Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 707: Flying Needle Destroys Three Souls

While their attention was all on Xinghuang Qi, I quickly took out what the man in the t-shirt had stuffed into his pocket. Not surprisingly, it was the golden high-level talisman he drew.

I gritted my teeth and directly took out the magic talisman. After the three Yin spirits were attacked, they chanted the spell for a while, and then a muffled groan came from not far away.

Taking advantage of this brief moment, I snorted coldly, rushed forward with the Holy Mother's Staff in conjunction with the Beidou Sirius Technique, and eliminated one of the Yin Spirits with the help of the staff.

The other two Yin spirits rushed towards me fiercely, but their attack power was obviously much lower.

I controlled the invisible needle to stab them. Unexpectedly, they suddenly stopped midway, turned around and floated towards the big locust tree at the entrance of the village.

At this time, there was a faint sound of crying under the tree. I rushed over and saw Yin Xinyue squatting there crying.

"new moon?"

I stood there and shouted, and she raised her head and looked at me, her eyes already swollen from crying.

This was the first time I saw Yin Xinyue after she was kidnapped. I was relieved to see that there were no obvious wounds on her body.

She was sobbing and didn't reply, so I quickly went up and hugged her. I don’t know how long she had been squatting here. Her body was as cold as iron. I couldn’t help but feel sad for a while. Then I held her in my arms and said guiltily: "My wife is fine, we are fine..."

She grabbed my clothes tightly with both hands, choked and speechless. I picked her up sideways, then quickly chanted a spell to turn the Xinghuang Flag to the extreme, preparing to take her out first.

But as soon as I took two steps, I suddenly felt something was wrong. Looking at Yin Xinyue who buried her head in my chest and sobbed softly, I frowned and asked softly: "Can we go home now?"

She hummed softly without raising her head, and I immediately threw her to the ground!

Unexpectedly, it was a step too late. She reacted very quickly and stabbed my chest with a dagger. I took a step back but was still cut open by her.

Although the scar was very shallow, it quickly turned black and spread around. It seemed that the dagger was poisonous. I quickly rubbed a handful of salt on the wound, and the spread of poison slowed down.

Fake Yin Xinyue was surprised and asked me how I found out?

I smiled disdainfully.

If she was really Yin Xinyue, how could she be indifferent to Xiaofan? Go home without even asking.

You know, since I had Xiaofan, my status in Yin Xinyue's heart has been much lower, and all I can think about is my son.

After hearing this, Fake Xinyue laughed a few times and turned into his original appearance, which was exactly one of the three Yin spirits from before.

And standing behind it was Leng Ying!

I am sure that Leng Ying was not here just now, which means that he only appeared at the moment when the Yin spirit showed its true form...

I'm afraid even the man in the T-shirt couldn't do such a weird thing. Only then did I realize that I had underestimated Leng Ying's strength, and a chill rose from the bottom of my heart.

Leng Ying stared at me with his sinister white teeth bared, much like the weird smile the blood wolf showed when he died.

I was stunned for a moment, and then an incredible idea appeared in my mind, and I asked tremblingly: " actually put the soul of the blood wolf in your body?"

The blood wolf had just died, and his soul was still alive. At this time, it was being used by people with ulterior motives, and he might not be able to be reincarnated in the future.

But only by using the living soul can Leng Ying's skills be greatly improved in a short period of time, not to mention that I am the murderer of the blood wolf...

The blood wolf's soul can definitely feel my presence!

Thinking of this, a drop of cold sweat fell down my forehead. Leng Ying saw that I was scared and smiled sinisterly.

I didn't care about the Yin Yang Tiger that would appear at any time, and threw out the Sirius Whip directly in front of Leng Ying's face. The Sirius Whip has a great suppressive effect on the living soul. Leng Ying jumped up and turned his body back. Circle, I raised my hands and trapped me in the middle with three other Yin spirits!

These three Yin spirits do not take the initiative to attack, but as soon as I am about to hurt Leng Ying, they will pounce on me with all their strength.

Leng Ying used the blood wolf's soul-generating skills to greatly increase, and the three Yin spirits became much more ferocious. For a while, I could only be suppressed and beaten by them.

