Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 710 The war is coming

After confirming the matter, we began to rest. Li Mazi took Ruxue to the second floor, and I simply accompanied Zen Master Baimei to meditate on the sofa.

The man in the T-shirt said hello and went out, saying he had something to prepare.

I sat uncomfortably on the sofa. Zen Master Baimei smiled and said, "Why don't you, little friend, chant sutras with the poor monk?"

This is a good idea. After reading a few Buddhist scriptures, I felt a lot more peaceful. I was just curious as to why the man in the T-shirt hadn't come back yet.

Zen Master Baimei frowned and said: "On the first day of the year, if you have a sense of propriety, you should..."

At this time, a bang on the door interrupted Master Baimei's words, and the man in a T-shirt walked into the store in embarrassment carrying the Eight-sided Han Sword.

I waved my hand and held Emei Ci in my hand, looking cautiously at the night outside.

The man in the T-shirt gasped and asked me to call Li Mazi and the others downstairs.

As soon as I stepped onto the stairs, Li Mazi was already standing at the top of the stairs with a sleepy Ruxue in his arms. Li Mazi ran down and asked in confusion: "What's going on? There's an earthquake?"

I looked at him speechlessly. How hard could the man in the T-shirt kick the door? He could actually feel it was an earthquake.

Unexpectedly, the man in the T-shirt changed his expression and shouted: "Ruxue, come down quickly."

Ruxue had not yet woken up from her sleep. She said "Oh" and walked slowly downstairs. At this moment, an arm stretched out from the darkness and grabbed Ruxue. Ruxue woke up with a scream and asked in a crying tone: "You...who are you?"

Li Mazi cursed and rushed up. I grabbed him and told him to look carefully.

The person behind Ruxue is holding a knife against her waist. If we move Ruxue, something will happen!

The man in the T-shirt frowned coldly: "Why, the people at Longquan Villa can't wait? They can't even afford a three-day appointment."

The person who came was wearing gray clothes and had a sinister look on his face which was annoying to look at. However, he was obviously not the guardians from the Yin Yang Tiger Belt. It seemed that Longquan Villa wanted to use wheel fighting to consume our strength.

He held Ruxue hostage and went downstairs, and said gloomily: "Let one of you come over and replace this bitch!"

Li Mazi immediately shook off my hand and went to exchange for Ruxue, but the man in the T-shirt knocked him down with a knife. I quickly dragged Li Mazi back, and retreated to the door with Zen Master Baimei.

"I'll replace her."

The man in the T-shirt put the Eight-faced Han Sword behind him and said coldly.

The man in gray clothes stared at the man in the T-shirt with some scruples, but made no move.

Ruxue's little face turned pale with fright, and Li Mazi shouted excitedly: "Don't any of you stop me."

I slapped him on the shoulder and said coldly: "Do you believe the people in Longquan Villa?"

Li Mazi said with red eyes: "But... Ruxue, Ruxue..."

Ruxue stared at Li Mazi with her eyes and said emotionally: "Mazi, you listen to your brother-in-law, you can't believe what these scum say."


The man in gray clothes slapped Ruxue on the face with his backhand, and Li Mazi stared at him as if his eyes were bloodshot.

I sighed and said, "There are many masters in Longquan Villa, but why don't you have the courage to fight with real swords and guns? It will only bring harm to your family. If word spreads, aren't you afraid of ridicule in the circle?"

The man in gray chuckled and said, "We at Longquan Villa only look at the results, not the process."

The man in the T-shirt held the Eight-sided Han Sword across his chest, looking ready to go.

Zen Master Baimei took Li Mazi and I and continued to retreat. The man in the T-shirt said in a deep voice, "Don't retreat anymore. There are people from Longquan Villa outside too!"

I looked outside the antique shop in horror and saw a group of strangers walking on the street in the dark, but their eyes were staring in our direction intentionally or unintentionally.

It seems that we have been surrounded by Longquan Villa!

The man in the T-shirt put one hand behind his back and gestured to us, and I immediately said with understanding: "Ruxue, you go with them, just in time to keep the new moon company."

Ruxue looked at me in disbelief and said with tears in her eyes: "They will kill me..."


I waved my hand and said, "Their purpose is not on you."

Li Mazi grabbed me by the collar and yelled: "Zhang Jiulin, I treat you as my brother. Now that my wife has been kidnapped, you do this to her?"

Zen Master Baimei took hold of Li Mazi and said softly: "Don't worry, little friend. Donor Zhang is not someone who abandons his friends."

Li Mazi suppressed his temper and could only say bitterly: "Daughter-in-law, don't worry, if they touch you, I will kill everyone in Longquan Villa and bury you with you as long as I don't die."

Ruxue's pretty face turned pale: "You don't even care about me?"

The man in gray waved his hand impatiently and said, "I don't have time to watch you act. If you know what's going on, I'll replace her with someone as soon as possible."

