Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 708 Guan Yu’s defeat

As soon as he finished speaking, I felt severe pain in my abdomen. When I lowered my head, I found a hole in my stomach, and a lot of blood flowed from the wound.


I looked at the wound in disbelief, hurriedly took some ointment from my pocket and applied it to the wound, put away the Sirius Whip that had lost its power, and then held the Emei Thorn and the Holy Mother's Staff in my hand.

At this time, the surrounding scenery suddenly changed. When I looked up, I could only see a dark sky.

All the thatched houses and locust trees nearby disappeared, replaced by iron cages that looked like cells.

The pain in my lower abdomen suddenly disappeared. I looked down again and was surprised to find that the wound in my lower abdomen was gone...

It seems that the main function of the aperture is to make me hallucinate. After walking a few steps, I stopped in front of an iron cage. Looking at Yin Xinyue inside, I felt a little funny.

Even the object used to confuse me is the same. Leng Ying's brain is probably not very good.

However, this time Yin Xinyue was obviously more pretentious than the last time. When she saw me, she rushed over and said with tears in her eyes: "Husband, help me and Xiaofan out quickly."

"Stop pretending. Use the same strategy twice? Only fools will fall for it!"

After hearing this, Yin Xinyue looked at me blankly, and then said excitedly: "Zhang Jiulin, please rescue us quickly. You can see clearly that I am Yin Xinyue!"

"Are you really a new moon?" Seeing her excitement, I asked a little uncertainly.

She kicked the iron cage and cried, "Are you stupid? You can't even recognize me..."

I saw an idea come to her, sighed and said, "Oh! After you were arrested, Xiaoduo cried for his brother every day."

Yin Xinyue was stunned and asked me who Xiaoduo was?

"Xiaofan's sister, honey, don't you even remember your own daughter?" I said.

After hearing this, Yin Xinyue stretched out her hand outside the iron cage and grabbed me: "Zhang Jiulin, you really have a fever. Where did Xiaofan get his sister?"

I deliberately deceived her. Seeing that she didn't act like she was just pretending, I felt relieved and said, "Just wait, I'll rescue you right now."

The iron cage had no door, so I had to move the cage away if I wanted to rescue Yin Xinyue. However, the iron cage was very heavy and I couldn't move it even with all my strength.

I sat on the ground a little frustrated, raised my head and said to Yin Xinyue, "Honey, I'm here to stay with you."

She nodded with tears in her eyes and stretched out her hand to hold it with mine. I stretched my hand over, and as soon as I touched her fingertips, I saw her ducking back.

"Honey, do you blame me?" I asked absently.

Xinyue shook her head and said: "No. But...husband, this cage seems to be moving..."

As soon as she finished speaking, I noticed that the cage was moving little by little. I watched in horror as Yin Xinyue got further and further away, and I chased after her desperately.

But the distance between us is still growing!


At this time, Leng Ying's sinister laughter rang out, and I yelled, "Come out if you have the guts, what are you doing?"

It's a pity that Leng Ying was not lured out by my provocation. He said quietly in the darkness: "Do you want to meet your son?"

I clenched my fists and said, "I don't want to!"

Lu Er clicked his tongue and said, "I wonder how your wife feels when she hears this."

For some reason, a bad premonition suddenly came to my mind. I turned around suddenly and saw Yin Xinyue, who had just gone away, standing there again, looking at me resentfully.

"Xinyue, listen to me." I was about to rush up to explain, but Yin Xinyue slowly walked away again.

"Oh shit."

I took a deep breath, reminding myself that everything here was an illusion, and then controlled the invisible needle to move between rows of iron cages.

After a while, the invisible needle stopped outside an iron cage. As soon as I saw that the cage had a door, I knew that this was probably the exit of the formation.

I cautiously stepped into this cage, and the next moment the surrounding scenery suddenly left me. The familiar small village appeared in front of me again, and Leng Ying was standing less than ten meters away from me.

I silently recited the Beidou Tianlang Jue, then threw out the Holy Mother's Staff and attacked his head in a sneak attack!

Leng Ying didn't expect that I would come out so soon. He was surprised and avoided the vital point, but his shoulder was still hit hard.

I reluctantly grabbed the Holy Mother's Staff and smashed it again, but at this moment, the Eternal Spirit Ring suddenly moved.

"Master, Guan Yu is defeated! Do you want to take Guan Yu back?"


The message from the Yongling Ring turned out to be that Guan Yu had been defeated. How could this be possible?

I made a feint, took back the staff of the Holy Mother, turned around and ran towards the village. Halfway through the Eternal Spirit Ring, news came again that Guan Yu's Yin Spirit had been seriously injured and was forced to evacuate.

I felt as if my body had been hollowed out, and I sat down on the ground. Leng Ying made me look disgraced. Now that another protector is free, how can I still be my opponent?

