Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 712 Fan Tianyin is born!

Seeing this scene, Zen Master Baimei immediately ran towards the man in the T-shirt, but Yin Yang Tiger stopped him immediately.

In desperation, Zen Master Baimei shouted hysterically: "Fan Tianyin, Fan Tianyin is born! Go and save Chu Yi quickly, he can't resist Fan Tianyin."

I was suddenly stunned. I couldn't believe that this inconspicuous seal turned out to be the Fantian Seal.

Speaking of which, this Heavenly Seal has a very big origin. It is an ancient artifact recorded in the ancient novel "The Romance of the Gods". It is said that the stone used to carve this Heavenly Seal was taken from the distant Buzhou Mountains and has not been known for thousands of years. How much violence has been absorbed!

Moreover, Fan Tianyin is used in a weird way, specifically hitting people on the forehead. Those who are killed often have their brains exploded and die horribly. In Fengshen Yanyi, after Yin Jiao received the Fantian Seal taught by his master Guangchengzi, he immediately transformed into a killing god. Countless generals died in his hands. From this, we can see how powerful the Fantian Seal is!

It was only after the Battle of the Conferred Gods that Fan Tianyin disappeared in the long river of history. It was only from the mouth of the head of the Zhang family that I learned that Fan Tianyin was actually hidden in Longquan Villa.

In the battle of Kunwu Bridge with the Zhang family, the owner of Longquan Villa used Pan Tianyin to the limit, killing more than 70 masters of the Zhang family in a row, turning the majestic Zhang family in Jiangbei into the miserable situation it is now. appearance.

Unexpectedly, the owner of Longquan Villa loved his son so much that he even gave an ancient artifact like the Sky Seal to Ichiro Longze!

I didn't dare to delay, so I ran over and tried to pull the man in the T-shirt back.

The man in the T-shirt struggled to hand over his white fingers. I was about to grab him when suddenly a strong force hit me. My hand missed the man in the T-shirt and missed it!

The Fantian Seal was already close to the T-shirt man's forehead. I rushed in anxiously and raised the apricot-yellow flag, trying to fend off the Fantian Seal.

Ichiro Ryuzawa sneered and recited the spell again, and the force of the Banten Seal became much stronger.


The golden light mask released by the apricot yellow flag was instantly shattered into pieces. The sky seal continued to fall, and it seemed that it would not stop until the T-shirt man's life was taken away!

The man in the T-shirt and I looked at each other, our eyes filled with unwillingness.

My hands dropped weakly, and I knelt on the ground waiting for Fantian Seal to be smashed down.


At this time, there was a muffled sound in his ears, and before he could react, he felt that Fan Tianyin was hanging in mid-air and motionless.

I turned around and saw that it was Senior Shu. He kicked away Ichiro Ryuzawa at the critical moment and broke Ichiro Ryuzawa's spell, thus saving our lives.

I shouted excitedly: "Senior Shu, thank you for coming in time, otherwise Chu Yi and I would have died."

Senior Rat glared at us, then turned around and released a smoke bomb, dragging us back and running back.

Fortunately, the people in Longquan Villa were seriously injured and did not catch up. Everyone returned to the store covered with injuries. Senior Shu yelled angrily: "Such a big thing happened and you didn't even say a word. If it weren't for Li Mazi informed me in time, you will die now!"

After listening to his words, I lowered my head in shame and let him scold me.

After all, I was careless this time. Longquan Villa has always been insidious. Even if the man in the T-shirt was really injured, they would not take it lightly.

The man in the T-shirt leaned on the sofa covered in blood and said in a deep voice that at least he had rescued someone.

Senior Shu was choked by him and couldn't speak. He tossed his sleeves and sat sulking aside.

The man in the T-shirt propped up his body and said, "People from Longquan Villa might come after me. I'll go and set up some formations outside the store..."

Senior Shu puffed his beard and said with a glare: "As you are now, you will be exhausted before you finish setting up the formation. Give me a good rest."

After saying that, he walked out of the antique store alone with his hands behind his back. When I followed him, I saw the sharp-tongued Senior Rat working hard to set up the magic circle.

"What are you doing out here?" He cursed angrily when he saw me.

I scratched my head in embarrassment and said, "Master Shu, aren't I here to help?"

Senior Shu rolled his eyes at me and said: "You can't help with this advanced formation, so you should go back and whisper with your wife!"

I shrugged in embarrassment and went to find Yin Xinyue. She had been unconscious since she came back. Senior Rat said that her body was too weak during this period and there was no big problem.

