Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 705 Killing the Blood Wolf

I carefully put my hands on the steering wheel and backed up the car as soon as it started!

However, both wheels of the car had no power, and the front of the car tilted even more.

I was taken aback, and cold sweat dripped down from my forehead. Finally, I suddenly got upset and turned the steering wheel hard, treating the car as if it were driving on flat ground.

"It's done."

It wasn't until the voice of the man in the T-shirt came that I slumped down in the driver's seat and wiped my face with my sleeves.

After the scene just now, I became a little timid. After getting back on the road, I drove the car all over the place. Fortunately, it was a deserted place and I didn't have to worry about hitting anyone.

After driving for another ten minutes or so, I turned around and asked the man in the T-shirt how long he had left. After waiting for a while, there was no response. I asked again in confusion: "The first day of junior high school..."

As soon as the sound came out, I stepped on the brakes, then raised the invisible needle and flew out with a whoosh.

At the same time, Xue Lang, who was sitting in the passenger seat for no apparent reason, also sneered and struck with a palm!

I tried my best to hide back, but the space in the car was too small. The palm was firmly imprinted on my chest, which made me groan and a trace of blood flowed down the corner of my mouth.

As his thoughts dispersed, the invisible needle lost its aim and lightly pierced the blood wolf's neck as if it was tickling.

Xue Lang raised his hand and pulled out the invisible needle, and said ferociously: "This treasure is good, I will keep it for you."

As he said that, he put the invisible needle in the pocket of his coat. I leaned against the car door and stared at him warily.

The blood wolf that we defeated just now looked like a dead man, but he actually sat next to me alive. If it weren't for the dent in his chest and the blood stains on his face, I would have thought that the scene before me was an illusion.

He looked at me jokingly and said calmly: "They say you are a rising star in the world of evil spirits... Tsk, tsk, you look like you are just a waste."

I wiped the blood from the corner of my mouth and said nothing. I guess this was the order of Ichiro Tatsuzawa again.

I feel like the young master of Longquan Villa is a fucking sissy. Even if he wants to kill me, he won't just do it. He torments me back and forth day after day as if he were acting in a love drama!

The blood wolf patted my face, as if he wanted to say something else, and a smile of success suddenly appeared on the corner of my mouth.

He suddenly paused and covered his chest in disbelief. I yelled and controlled the invisible needle to pierce it again.

The blood wolf is seeking death. He knows that the invisible needle is controlled by his mind, but he still dares to put it in his pocket. I won't be polite!

Xuelang's face turned pale, and he said feebly: "You...take out the needle, and I will let you go!"

Without saying anything, I took out the Emei thorn and directly picked off the scalp on his forehead, and even a small amount of hair was thrown out of the window.

He screamed and looked at me tremblingly, as if he wanted to beg for mercy but was too hurt to speak.

"If anything happens to my wife and children, I will chop you alive!"

After saying that, I suddenly turned the car around, stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and drove back along the road I just took.

After driving only a few hundred meters, I saw the man in the T-shirt running towards me quickly. As soon as the car stopped, the man in the T-shirt aggressively pulled the blood wolf out and stabbed him in the chest with a long sword.

I quickly used the Holy Mother's staff to fend off the man in the T-shirt, and then quickly controlled the invisible needle to stab the blood wolf's heart into a hornet's nest.

The blood wolf vomited blood in large mouths, and there was a weird smile on the corner of his mouth when he died...

I was so angry with him that I was so angry that I kept picking at his scalp with my Emei thorn like crazy. In the blink of an eye, I turned the blood wolf's head into a gourd of blood.

The man in the T-shirt frowned, but didn't stop me.

After I vented my anger, I felt that I had gone too far, but he did deserve to die. After some discussion, we dug a hole randomly on the side of the road and buried him, and then hit the road again.

I don't know why, but I was disturbed by the weird smile on the corner of Xuelang's mouth. I unconsciously stepped on the accelerator all the way. When the man in the T-shirt said to stop, my car was almost totaled.

After parking the car, I found that there was a muddy path in front of me, and the car could not drive on it.

The man in the T-shirt and I walked for nearly half an hour, and a small temple covered with vegetation appeared in front of us.


Before we could enter, a shrill cry came from the temple. The faces of the man in the T-shirt and I suddenly changed: this was clearly the voice of Zen Master Baimei.

The man in the T-shirt's eyes instantly turned red. He rushed up and kicked open the temple door. The scene in front of me made my eyes dizzy.