This was not the way to go. I would be exhausted sooner or later. When Leng Ying attacked again, I gave up my defense and was cut by him.

At the same time, the three Yin spirits controlled by Leng Ying were also annihilated.

Leng Ying was stunned for a moment, then roared: "What the hell did you do?"

"Have you forgotten my invisible needle?" I covered my sore waist and said with a sneer.

His expression changed and he said: "It's impossible, even the invisible needle can't control three Yin spirits at the same time..."

At this point, he suddenly stopped and looked at me in disbelief.

Seeing him like this, I felt inexplicably happy and burst into laughter. At my current level, it is impossible to deal with three Yin spirits at the same time when being attacked by Leng Ying, but I can transfer my own damage to them!

The moment he rushed over, I quickly cast a transfer spell on myself and Yin Ling.

This spell was invented when Senior Rat and I were bored. At that time, I looked at the Rat and suddenly thought, if I could transfer my destiny to the other party in a short time during the battle, wouldn't it be cheating? Same.

Senior Mouse was also very interested and studied for a long time before coming up with such a transfer spell that could take effect in a short time.

This spell simply transfers the damage suffered by oneself to other spirits, but it will not affect one's own destiny.

Because of this, when Leng Ying attacked me just now, a large part of the damage was transferred to the three Yin spirits. Yin Ling and Leng Ying advance and retreat together. If Leng Ying cuts them, they will naturally not resist, so they will be instantly wiped out.


Leng Ying shouted in disbelief: "Zhang Jiulin, isn't it written in the information that you have an honest character? When did you become so despicable!"

"It's enough to deal with you!"

After saying that, I picked up the Sirius Whip and swung it at him. Leng Ying was in shock and didn't react, so he was hit hard by the Sirius Whip.

From the fact that he uses the living soul of the blood wolf to enhance his combat effectiveness, it is not difficult to see that he is keen on studying these weird things.

That's why I fell into deep thought when I saw the transfer spell I just used. This little time was a rare opportunity for me. I seized the opportunity and quickly swung the Sirius whip at him.


As I recited the spell, the magic power of the Sirius Whip continued to increase, and a scream that did not belong to Leng Ying came from him. This scream brought Leng Ying back from his thoughts. He said with red eyes: "It's just a small trick. I'll see how long you can be proud of it."

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly swung the machete towards me. I lay back and hid. Just as I was about to stand up, a shadow rushed towards me.

I rolled around a few times before standing up again.

When I looked up, I saw Leng Ying looking at me with a sinister smile, and the blood-red ghost floating next to him was obviously the blood wolf I had killed before.

The weird smile that he had before his death was still hanging on the corner of the blood wolf's mouth. After meeting my eyes, he rushed towards me again.

Leng Ying sat cross-legged on the ground and quickly made complicated seals with his hands.

At the same time, Xue Lang's illusory hands also began to make decisions, exactly the same as Leng Ying's movements.

As their movements of making decisions became faster and faster, a circle of light appeared on both of their hands. As time went by, the circle of light became brighter and brighter.

Although I don’t know what they want to do, I know that they must not succeed.

I controlled the invisible needle with my heart to stab Leng Ying, and at the same time, I raised the Sirius Whip and threw it at the Blood Wolf!

Leng Ying quickly turned to the left and avoided the invisible needle. Xue Lang followed suit and made the same move, but was still whipped by Sirius. He moved his hand and the aperture in his hand dimmed.

I was so happy that I took back the invisible needle and whipped the blood wolf twice with all my strength.

The aperture in its hand exploded with a bang, and then the blood wolf's soul became dull-eyed and confused.

While he was stunned, I directed the invisible needle to pierce his forehead.

With a snapping sound, the blood wolf's forehead cracked, and then his whole body cracked bit by bit like broken glass.

After finishing dealing with the blood wolf, I turned around to look at Leng Ying, only to see him staring at me sinisterly, the aperture on his hand already taking shape.

He suddenly stretched his hand forward, and the circle of light hit me very quickly.

At the same time, a violent explosion sounded around me. Before I could react, the light circle fell on me and then disappeared.

At this moment, Leng Ying opened his lips and spoke softly: Explode!

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