Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 706 Summoning, Dual General Mode

When I woke up, the thatched house had become pitch black. It took me a while to adapt before I could clearly see my surroundings. Yin Yanghu was standing in front of me, and behind him stood Leng Ying and the two people who greeted them when they entered the village.

Seeing that I woke up, Yin Yanghu smiled and said, "Do you want to save your wife and children? Now I'll give you a chance."

He pointed at the three people behind him and said: "These three are the protectors of Longquan Villa. As long as you defeat them, I will take you to see your son."

After saying that, he reached out and took off the talisman on my body. I rubbed my stiff limbs and said sarcastically: "Three against one, you guys at Longquan Villa are really shameless."

Yin Yanghu's expression changed, he raised his leg and kicked me, and said in a cold voice: "You'd better be wiser!"

I opened my mouth but no sound came out. I asked them somewhat resignedly how to fight?

Yin Yanghu's face improved a little, he looked at the time and said, "You can fight however you want. From now until early morning, if there is no winner, you will lose."

Although this plan was very unfair to me when I heard it, I also knew that I had no room to refute, so I had no choice but to stand up and stretch my muscles while looking at the other person warily.

Unexpectedly, they just glanced at me, and then followed Yin Yanghu out of the room.

I stayed there confused and didn't understand what was going on.

But when I think that what Yin Yang Tiger just said is from now on, I feel uneasy. Could it be that they have already made some moves?

Thinking of this, I rushed out of the thatched house, and as soon as I stepped out, there was a dark wind blowing in my face.

I leaned back in a hurry, turned my hand to take the Emei Thorn and the Holy Mother's Staff, and suddenly moved forward to disperse the evil wind.

After the cold wind dissipated, I looked around cautiously and saw that the village was completely silent, and Leng Ying and the others were nowhere to be found.

As I walked out, I looked around carefully. When I passed the first house, a bright light suddenly came from inside.

I closed my eyes reflexively, and when I realized something was wrong, I opened my eyes and saw that Leng Ying's machete was already in front of me!

There was a thump in my heart, and I knelt on the ground with a thud and rolled forward hard. At the same time, I pulled Leng Ying's lower body and threw it down.

Leng Ying reacted very quickly and took the knife back without missing a hit. Seeing this, I could only let go of his legs and quickly rolled to the side.

Before I could get up, a sound of breaking wind came from another direction. When I looked up, I saw another guardian slashing at me with a pair of axes.

I turned to the left and did a quick carp kick. Just as I stood up, I did another carp kick. Only then did I avoid the iron claw attack of the third person!

But after completing this set of movements, I was already exhausted and out of breath, and had no energy to take the initiative to attack.

They seemed to see my weakness and attacked again before I could take a breath.

"It's up to you, man!"

It would be over if I dragged it on any longer. I touched the Eternal Spirit Ring on my hand, bit the tip of my tongue and used all my strength to drive out the Emei Thorn, the Madonna Staff and the Invisible Needle.

The three of them were forced to take a few steps back by my desperate attack. Before they could react, I directly dripped blood on the Eternal Spirit Ring, preparing to summon the little Nazgul.

"Congratulations, master, for successfully opening the third level mode of the Eternal Spirit Ring: Double General Attack!"

Before I could speak, the cute voice of the little Nazgul came over.

It seemed that my cultivation had improved again, and I was upgraded by accident. I didn't think too much and asked the Nazgul directly what a double general is?

"One: Randomly select two Yin spirits whose masters have been converted."

"Two: The master designates a Yin spirit, and the system will summon another servant based on the Yin spirit's life."

The little Nazgul quickly explained. After listening to it, I weighed it up and found that the second option was more reliable. If they were randomly selected, one Yang Guifei and the other Liu Rushi would be no match for Longquan Villa.

The second one is more reliable. If I choose Guan Yu, the most likely ones will be Zhang Fei and Liu Bei in the Taoyuan Three Brothers.

If it was Zhang Fei who appeared, then the combination of the two brothers would definitely kill the opponent in an instant. Even if a rookie like Liu Bei was summoned, Guan Erye alone would be enough to deal with these little guardians. Thinking of this, I said directly: "I choose The second option is to summon Guan Yu!"

As soon as he finished speaking, two rays of light, one black and one green, appeared in front of his eyes, and two figures slowly appeared in the light.

I looked up and was overjoyed: I didn't expect that the person who followed Guan Yu this time would be a muscular man with a beard. This man was wearing heavy armor. Although he looked so fierce that people didn't dare to approach him, he served him respectfully. Next to Mr. Guan, he was carrying the 62-pound Qinglong Yanyue Sword for Mr. Guan.

This is...Zhou Cang!