Just then the man in the T-shirt moved, and the Eight-sided Han Sword drew a burst of electric sparks on the ground and stabbed straight towards the man in gray.

The man in gray clothes sent Ruxue under the Eight-faced Han Sword. The man in the T-shirt quickly retracted the sword, and with his other hand, he linked his sword fingers and stabbed hard at the hand of the man in gray clothes that was holding Ruxue.

The man in gray clothes felt pain and let go of Ruxue. The man in T-shirt pulled Ruxue and retreated to our side.

The man in the T-shirt just gave me a gesture, asking me to say something casually to attract the attention of the man in gray so that he could attack. I couldn't think of a good topic for a while, so I could only ramble on.

The man in the T-shirt put Ruxue on the ground and stabbed the man in gray.

Li Mazi immediately took Ruxue and asked nervously if everything was okay.

Ruxue punched Li Mazi hard twice and said, "Why didn't you save me just now..."

The man in gray clothes was stabbed twice by the man in the T-shirt. He whistled angrily, and the disguised passers-by outside showed their true colors and surrounded my shop.

Seeing his accomplices arriving, the man in gray immediately felt relieved and threatened: "You'd better let me go, otherwise these people alone will destroy this antique shop!"

The man in the T-shirt waved his hand to us, and we immediately let the door out.

However, when they were more than halfway gone, the man in gray suddenly turned back and rushed towards the man in the T-shirt quickly.

The man in the T-shirt reached out and was about to draw his sword, but before he could prepare for defense, the man in gray slapped his chest. The man in the T-shirt took a step back suddenly and spat out a mouthful of black blood.

The man in gray clothes said proudly: "You have been poisoned by my Miaojiang cold poison. You'd better not use magic within a week, otherwise..."

As he spoke, he laughed loudly and left with a group of people satisfied. I hurriedly helped the man in the T-shirt and asked worriedly what was going on. After all, I didn't expect them to use poison before.

The man in the T-shirt stretched out his hand to wipe away the black blood, and lowered his voice and said, "I noticed that he knew how to use poison, so I deliberately sprayed a mouthful of blood to paralyze them."

I just breathed a sigh of relief when he suddenly went soft on me.

I looked at Zen Master Baimei in panic. Master Baimei shook his head and pointed outside with a vague look.

It seemed that the people in Longquan Villa had not finished leaving yet, so I snorted and helped the man in the T-shirt into the room.

When he came out, Li Mazi had already taken Ruxue to rest, and Zen Master Baimei was meditating beside him.

I sat over and said uneasily, "Master, I always feel something is wrong."

"Amitabha." He clasped his hands and said, "Everything has God's will!"

Three days passed in the blink of an eye. With the men in T-shirts helping to treat our injuries, our bodies recovered to a great extent.

Before I left, I went to see the man in the T-shirt. He was lying on the bed and waved weakly: "You go!"

His face was extremely pale, as if he had been seriously injured. I didn't think the people at Longquan Villa could tell, so I safely took Zen Master Baimei and others into the car.

I pressed the accelerator all the way to the bottom, and there were no accidents on the road this time. I arrived at the village at noon.

The entrance to the village was quiet except for one person tied to the big locust tree.

I walked over and saw that the blood was immediately surging up. Yin Xinyue was tied to a tree with iron wire covered in blood, and Xiaofan was lying motionless at her feet...

"new moon!"

I yelled and ran two steps forward. Zen Master Baimei grabbed me and said in a deep voice: "They are fine. The blood on your wife's body is fake. Don't fall into the trap of Longquan Villa."

After hearing what he said, I felt a lot more at ease and shouted coldly: "Come out."


With a series of laughter, Yin Yang Tiger filed out of the village with several guardians and a dozen subordinates.

He glanced at us and said contemptuously: "Just a few of you?"

I knew he was mocking the man in the T-shirt because he was injured and couldn't come over. He gritted his teeth and cursed: "Even if he doesn't come, you will lose."

After saying that, I took out the apricot-yellow flag, turned to Zen Master Baimei and said, "I'm going to kill the Yin-Yang Tiger, and the three guardians will be handed over to Master."

Zen Master Baimei nodded and said: "Don't worry, little friend, it's just that they have brought many subordinates with them..."

Li Mazi held the parasol in his hand and shouted: "Brothers from the Zhang family, just go ahead, leave the other minions to me."

I glanced at Li Mazi with some worry. These subordinates were definitely not as capable as those of the guardians in single combat, but they were superior in numbers, and Li Mazi would definitely be troublesome to deal with.

"It's already imminent, so don't worry about it." Li Mazi roared and turned to Ruxue: "You will save Xinyue in a while, don't worry about anything, just run with them!"

Ruxue nodded and stepped aside, the war was about to break out!

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