Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 717 Li Mazi kills his wife

Li Mazi got up, held Wang Xun'er in his arms, and rushed outside. Ruxue chased after him with a dagger.

I controlled the invisible needle to force Ruxue to stop. She turned around and said coldly: "Zhang Jiulin, you will regret it!"

"It's you who should regret it!" I said through gritted teeth.

"Vajra also has his angry eyes, and the Buddha also has the act of destroying the world." Zen Master Baimei suddenly shouted: "The poor monk is going to kill!"

Although Zen Master Baimei has been helping me, he rarely kills people. I felt nervous and turned around to see Ichiro Ryuzawa driving the Fantian Seal to hit the man in the T-shirt.

The man in the T-shirt was seriously injured and held up the Eight-sided Han Sword to resist desperately, but was still suppressed by Fan Tianyin inch by inch.

I tried my best to knock Ruxue back two steps, turned around and ran back.

The Yin Yang Tiger sprang out from the corner and slashed at me with a knife. In desperation, I only had time to turn my body, and half of my shoulder was cut off by him.

I roared loudly and waved the Madonna's staff to wave at him. Although my moves seemed to be unorganized, he was in a hurry. After all, he was also seriously injured.

What surprised me was that Zen Master Baimei suddenly rushed over with red eyes, and slammed a string of Buddhist beads on the Yin Yang Tiger's head with his palm with bulging veins. There was a muffled bang, and the Yin Yang Tiger's head exploded!

The scattered beads instantly tore his Tianling Cap like bullets!

Before dying, Yin Yang Tiger looked at Zen Master Bai Mei in disbelief, as if he didn't expect that he would give up on the T-shirt man and come to help me instead.

When Ichiro Ryuzawa saw the Yin Yang Tiger was dead, his expression changed and he suddenly increased his efforts to deal with the T-shirt man.

I sneered and controlled the invisible needle to attack him. When he saw that the invisible needle was forced to withdraw the Banten Seal, he used ninjutsu and ran away.

I turned around and was about to deal with Ruxue, but I found that she had already disappeared.

When Zen Master Baimei and I supported the T-shirt man back to the store, Li Mazi and Yin Xinyue were treating Wang Xun'er's wounds.

Yin Xinyue looked at the injury on my shoulder, her eyes were red and she said nothing. I held her with my uninjured hand and said, "It's okay, the other party's injuries are more serious than ours!"

Zen Master Baimei asked Li Mazi to step aside and began to treat Wang Xun'er's injuries.

The wounds caused by Fan Tianyin were difficult to heal, and the pills given by Zen Master Baimei before were just enough to keep Wang Xun'er alive.

Wang Xun'er smiled bitterly and said: "Zhang Jiulin, if I die this time, the Wang family in Wuhan will rely on you..."

I held her hand and said that I couldn't control the Wang family, so you'd better not die.

Zen Master Baimei suddenly touched Wang Xun'er's forehead, and Wang Xun'er fainted immediately.


I called out in confusion, and he clasped his hands together and said, "The female donor is seriously injured. If she keeps holding on like this, something will happen."

As he spoke, Zen Master Baimei lowered his head and began to treat the wound. Yin Xinyue took the medicine box to bandage my wound, and the man in the T-shirt asked with his eyes closed where Senior Rat had gone.

While helping Zen Master Baimei, Li Mazi said, "Xinyue just said that Xiaofan is feeling a little unwell and asked Senior Shu to go take a look. He should be down soon."

"What?" Yin Xinyue suddenly screamed.

Li Mazi was startled and asked what was wrong. Yin Xinyue held my hand and said, "Husband, I haven't...never looked for Senior Shu."

Hearing this, I felt huge uneasiness in my heart. I stood up and ran upstairs. I found Xiaofan still lying there, but there was no trace of Senior Shu. There was a large blood stain on the ground!

Li Mazi ran up and saw the blood and said with red eyes: "It must be her, it must be her!"

He was right. Only Ichiro Ryuzawa and Ruxue of the group sent by Longquan Villa escaped alive. Ichiro Ryuze obviously did not have time to kidnap Senior Shu before we came. The only one who had the possibility was Ruxue. She came back early.

As he said that, Li Mazi picked up his umbrella and ran out. I quickly grabbed him and said, "You can't find anyone like this!"

He squatted on the ground holding his head and roared in pain: "Is she willing to see us all dead?"

I clenched my fists and said it was useless to say anything now, I just had to find Senior Shu as soon as possible. Senior Shu had been seriously injured before and could not withstand such a torment.