In an instant, I understood the identity of this big man. Zhou Cang in history was a Kansai man with a cheerful personality. He once participated in the Yellow Turban Uprising and served as a general of the Yellow Turban Army. When Guan Yu was riding alone for thousands of miles with his sister-in-law, he met Zhou Cang by chance. Once they met, Zhou Cang was impressed by Guan Yu's unparalleled loyalty and vowed to ride for Guan Yu for the rest of his life and protect the martial saint in his heart.

Zhou Cang did indeed do this. When Guan Yu died in the Battle of Jingzhou, Zhou Cang drew his sword and killed himself without any regret, staining his hometown with blood.

In order to commemorate Zhou Cang, there will be a statue of Zhou Cang serving Guan Yu in the Guandi Temple in later generations. He will continue to carry the sword for Guan Yu for a hundred or a thousand years, so it is reasonable for Guan Yu to bring Zhou Cang out. .

Guan Yu and Zhou Cang didn't pause at all after landing. They rushed over with weapons in hand and instantly selected their opponents to fight. Only Leng Ying and I were left facing each other.

I sneered and said, "You will definitely lose!"

I clearly understand Guan Erye's instant killing method, not to mention that Zhou Cang is here, these protectors of Longquan Villa are nothing in front of them.

Unexpectedly, Leng Ying was not afraid. He snorted and said, "We have been prepared for your methods. There is nothing to fear."

I didn't say anything anymore, I just hit him with the Madonna's staff.

Even though he was the only one left, I didn't dare to take it lightly. After all, the blood wolves at the same level as him were all solved with the joint efforts of me and the man in the t-shirt.

Leng Ying retreated while wielding the machete. I controlled the invisible needle to follow him, but I was thinking about his purpose.

Although the young master of Longquan Villa wants to stage a fair fight to defeat me, the villagers in this village are theirs and will definitely come out to help at critical moments, so I pay special attention, fearing that I will be beaten by them. caught off guard.

While I was thinking about it, Leng Ying's machete whirled toward me. I ducked my head and threw the Emei Thorn at him.

He turned his head slightly to avoid the Emei thorn, grabbed the machete that spun back and asked coldly: "Did you kill the blood wolf?"

I sneered and said, "I pierced his heart with my own hands, hahaha."

Leng Ying first showed a hint of anger, and then looked at me suspiciously, probably trying to judge the authenticity of my words.

I didn't wait for him to react and killed him directly with the staff of the Holy Mother. We can't let the news of Xuelang's death spread out now, otherwise the people watching the battle in the dark will have a reason to attack, and then I won't be able to escape even if I have great abilities.

Leng Ying took a step to the left and ducked into the thatched hut on the side. He said with a sinister smile: "Since you like Yin spirits, I will also invite a few Yin spirits to play with you."

As he spoke, he shouted loudly, and the thatched house suddenly exploded. When I hurriedly took a few steps back and looked up again, Leng Ying had disappeared, and only three illusory figures were standing where the thatched house had just been.

I cursed secretly and quickly took out the apricot-yellow flag to protect myself. The people in Longquan Villa were more ruthless in playing with vaginas. These three figures looked murderous.

The three figures looked up at me in unison, then made a gesture to draw their swords, and the next moment they attacked me uniformly.

While blocking the attack with the apricot flag, I controlled the invisible needle to find their weaknesses!

But these three Yin spirits were in perfect harmony. When I attacked one of them, the other two immediately rushed toward the Xinghuang flag desperately. I had just obtained the apricot flag and was not proficient in the control spell at all, so I had to withdraw my offensive.

As soon as I saw that I had restrained myself, three Yin spirits surrounded me, muttering something in their mouths.

I was stunned for a moment before I realized: No, this seems to be a ghost curse!

As the name suggests, ghost curses are spells uttered by ghosts.

Ghosts generally rely on spiritual attacks to attack humans, and in most cases they scare people to death.

But the ghost curse is different. The ghost curse can instantly inspire the evil spirits themselves and then restrain humans.

It's just that the ghost curse is difficult to control, and the wrong caster will be sworn by the ghost spirit, so it is considered a forbidden spell in the circle.

No wonder Leng Ying did this even though he knew I was best at dealing with Yin spirits. He obviously wanted to give me a fatal blow after I let my guard down!

Being reasonable, I quickly made my decision and at the same time directed the apricot-yellow flag to keep spinning in circles.

At the same time, three jets of black energy spit out from Yin Ling's mouth, heading towards my life gate.

The black energy collided with the Xinghuang flag, but did not disappear immediately but became entangled in the Xinghuang flag.

Although I was not harmed, I clearly felt the high defensive ability of Xinghuang Banner. It was so powerful in my hands. If it were in the hands of a great god, wouldn't it be able to destroy the world?

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