Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 714 Ruxue’s true face!

Although Senior Shu helped suppress the poison, Xiao Fan still showed no sign of waking up.

Yin Xinyue's face was still a little red. When she saw me coming in, she glared at me first, and then asked Xiaofan why he hadn't woken up yet?

I held her in my arms and said, "The poison is very torturous. It's a good thing that Xiaofan falls asleep and doesn't wake up."

Her eyes instantly turned red, and she looked at Xiao Fan and just cried without speaking. I didn't know what to say, so I could only hold her tightly.

"Ahem, it's time to eat!"

Li Mazi's lewd voice came over, Ruxue leaned on his shoulder and looked at us with a teasing smile. Yin Xinyue wiped her tears and murmured in a low voice, "Why don't you knock on the door?"

Li Mazi shrugged innocently and said, "I knocked, you just didn't hear it."

Only a ghost believes what he said. Yin Xinyue and I did nothing just now. How could we not hear the knock on the door? It was obviously him and Ruxue who didn't knock on purpose because they wanted to peep.

During the meal, Li Mazi would raise his eyebrows at me at every turn, with such a wretched look, I really wanted to cover him with a whole plate of fish soup. Senior Shu tapped the bowl with his chopsticks and said, "You two are flirting with each other, what do you want these two little girls to do?"

After hearing this, I felt a chill in my heart, and smashed my chopsticks directly on Li Mazi: "You fucking eat well, or I will destroy you."

I guess Li Mazi was also stimulated by what Senior Shu said, so he didn't do anything else.

After the meal, Senior Shu looked at Xiao Fan and said that the poison had not worsened and that he would be fine now as long as they got the antidote.

Then he winked at me and when I nodded, he quietly hugged the quilt and went to sleep.

Yin Xinyue stayed in Xiaofan's room after washing up. Ruxue wanted to accompany her, but I stopped her.

"What to do?" Ruxue asked in surprise.

I chuckled: "I can't sleep, you and Mazi play cards with me for a while."

Li Mazi stood up in confusion. When he came back a few seconds later, he already had the cards in his hand. Ruxue pouted and said, "Just play. If you lose, you can use the antiques in your store to pay the bill."

My original intention was to prevent Ruxue from getting close to Yin Xinyue. It didn't matter whether he lost or lost, but Li Mazi and Ruxue got excited while playing.

After just a few laps, Ruxue lost the most. Instead, I, a careless person, won a lot of money.

Seeing that the time was almost up, I pushed the cards and said, "Let's all go and rest. Mazi and I are still injured."

Ruxue stood up angrily and said, "Continue next time!"

After returning to the room, Yin Xinyue had fallen asleep. I kissed her on the forehead, then put a sunshade charm on her and Xiaofan's bodies, and took out the apricot-yellow flag and placed it on the bedside.

Before going to bed, Senior Shu looked at him very meaningfully. He must have sensed the movement in Longquan Villa, and there would be no peace tonight.

After doing all this, I rested on the bedside with my eyes squinted. I had been sleeping lightly because I had something on my mind.

A gasping sound penetrated my ears in a daze. I reached out and hugged her and muttered: "Xinyue, don't make trouble!"

She didn't respond, and her lilac tongue slowly teased my earlobe. I closed my eyes and pressed her under me, and said with a smile: "Wife, you..."

"Zhang Jiulin, what are you doing!"

Yin Xinyue's angry shout came, and I turned around and said strangely: "Xinyue, why are you..."

I stopped mid-sentence... Yin Xinyue was standing by the bed and staring at me angrily. What was that under me? I looked down at the person beneath me, and it turned out to be an inflatable doll!

I jumped up suddenly and looked at the inflatable doll in horror. How did this thing get onto my bed?

Moreover, why can the inflatable doll still move and kiss me with tongue?

Yin Xinyue said angrily: "Okay Zhang Jiulin, you can't wait to start trouble before my son wakes up, right? If you do such a thing in front of me, what do you think I am?"

I quickly hugged Yin Xinyue and said, "Honey, don't be angry. This thing is very weird. Hurry up and hide behind the apricot yellow flag with your son in your arms."

Yin Xinyue looked at me suspiciously, and I shouted anxiously: "Am I that kind of person?"

She then returned to the Xinghuang Flag with eyes wide open and hugged Xiaofan tightly in her arms.

I took the Sirius Whip and swung it at the inflatable doll, but the inflatable doll didn't react at all. Yin Xinyue snorted coldly, and I quickly turned around and explained: "Xinyue, you have to believe me, I..."

Before I finished speaking, Yin Xinyue pointed at my back in horror and said, "Honey, there is something behind you!"