The blood stains on the ground extended all the way outside the store, and I ran wildly along the blood stains.

Zen Master Baimei saw us running out in a hurry, realized something had happened and followed us immediately.

With red eyes, I asked him to stay and take care of Yin Xinyue and her son. Zen Master Baimei sighed and said: "Everyone has an end, little friend, you cannot do anything against fate."

His words clearly predicted something. I trembled all over, shook my head without saying anything, and ran out quickly.

The blood stains became lighter and lighter towards the back, and finally disappeared.

I looked up and looked around. This was a house in Wuhan that was waiting to be demolished. The people inside had moved out long ago. I heard that the money for the later project had not yet arrived, so it has been left here.

The city is brightly lit at night, but it is dark here. Except for two dim street lamps at the intersection, there is nothing else to illuminate.

I made a gesture to Li Mazi to tell him to be careful. The possibility of Ruxue bringing Senior Shu here was very high.

Li Mazi said solemnly: "Brother, come with me."

"Do you know where it is?" I asked in disbelief.

He nodded and said, "Ruxue... I can smell the perfume on that woman from miles away."

Although what he said was a bit exaggerated, this kind of thing is very common, and many people can hear the footsteps of their parents.

Following him, he walked around a crumbling house and climbed up gently.

Li Mazi stopped in front of a doorless room on the third floor and nodded to me.

I manipulated the invisible needle and carefully turned it around, and sure enough I found two figures in the corner, none other than Ruxue and Senior Shu.

Senior Shu was lying on the ground motionless, Ruxue was holding a dagger and was about to stab Senior Shu.

Li Mazi took out his cell phone and turned on the flashlight to shine at Ruxue.

Ruxue subconsciously covered her eyes, and Li Mazi quickly rushed over and pressed her against the wall.

I immediately squatted next to Senior Shu to check on his condition.

Senior Shu was no longer breathing. I couldn't believe it and put my hand on his pulse, but... I didn't feel the pulse for a long time.

Ruxue sneered and said: "Dead!"

I grabbed Ruxue's hair like crazy and yelled crazily: "Why, hasn't your goal been achieved? Why did you kill Senior Shu?"

No wonder she said I would regret it when I stopped Ruxue before. That’s what she meant.

She was right, I regretted it! If I had known that this was what Ruxue meant by regret, I should have cut her to pieces before.

Li Mazi took out a talisman from his arms and stuck it on Ruxue. Ruxue was instantly frozen and looked at Li Mazi in panic and asked: "You...what do you want to do?"

I pushed Mazi away, picked up the bloody dagger on the ground, and asked with a choked voice: "You just used this knife to kill Senior Shu, right?"

"I just tricked him out to deal with you. Who knew he was so seriously injured? I only stabbed him a few times and died."

Ruxue is still being stubborn and lying. What's more, she learned a lot of spells from Ichiro Ryuzawa. Even if she only stabbed him a few times, it would be enough to kill Mr. Shu!


Li Mazi slapped Ruxue on the face and called her a bitch.

I threw the bloody dagger in front of Ruxue and said disgustedly: "Do it yourself!"

Ruxue burst into tears suddenly, with big tears falling down her face. She looked at Li Mazi and said, "Mazi, one day of marriage and one hundred days of kindness, I gave you a daughter. I love you. You can be saved." Me, save me."


Li Mazi smiled self-deprecatingly: "Yes, you are my woman, I will not allow others to kill you!"

Ruxue was crying bitterly, but when she heard these words, a sly look flashed in her eyes, and she opened her mouth as if to say something.

Unfortunately, before she could speak, Li Mazi picked up the dagger and stabbed it into her heart.

Kill with one knife!

"I will send you away personally... ten of you are not as good as one life of Senior Shu!"

Li Mazi burst into tears after saying this. I wanted to comfort him but didn't know how to speak.

He was right, Ruxue must die!

Looking at the body of Senior Shu, I suddenly thought of what he said to Ichiro Ryuzawa at the park gate: Let my grandson-in-law go.

Maybe he has always regarded me as a grandson, but I have regarded him as an unscrupulous old man for a long time.

Thinking of the beating red halo of Senior Mouse’s final battle, it seems that his tearful smiling face has returned to me.

"Grandson, I got this from you in the first year of junior high school. You can use it sparingly."

"Go, go, I'm your grandfather, you have to let me!"

"Silly boy, please be gentle. What will you do when I die?"

His words echoed in my ears. I can’t remember when it started, but he has been my grandfather from now on!

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