves, he had stabilized his mind and was inseparable from the man in the T-shirt.

I controlled the invisible needle to help the T-shirt man. The blood wolf couldn't resist, and was slashed on the arm by the T-shirt man's sword, and the white bones were exposed on the wound.

The blood wolf knelt on one knee, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, staining the ground red. He suddenly sneered and punched himself in the chest.

I looked at him dumbfounded, thinking to myself: How come this Longquan Villa looks like a Japanese samurai? If you fail to complete the task, you will commit suicide.

The man in the T-shirt pushed me aside, stabbed the blood wolf in the head with his long sword.

In my opinion, this was completely unnecessary, because the blood wolf seemed to have a grudge against himself. After punching him, his chest collapsed slightly. Even if the man in the T-shirt didn't stab him with the sword, he would definitely die.

Unexpectedly, the man in the T-shirt suddenly stopped in mid-air, with his long sword hanging about ten centimeters above the blood wolf's head.

A blood-red halo suddenly appeared around the blood wolf, spreading at the speed of the naked eye.

The man in the T-shirt turned around and yelled at me to get out of the way, and he dodged backwards as fast as he could!

As soon as we left, the blood wolf shouted and the aperture spread faster, and it was in front of us in an instant. I looked over curiously, and was shocked to find that countless dry claws suddenly stretched out from the circle of light, clawing at us viciously.

I didn't expect this turn of events, and before I could react, my hands were locked by those claws. The man in the T-shirt was even more dangerous. Most of the claws were directed at him. Even his Eight-sided Han Sword was dragged by the dense claws and could not move.

I hurriedly used my mind to control the invisible needle to force away the claws holding the Han sword one by one. The man in the T-shirt took the opportunity to draw his long sword and slashed at the aperture!

The blood wolf spat out a mouthful of blood again, but he still controlled the aperture desperately to deal with us, and the number of claws in the aperture increased instead of decreasing.

Fortunately, these claws can only drag our movements, but they cannot control our thoughts. The invisible needles will smash them to pieces in a flash.

The man in the T-shirt split the aperture with a sword, and then he looked at the crumbling blood wolf and said coldly: "You have delayed me for so long, so I will pay with your life!"

I broke out in a cold sweat after hearing this. The reason why this bloody wolf dragged us desperately was to prevent us from meeting Zen Master Bai Mei. No wonder the man in the T-shirt was more vicious than the other with his sword.

Thinking that Zen Master Baimei was in danger, I pulled out the Holy Mother's Staff and used the Beidou Sirius Technique to hit the aperture.

The blood wolf spat out a mouthful of blood, fell to the ground and twitched. I thought of Fanfan, who was several months old, and gritted my teeth and walked over to kill him.

But the man in the T-shirt grabbed me and ran away. Looking at his expression, I knew that Zen Master Baimei was in a very bad situation, and I couldn't help but feel a little bit in my heart.

After dealing with the blood wolf, we no longer had to take a detour and drove all the way. When we were approaching a nearby city, we got off the highway and drove around the surrounding villages to a remote place.


As I was driving, I was thinking about Yin Xinyue and her son, but the man in the T-shirt screamed loudly. I stepped on the brakes reflexively, and my chest hit the steering wheel due to the inertia. It hurt so much that I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

After looking around, there was nothing but bushes and fields, but the man in the T-shirt nervously got out of the car with a sword on his back.

His sense was always unmistakable, so I stared outside cautiously, not daring to miss any danger.

I saw the man in the T-shirt standing by the rear window, putting the middle finger and index finger of his right hand together on his mouth and silently reciting a sentence. The scene in front of him suddenly changed: a pond was blocking my eyes, and the front of my car was already hanging above the pond!

My heart started beating wildly when I saw this scene. Even if the brakes were slowed down by just a second, we might not be able to leave alive.

I looked at the man in the T-shirt and asked him in a low voice why he was like this? After all, I didn’t feel any Yin Qi all the way here.

The man in the T-shirt shook his head and stared at the lake without saying anything.

At this time, the car suddenly vibrated slightly, and I realized that my hands were shaking uncontrollably. I quickly took my hands away from the steering wheel, and the car slowly stabilized.

The man in the T-shirt came around to me and said calmly: "Now gently open the window and give me your hand."

I shook my head and said, "No, I can reverse the car..."

In fact, I felt quite unsure, but Zen Master Baimei was in danger, and the situation would probably be even worse without the car at this time.

The man in the t-shirt obviously knew the importance, so he didn’t try to persuade him anymore, but stood aside and was ready to rescue him at any time!

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