As soon as he turned around, he saw Yin Yang Tiger guarding the entrance to the village. He said quietly: "The winner must be determined before tomorrow. This is the young master's instructions. If you run away at this time..."

He raised his hands as he spoke, and two people came over escorting Yin Xinyue.

I glanced at Yin Xinyue and found that she had no other problems except that she was a little haggard, and I was slightly relieved. As soon as Yin Xinyue saw me, she shouted excitedly: "Jilin, save Xiaofan!"

"Shut up!"

Yin Yanghu turned sideways and slapped Yin Xinyue, half of her face instantly swelled up, and my eyes were about to burst when I saw it.

However, Yin Xinyue continued to scream at me as if she felt no pain, and Yin Yanghu slapped me again with his backhand.

"Yin Yang Tiger, I will kill you!"

I cursed loudly and rushed forward with the Sirius Whip in hand. At this time, two more figures stopped in front of me, they were Leng Ying and another protector of Longquan Villa.

This person pushed me back a few steps, and then said with a sneer: "If I try to escape again, I promise to cut this mother and son into pieces."

Yin Xinyue roared until her voice became hoarse, but I couldn't say anything. I could only secretly swear that I would rescue their mother and son!

Yin Yanghu clapped his hands proudly, and after leaving a threatening word, he took Yin Xinyue away, leaving me to confront the two of them.

I didn't know what other tricks they had, so I quickly took out the apricot-yellow flag to protect myself, and looked at the two of them cautiously.

Leng Ying and the other person looked at each other, then the two people formed a formation to surround me, and said fiercely: "Go down and accompany the Blood Wolf!"

With that said, they rushed over directly, their weapons in their hands waving at my legs without any clues.

I sneered, thinking that the death of the blood wolf really irritated them. I quickly held up the staff of the Holy Mother to block Leng Ying's machete, and at the same time stabbed the other protector with an invisible needle.

"Cheetah, get out of the way!"

Leng Ying suddenly retracted the machete, raised his foot and kicked the protector aside. The invisible needle circled in the air and returned to my side.

The man called Cheetah angrily raised his hammer and hit me. Leng Ying took the opportunity to attack. I quickly used the Sirius Whip to open him up, and then hid behind the apricot yellow flag, not daring to confront him head-on.

But Leng Ying didn't give me a chance to breathe at all. A machete struck the Virgin's staff, and I was forced to get entangled with him.

Another person was wandering around me, attacking me from time to time, and I had to recite spells to maintain the magic power of the apricot yellow flag, which was very difficult to deal with.

Leng Ying took advantage of me while I was reciting the spell, raised his machete and slashed my head off. I ducked to the side, but he followed closely and pressed on me.

"Cheetah, do it!"

Leng Ying suddenly shouted, Cheetah nodded, and hit my chest with the hammer at the risk of serious injury.

I was entangled by Leng Ying and couldn't get away. I barely turned my body, but I was still hit hard by the hammer.

I half-knelt on the ground and spit out a mouthful of blood. The cheetah was obviously not feeling well either. He was hit by the golden light of the apricot flag and lay on the ground for a long time without getting up.

Before I could take a breath, there was another sound of breaking wind above my head. I looked up and saw Leng Ying's ferocious face. This face turned out to be exactly the same as the blood wolf that died before.

I struggled to raise the Madonna's staff to block the machete. Leng Ying roared and pressed the machete down hard. I bent the Madonna's staff with both hands and tilted it to the side, and the machete cut along my neck.

My pupils kept shrinking, and all I could think of was Leng Ying's ferocious appearance.

At this moment, with a rapid collision of weapons, Leng Ying's machete moved away from my head.

I breathed a sigh of relief and looked up to find the man in the T-shirt holding a long sword and fending off the machete.

I wiped the sweat from my forehead and said with lingering fear: "If you don't come, I will end up here today..."

The man in the T-shirt didn't say anything, and kicked Leng Ying aside with a flying kick.

As soon as I stood up holding the hand of the man in the T-shirt, I saw Yin Yanghu standing next to Leng Ying with a cold face. He looked at the man in the T-shirt and asked unwillingly: "How did you find me here?"

The man in the T-shirt naturally ignored him. In fact, I was not expecting the man in the T-shirt to find him here.

Yin Yanghu was bored, turned to look at me and said with a sullen face: "Zhang Jiulin, it seems you don't want a wife and children."

The man in the T-shirt moved his sword forward and said coldly: "Try it!"

Yin Yanghu didn't say anything anymore, and raised his hand to throw something over. I raised my hand to catch it and found that it was Yin Xinyue's ring.

"In three days, this is still the same place. If you have the ability, take your wife and children away."

I was about to follow him in a hurry, but unexpectedly, the man in the T-shirt struck my neck with his palm, and I fainted instantly.

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