Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 711: A surprise attack from heaven

Yin Yanghu waved his hand, and the three guardians behind him stepped forward to entangle Zen Master Baimei. Li Mazi also yelled and dragged the others away.

Yin Yanghu and I were facing each other without moving. We knew very well that if either Master Baimei or Li Mazi lost, the fight between us would be completely unnecessary, so we might as well save our energy.

Zen Master Baimei held up the beads, and his whole body was glowing with Buddha's light. Because he knew the weaknesses of the three protectors, he suppressed them for a moment and couldn't raise their heads!

Li Mazi and his subordinates at Longquan Villa were in a smoky atmosphere.

Because there were many people on the other side, Li Mazi did not confront them head-on. Instead, he looked for opportunities to sneak attacks. Besides, Li Mazi didn't know where he got a homemade pistol, and those people couldn't do anything to him in a short time.

Yin Yang Tiger stared at me, as if looking at a person: "Zhang Jiulin, I killed three of my good brothers and sisters. How does it feel to drag my family and my family to be buried with them today?"


I spat out two words coldly. The Yin Yang Tiger didn't look so stupid before. Wasn't it stimulated by the death of the One-Armed Dragon and the others?

Yin Yang Tiger's expression changed and he rushed forward.

I bent down, and his long sword rubbed against my body, causing goosebumps all over my body.

Before I could get up, he turned his sword and stabbed me diagonally at the waist!

I lay down and quickly rolled a few times to avoid the attack, and then jumped up like a carp.

Yin Yanghu sneered and made a finger gesture with his right hand, and the surrounding area suddenly became dark.

not good! His eyes can see things in the dark, but I can't, but after a few moves, I got a few holes in my body.

I simply closed my eyes, raised the apricot-yellow flag to protect myself, and then controlled the invisible spear to deal with him.

The invisible needle moves with thoughts, even if it cannot be seen by the eyes, it does not affect it.

The Yin Yang Tiger's attacks became more and more fierce. Although I was not defeated by the invisible needle, my blindness still brought obstacles to me.

I don’t know what trick Yin Yang Tiger used, but the invisible needle suddenly sensed the existence of a second thing in our battle circle, but this thing was very illusory and should not be human.

I controlled the invisible needle and chased the Yin-Yang Tiger. Since the Yin-Yang Tiger caused this illusory thing, I only needed to deal with the Yin-Yang Tiger.

Soon, the invisible needle forced Yin Yang Tiger into a corner, and he suddenly sneered and said: "You'd better not move!"

My heart skipped a beat and I felt like there was something more around me. Because the invisible needle was restraining the Yin Yang Tiger, I didn't dare to take it back, and the thing around me should be the phantom I saw before.

I grabbed a handful of cinnabar from my pocket and sprinkled it to the side. It seemed that the shadow was just an ordinary ghost. It seemed to retreat as soon as the cinnabar was sprinkled over.

The Yin Yang Tiger grunted, jumped up suddenly, and struck at my life gate with its long sword.

I rolled over and dodged, manipulating the invisible needle to find flaws in the formation. I can't use anything except invisible needles in the dark. If I continue like this, I will definitely be eaten to death by the Yin Yang Tiger!

The Yin Yang Tiger saw my intention and attacked me like a storm with its long sword.

I reluctantly used the apricot-yellow flag to protect myself, focusing on finding flaws. Suddenly, the invisible needle flew out directly. I felt happy and quickly followed it.

Yin Yang Tiger stabbed my shoulder with his sword, and I held the sword with my backhand, blocking his next attack.

In just two seconds, I rushed out of the barrier, and my eyes were bright.


As soon as I came out, I saw Li Mazi vomiting a mouthful of blood. It seemed that he couldn't hold it anymore.

The dozen or so people ignored him and immediately turned to deal with Zen Master Baimei.

It was already difficult for Zen Master Baimei to deal with the three guardians, and now he was even more alone. One of them was slapped without paying attention, and the Buddha's light on his body dimmed a lot.

However, the Yin Yang Tiger stood in front of me ferociously, blocking my steps to rescue!

My eyes were red with anger, and I gritted my teeth and released Otama, letting her wrap around the Yin Yang Tiger.

She is definitely no match for Yin Yang Tiger, but she can still hold him back with her extremely fast speed...

Taking advantage of the time Wei Yu bought, I quickly dragged Mazi Li aside, stepped forward and kicked the dozen or so people away from Zen Master Baimei.

These people also suffered wounds of varying severity from Li Mazi's attack. Who could be my opponent? It was easy for me to beat him to pieces.

After the group of minions were eliminated, Li Mazi completely collapsed on the ground, and Ruxue worriedly asked him if he was okay.

Li Mazi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and shouted: "Stop talking nonsense and save people quickly!"

Ruxue nodded, ran to the locust tree and brought Yin Xinyue and Xiaofan over.

I touched Yin Xinyue's face, turned to Li Mazi and said, "You and Ruxue will take them back first, and this place will be left to us."