I turned around and saw that the inflatable doll had stood behind me at some point, and its whole body seemed to be soaked in blood.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock...

The scarlet liquid kept dripping on the ground, and I whipped it a few times without thinking.

The inflatable doll went limp as if it had deflated.


I rushed out the door. This inflatable doll had no attack ability at all. It was tempting me just now. It seemed like it was just delaying time.

Sure enough, when he opened the door, he saw Senior Shu fighting with the Yin-Yang Tiger, Li Mazi dealing with a group of minions, and Ruxue hiding aside with a pale face.

Ruxue saw me and said in a hurry: "Brother-in-law, please help Mazi, quickly!"

Her voice was very loud. Ichiro Tatsuzawa, who was watching the show, saw me and laughed: "That thing didn't confuse you. Could it be that you are not good at it?"

When I saw the people in Longquan Villa, I knew Ruxue had betrayed us, but it was really disgusting that she behaved like this again!

I glanced at her coldly, then joined Li Mazi's battle circle with the Madonna's staff in hand.

This group of minions must have come to gather numbers, but with the cooperation of Li Mazi and I, they were quickly defeated. As soon as Li Mazi stood firm, he was about to pull Ruxue. I opened his hand and said coldly: "Have you not seen Ruxue clearly yet?"

"What do you mean?" he asked, looking at me in astonishment.

Before I could say anything, Ichiro Ryuzawa spoke: "Ruxue, come here."

Ruxue put away her hurried expression and walked past us towards Ichiro Ryuzawa. Li Mazi grabbed Ruxue and asked in confusion: "Daughter-in-law, do you know him?"

Ruxue shook off Li Mazi's hand and quickly walked to Longze Ichiro. Ichiro Ryuzawa proudly lifted Ruxue's white and tender chin and kissed her on the face.

Li Mazi's eyes instantly became bloodshot. He looked at Ruxue and rushed forward desperately with an umbrella in hand.

Senior Shu shook away the Yin Yang Tiger with a palm and quickly pulled Li Mazi back. Li Mazi asked with a tearful tone: "Ruxue, are they threatening you?"

Ruxue didn't reply, and just leaned into Ichiro Ryuzawa's arms obediently.


Li Mazi clenched her hands and asked in a broken voice. Ruxue was gasping for breath when she was touched by Ryuzawa Ichiro's hands and had no time to reply.

However, Ichiro Ryuzawa said with great interest: "If I, the young master, can give her a status, give her money, give her everything she wants, and satisfy her every night, of course she will not want you..."

I glanced at Li Mazi worriedly, fearing that this guy would know that I was cheating and risk his life.

Unexpectedly, Li Mazi just asked calmly: "Is everything he said true?"

Ruxue sneered and said, "Didn't you see everything?"

"When did it start?"

After asking, Li Mazi continued to ask without waiting for Ruxue to answer: "Did you do the kidnapping of Xiaofan and the others? Did you also leak the plans of the past few days? Including today, you couldn't wait to notify Senior Shu as soon as he was injured. Is Longquan Villa coming to kill us?"

He spoke faster and faster, and at the end he yelled: "How can I be sorry for you, why do you want to do this to me?"

I stepped forward and grabbed Li Mazi, and he suddenly turned back and said, "Brother Zhang, did you already know this?"

Senior Shu said in a deep voice: "That is to say, we had a suspicion yesterday, so we set a trap today."

"Does that mean the formation can still be used?" Li Mazi asked.

As soon as Senior Shu nodded, Li Mazi shouted: "Then start it quickly! I will fight to the death with Longquan Villa today."

Li Mazi's tone was harsh, but Senior Shu didn't care about him at this time. He pulled out a dagger and cut his palm, and then slammed it to the floor.

After a while, there was still no movement at all. Senior Rat and I looked at each other in disbelief.

This formation only requires the essence and blood of Senior Rat to activate...

Ruxue smiled contemptuously: "I have destroyed the formation a long time ago, and you didn't even notice."

Senior Shu stared at her in disbelief and said, "It's impossible. Why can't I feel the formation being destroyed?"

He suddenly paused mid-sentence, pulled Li Mazi and me back to Yin Xinyue's room, and hurriedly ordered me to raise the apricot-yellow flag for defense.

Ruxue took a step forward gently, cutting her palms and pressing them to the ground like Senior Shu did just now.

The blood-red formation instantly surrounded the entire house, and Senior Rat's face became even more ugly. Ichiro Ryuzawa hugged her and kissed her and said, "Baby, go back and reward you."

Listening to his lewd tone, she knew what reward he was talking about. Li Mazi shook his body, bit his lip and stared at Ichiro Ryuzawa fiercely.

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