Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 713: Plan to catch the mole

She is right. Although Yin Xinyue is gentle and lovely, she has been living in fear since she got married. She is either worried about me or her parents. Now even her newborn son has been implicated by me. No matter how good a woman is, she will collapse. ! I really had no shame in trying to persuade her.

Yin Xinyue packed her things with red eyes, went upstairs to pick up Xiaofan and left.

I grabbed her and said, "Honey...even if you want a divorce, you have to wait for this period of time, okay? If you walk out of this door, the people of Longquan Villa will definitely not let you go."

"Even if we get divorced, isn't Xiaofan still Jiulin's son?" the man in a T-shirt standing aside suddenly said.

Yin Xinyue paused, threw her luggage on the ground, squatted down and started crying.

I hugged her hard: "Let me go! I'm going to bring the antidote back now."

After saying that, I stood up and walked out. The man in the T-shirt pulled me back and said coldly: "Aren't you going to die?"

"What should I do? I can't just watch something happen to my son!" I yelled and gave myself a hard slap.

The man in the T-shirt sighed and replied, "Just me and Bai Mei will go."


"Nothing but."

The man in the T-shirt interrupted me, raised his head and asked Senior Rat if he could suppress the spread of the poison?

Senior Shu laughed and said, "Although I can't cure it, I am proficient in medicine and can suppress it for a while."

The man in the T-shirt nodded and he and Zen Master Baimei cleaned up casually and left. Looking at their backs, I felt a deep sense of guilt in my heart.

Senior Shu patted me on the shoulder and said, "Grandson, don't think too much, they should protect you."

That night, Senior Shu suppressed the poisonous insects on Xiaofan's body, and Yin Xinyue, who regained her senses, stopped making trouble.

After I calmed down, I thought about the matter from beginning to end. The more I thought about it, the weirder it became. Ichiro Ryuzawa himself is not a smart person, but why can he trick us again and again this time?

He even got carried away and played the game of cat and mouse without any rush to kill. What trump card did he hide?

Also, the timing of his use of Fan Tian Seal was absolutely perfect, and he was not surprised at all when he saw the man in the T-shirt appear.

Does this mean that they already knew that the man in the T-shirt was not injured and that we were acting?

The more I thought about it, the more terrifying I felt, so I quickly called Senior Shu over. He patted his thigh after hearing what I said and said, "What you said makes sense."

But only a few of us knew about the fake injury of the man in the T-shirt. It was impossible for me and Zen Master Bai Mei, so the only thing left was...

Senior Shu sighed slightly, while I clenched my fists and gritted my teeth and said, "Only Mazi and Ruxue are left. One of them must be a traitor!"

But I don’t believe that Li Mazi would betray me!

Although Li Mazi looks wretched and lustful, deep down he is an emotional person and it is impossible for him to do such a thing.

Senior Shu said solemnly: "Then you mean Ruxue?"

Although Ruxue's personality is a bit more aggressive, after getting along for so long, Yin Xinyue and I have long regarded her as a relative and couldn't believe it was her.

But this is all too coincidental, right?

First, Yin Xinyue was exposed in her hometown, and then the Yin spirit summoned by the Everlasting Ring was restrained by Longquan Villa. Finally, the plan of the man in the T-shirt to pretend to be injured was leaked. Everything we did seemed to be guided by Longquan Villa.

At the time, I thought it was a coincidence, but now it seems that someone clearly tipped off the news!

Senior Mouse pondered and said: "Grandson, although what you said may be true, we can't just accuse a little girl like this. Let's wait until we find evidence!"

"How to find evidence?"

I asked anxiously, if we don't find this spy early and let her continue to inform Longquan Villa, the consequences will be disastrous.

Senior Shu went out early the next morning, and when he came back there were many large and small wounds on his body.

Li Mazi and Ruxue helped him in, and Yin Xinyue and I quickly bandaged his wounds.

Unexpectedly, he blocked my hand and said: "I can't die, mainly because Chu Yi is not here and I am injured. If the people from Longquan Villa attack at this time, the big formation outside may not be activated. "

"You should be careful these two days and go out as little as possible. Wait until I recover from my injury."

After finishing speaking, Senior Shu leaned on the sofa, looking like he was recovering from his injuries.

From the moment he mentioned Longquan Villa, I knew that the plan to catch the mole had already begun. If the people from Longquan Villa really came here tonight, then the matter of Ruxue being the mole would basically be finalized.

Li Mazi pulled me aside and asked doubtfully: "What's going on, Senior Shu? Didn't he tell us to try not to cause trouble before leaving in the first year of junior high school?"

I moved my mouth to tell him my plan, but when the words came to my lips, I said haha: "Who knows, Senior Shu has always been greedy. He might see something good again, but he wants to take it or not."

Tell Li Mazi now, or maybe tell Ruxue according to his impulsive character, then our plan will fail.

When Ruxue refuses to admit it, we won’t have any evidence.

Li Mazi glanced at Senior Shu suspiciously and said in a low voice: "Why do I feel that something is wrong with Senior Shu? It can't be fake, right?"

I slapped him on the head and said, "You are thinking too much." Li Mazi chuckled and said nothing more, pulling Ruxue aside to make out.

Looking at their loving looks, I really hope that I guessed wrong. If Ruxue really betrayed us, then Li Mazi...

I shook my head and didn't want to think about it anymore.

Yin Xinyue held my arm and said, "Husband, what are you doing here shaking your head?"

When I saw Yin Xinyue, I remembered that she didn't know our plan yet. She trusted Ruxue very much. It would be bad if she was taken advantage of.

I pulled Yin Xinyue into the room, and then secretly briefly told her the plan to catch the mole. She covered her mouth and shouted, "It's impossible, Ruxue..."


I put my index finger on my lips to make a silent gesture, and listened to what was going on outside with my ears.

When Yin Xinyue was speaking just now, I clearly heard footsteps outside the door.

I winked at Yin Xinyue, and she reacted immediately, hugged me and hummed softly.

Although we were acting, Yin Xinyue and I hadn't had sex for a long time since giving birth to our son, and now her words made me react. Yin Xinyue blushed: "Why do you think about these inappropriate things all day long?"

I lowered my head and kissed her lips and said with a smile, "It's not inappropriate to miss you."

Yin Xinyue raised her hand and punched my waist, then opened the door and went out with a blushing face. I stood there and touched my lips, feeling a little unfinished.

"Ruxue, what are you doing here?"

Xinyue's voice came from outside, and my expression changed, fearing that Ruxue had heard the conversation we just had.

Ruxue chuckled twice and said, "Sister Xinyue, don't worry, I didn't hear anything."

I walked out and saw Yin Xinyue's face turning red after being teased by Ruxue. She pushed Ruxue away and ran to Xiaofan's room.

Ruxue glanced at my lower body with deep meaning, and then went to look for Li Mazi with a giggle. Li Mazi pinched Ruxue's face and asked, "Daughter-in-law, why are you laughing like this?"

Ruxue put her mouth close to Li Mazi's ear and whispered something. Li Mazi immediately looked over at me and raised his eyebrows obscenely.

I took the pillows on the sofa and threw them at them. Li Mazi let out a few exaggerated yows and laughed extremely obscenely: "Tsk, tsk, men who can't steal fish are really bad-tempered!"

I rolled my eyes at him and made a gesture of not wanting to pay attention to him, then I went around to Xiaofan's room.

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