Li Mazi nodded and quickly left the scene with Ruxue. After Yin Xinyue and Xiaofan were rescued, I calmed down, turned around and took back the tail jade, staring at Yin Yang Tiger with cold eyes.

The Yin-Yang Tiger jumped up with a long sword in hand, obviously making a killing move towards me. I bit the tip of my tongue and put a mouthful of blood in my mouth, then rushed up and started fighting with him.

Due to distraction and lack of energy, the golden protective shield released by the Xinghuang Flag became increasingly dim. I simply collected the Xinghuang Flag and gave up defense completely, fighting him with the attitude of dying together.

Under my desperate fighting style, Yin Yang Tiger's moves gradually became a little messy, and several sword thrusts missed. Instead, I seized the loophole and punched him hard several times.

He stepped back and said with a sinister smile: "Zhang Jiulin, I haven't seen you for a while. I didn't expect that your cultivation is not inferior to mine. But your death has come!"

After speaking, he thrust the long sword into the ground and made a mysterious gesture with both hands.

As he moved, the temperature around him became lower and lower. Zen Master Baimei shouted in horror: "Little friend, get out of the way!"

I subconsciously turned around and saw bursts of black energy surrounding Yin Yang Tiger, and the black energy was actually filled with souls.

The resentment of these souls was very deep. After circling in a circle, they roared and rushed towards me.

My heart trembled, thinking that this should be what the legend says: One hundred ghosts rebel against fate!

This is a very sinister technique that requires the souls of a hundred people to be drawn out and swallowed.

In other words, Yin Yang Tiger must find a hundred living people before that, and extract their souls while their consciousness is fully awake. These souls are usually nourished in the Yin-Yang Tiger's body, and over time they will regard the Yin-Yang Tiger as their master.

These souls are very ferocious and can help their owners bear fatal injuries at critical moments.

In other words, a person with a hundred souls and a rebellious destiny is equivalent to having two lives. The Yin-Yang Tiger kills a hundred lives just to get one more life for himself. It is really cruel!

However, it seems that Yin Yang Tiger didn't know this spell when he was in Fengdu Ghost City before. He should have learned it newly during this time. Judging from the way Yin Yang Tiger was sweating profusely, it must be the first time these souls were released.

I swallowed and took a few steps back without leaving a trace. Fighting forcefully at this time was undoubtedly courting death.

Zen Master Baimei was distracted because he reminded me. He was struck by the palms of the three guardians and fell to the ground. Buddha beads were scattered all over the sky.

I hurriedly stepped forward to support him and asked in disbelief: "Master, is this a hundred ghosts rebelling against their fate?"

Zen Master Baimei nodded solemnly, wishing he could tear the Yin Yang Tiger into pieces.

The Yin Yang Tiger stared at us ferociously and shouted: "Go!"

A hundred souls suddenly broke away from his body and flew toward us...

Although these souls have recognized the Yin-Yang Tiger as their master, their grievances during their lives have become more and more serious. Now that hundreds of ghosts gather together, even the ghost king has to detour, let alone us?

I put the apricot-yellow flag next to me, took out all the things on my body that could drive away ghosts, and threw them all at the group of ghosts in front of me.

They moved very quickly, and they surrounded me and Zen Master Baimei in the middle. Zen Master Baimei whispered: "Let Chu Taoist friend come out! This kind of powerful evil magic cannot be dealt with by a poor monk and a young friend."

I nodded, put my fingers in my mouth, and whistled loudly.

The man in the T-shirt didn't dare to hide too close, so he asked me to blow the whistle to summon him in an emergency!

Yin Yanghu sneered and said: "Why are we bringing in reinforcements now? What a pity..."

I looked at him strangely. His words sounded very strange, as if he knew the man in the T-shirt was nearby. Before I could figure it out, hundreds of ghosts rushed over. Zen Master Baimei and I fought with them back to back.

The attacks of the Hundred Ghosts became more and more fierce, and I whistled a few more times anxiously!

Finally, the man in the T-shirt fell from the sky and struck the Yin Yang Tiger hard with the Eight-sided Han Sword. The Yin Yang Tiger fell to the ground, and hundreds of ghosts swished into his body.

With the return of Baigui, the bone-deep wounds on Yin Yang Tiger's body slowly healed!

He stood up and sneered: "You are indeed here!"

The man in the T-shirt frowned and said something bad, and quickly drove away the three guardians with the Eight-sided Han Sword.

He didn't want to fight, he turned around and stabbed the Yin-Yang Tiger with a shocking sword. The Yin-Yang Tiger stood there and laughed very strangely.

"Come back quickly!"

I screamed suddenly, something didn't look right with the Yin-Yang Tiger.

The man in the T-shirt was not as calm as usual, and still stabbed the Yin Yang Tiger in the head.

The Eight-sided Han Sword flashed a dazzling blue light, but the figure of the Yin Yang Tiger disappeared. At the same time, a milky white seal surrounded by traces of black energy suddenly appeared on the head of the man in the T-shirt.

Ichiro Ryuzawa came out of the darkness, recited a few spells silently, and then the seal hit the man in the T-shirt on the head!

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