The white-browed Zen Master, who was covered in blood, was pinned to the ground by Yin-Yang Tiger, while another middle-aged man with sinister eyebrows and rat eyes was beating him with a whip.

I could tell at a glance that this whip was blessed with magical power. Every time it was whipped, Zen Master Baimei's body would twitch.

Zen Master Baimei's face was facing us. He was speechless, but he still tried his best to shake his head at us and told us not to worry.

With red eyes, I desperately held up the staff of the Holy Mother and rushed over. The Yin Yang Tiger pushed Bai Mei Zen Master to the side and asked calmly: "Do you want your son's life?"

I hesitated for a moment. But when I saw Zen Master Baimei lying on the side, my heart skipped a beat and I rushed over even more crazily.

He looked at me in disbelief and didn't react for a moment. He was pricked by my invisible needle, and then the Holy Mother's staff hit him on the chest.

Yin Yanghu covered his stomach and said in disbelief: "Are you crazy? Don't forget..."

"Fuck you, the worst I can do is let everyone in Longmen Villa be buried with him!"

I interrupted Yin Yanghu's words and roared crazily.

At this moment, my arm was suddenly pulled. I turned around and saw Zen Master Baimei smiling kindly at me: "My little friend, be careful not to act out of emotion."

My eyes turned red and I regained some of my wits, but I still looked at Yin Yang Tiger angrily.

The man in the T-shirt pulled out the Eight-sided Han Sword, pointed at the Yin Yang Tiger and said coldly: "You guys at Longquan Villa are really good at it!"

Yin Yang Hu's face changed slightly, and then he said reluctantly: "On the first day of the year, we don't offend the river. I will return this old immortal to you, but Zhang Jiulin has to be handed over to us."

"Don't even think about it!" The man in the T-shirt took a step across and stood in front of me, saying with a frosty face.

Yin Yanghu looked at his watch and said, "You discuss it among yourselves. There are still two hours left. If I don't take Zhang Jiulin back, they will cut off one of the child's hands."

"Then let's die together!" I was so angry that I wanted to sacrifice the invisible needle.

But the man in the T-shirt patted my shoulder gently, and his hand pretended to be casual and passed across my clothes. The next moment, there was something heavy in my pocket.

I knew that the man in the T-shirt was going to use his trick, so I felt confident and stepped forward to let the Yin Yang Tiger take me away.

Yin Yang Tiger looked at the man in the T-shirt with some fear and said, "If you are not afraid of something happening to that kid, just follow him."

The man in the T-shirt snorted coldly: "Get out of here!"

The Yin-Yang Tiger nodded with satisfaction and asked the middle-aged man with a sly eyebrow to put a talisman on my body and pull me away from the back door of the temple.

This talisman can not only control my movements, but also my thoughts. I even tried to control the invisible needle with my mind, but it didn't respond.

Apart from being able to move my hands a little, I am a complete useless person now.

The Yin Yang Tiger couldn't help but feel proud when he saw me moving vigorously: "I advise you to be more honest. If I'm in a bad mood, I'll cut off your wife's ears for dinner."

I immediately became honest and was dragged away by the middle-aged man like a puppet.

On the way, I heard that Yin Yanghu called the middle-aged man with sinister eyebrows and ratty eyes Leng Ying. It seemed that this electric eagle was one of the protectors of Longquan Villa.

Yin Yang Tiger chose relatively secluded paths, and Leng Ying deliberately took me to bumpy places. After only half an hour of walking, my feet were worn out, and some blood even seeped out of my shoes.

I gritted my teeth and said nothing, but I wrote down these hatreds one by one in my heart!

After walking for about two hours, a very small village appeared in front of us.

There is a locust tree at the entrance of this small village that is big enough for two people to hug each other. There are about ten people standing under the tree. They all look like ordinary farmers, but the glint in their eyes betrays their identities.

It seems that this small village is a stronghold of Longquan Villa, and Yin Xinyue and her son may be imprisoned here.

The two people standing at the front came up to Yin Yang Tiger as soon as they saw it, and Leng Ying greeted them with a smile.

After entering the village, Yin Yang Tiger threw me into a thatched hut and left with those people.

I fell to the ground in a twisted posture and couldn't move. I cursed all the eighteen generations of Yin Yang Tiger's ancestors in my heart.

It wasn't until I was tired of scolding that I had the patience to think about the current situation, then closed my eyes and started to rest!

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