Recently, I was exhausted both physically and mentally from running to save Yin Xinyue and my son. Now I relaxed while holding Yin Xinyue's hand, and fell asleep lying on the edge of the bed.


While I was sleeping, I just felt like I had been slapped. I opened my eyes drowsily and looked at Yin Xinyue with her palms raised. I didn't understand why she slapped me for a while?

Yin Xinyue's raised hand slapped her again, this time with much less force. I remained motionless and allowed her to vent her anger. After two slaps, Yin Xinyue threw herself into my arms and started crying.

"Husband, Xiaofan and I almost lost our sight of you..."

At this point, her eyes suddenly opened wide: "By the way, where is Xiaofan?"

I raised my chin and said she was on the bed. Yin Xinyue turned around, held Xiaofan in her arms and kissed her from head to toe. Her expression changed as she kissed her, and she said tremblingly: "Xiaofan... Xiaofan Why didn’t he react at all?”

I looked at Xiaofan and muttered, "Maybe he fell asleep?"

Xinyue said with a trembling voice: "No, something must have happened to Xiaofan... He is not usually like this!"

My heart skipped a beat after hearing this. Everyone was so busy resting after coming back yesterday that they didn't even notice it for a while. Now that I think about it, it seems that I haven't heard Xiaofan cry since I came back.

I rushed downstairs and summoned Zen Master Baimei and Senior Mouse. Senior Mouse said dissatisfiedly: "Why are you messing with my old bones so early in the morning?"

Yin Xinyue hugged Xiaofan and said, "Old senior, come and see Xiaofan, he is a little strange."

Senior Shu's expression changed and he felt Xiaofan's pulse. The corner of his mouth twitched, and then he glanced at Zen Master Baimei in panic: "It seems that Xiaofan's body... seems... old monk, come and take a look."

Zen Master Baimei lifted up Xiaofan's clothes, pressed his index and middle fingers together on his abdomen, and then on his chest. Then he clicked all the way along Xiaofan's arm. When he was approaching his shoulder, Xiaofan suddenly let out a groan and his little face wrinkled up.

Zen Master Baimei said solemnly: "That's so good, so good, they actually poisoned Xiaofan!"

My eyes widened for a moment and I stared at Zen Master Baimei speechless for a while. Yin Xinyue plopped down on her knees and begged, crying, "Master, please save him, please save him."

Zen Master Baimei helped Yin Xinyue up and said, "Donor, don't worry, the poor monk will naturally save him."

Senior Shu frowned and said faintly: "This child's pulse condition is also a bit strange."


Zen Master Baimei groaned, clasped his hands together and said, "Little friends, please go out for a while while the poor monk and the mouse try to lure out the poisonous insects!"

Yin Xinyue looked back at Xiaofan step by step. As soon as she left the house, she lay in my arms and started crying. While crying, she cursed: "It's all your fault, Xiaofan is still so young..."

I hugged her tightly and said it would be okay, Xiaofan would be okay.

After waiting for about an hour, Zen Master Bai Mei came out with a sallow complexion. Senior Shu followed him and shook his head at me. I froze on the spot for a moment. Yin Xinyue slumped on the ground and said with empty eyes: "It's impossible... I don't believe it. The child is still so young..."


Zen Master Baimei clasped his hands together and said, "Little friend, this poisonous insect is very strange. It needs a specific antidote to draw it out. This poor monk is powerless."

Yin Xinyue suddenly raised her head and asked, "Master, what you mean is that as long as the antidote is found, Xiaofan will be fine, right?"

Zen Master Baimei nodded and said: "If there is an antidote, the poor monk will definitely be able to save the little benefactor."

Yin Xinyue stood up unsteadily and said: "The antidote must be in the hands of the people at Longquan Villa. Master, just wait, I will get it."

She said it lightly, but it scared me so much that I hugged her tightly and shouted, "Xinyue, are you crazy?"

She said calmly: "I'm not crazy. Don't the people at Longquan Villa want my life? If I go there, they will definitely give me the antidote."

I looked at her distressedly, not knowing what to say for a moment. Senior Shu said calmly that since the people at Longquan Villa were poisoned, they would definitely not hand over the antidote easily. If you go, you will only lose one more life.

Yin Xinyue suddenly pushed me away and went downstairs, and started to pack her things angrily.

"Honey, what are you doing?" I asked uneasily as I followed her.

Yin Xinyue said coldly: "Zhang Jiulin, I used to be fine with myself, but now even my son is implicated by you, I must divorce you!"

Her words poured down on my head like a basin of cold water. I pulled her but couldn't speak.

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