Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 718 Goodbye, Senior Rat

After carrying Senior Shu back to the store, the man in the T-shirt and Zen Master Bai Mei were stunned. I laid Senior Shu down on the sofa, knelt on the ground and kowtowed several times respectfully.

Her eyes were very sour but she couldn't shed tears. Yin Xinyue followed me and knelt aside, saying that it was all her fault for not accompanying him well.

"It has nothing to do with you." Li Mazi punched the table and said weakly.

Yin Xinyue asked in disbelief: "Is it really Ruxue?"

Li Mazi nodded and turned around and entered the room.

Yin Xinyue wanted to ask something else, but I shook my head at her to signal her not to ask any more questions. Li Mazi must have felt very uncomfortable.

Soon, a low whimpering sound came from the room. I sighed and said, "Don't mess with Li Mazi these days."

"Ruxue is dead?"

The man in the T-shirt suddenly said this, and I hummed and said, "Li Mazi killed it with his own hands."

Everyone was silent for a while.

The man in the T-shirt said that people in Longquan Villa might still be restless, and he wanted to take a look during this period.

I sighed and wanted him to recover from his injuries, but he did not reply to me. Instead, he looked at the body of Senior Shu and said: "When Xiaofan's poison is gone, then cremate the mouse! Read it to him before cremation." Tao Te Ching, don’t leave any resentment behind.”

After saying that, he gave the antidote to the poison to Zen Master Bai Mei and left. When he went out, he turned his face and looked at the body of Senior Rat. His eyes turned red. When he turned to leave, his shoulders shook.

He cried! This unworldly male god cried.


"Don't worry! This antidote was found by the poor monk and his Taoist friend Chu. After the poor monk lures the poisonous insects out, he can just use this medicine to give the baby to eat." Zen Master Baimei said compassionately.

Yin Xinyue burst into tears and thanked Zen Master Baimei all the time.

Zen Master Baimei asked me to use a hot towel to rub Xiaofan's body all over. Gu insects like shade and coolness, and high temperatures can make them active, but Xiaofan will probably suffer.

I was a little hesitant while holding the hot towel. Yin Xinyue took the hot towel away and started wiping Xiaofan.

Zen Master Baimei said quietly: "My little friend's decision-making ability is not as good as Miss Xinyue's."

I pulled up the corners of my mouth and wanted to laugh, but I cried inexplicably.

"Don't be sad, little friend. The mouse is not a loss. He has earned all these years of longevity. He also expected that his end was coming! Dust will return to dust, dust will return to dust, so you don't have to worry too much." Bai Mei The Zen master patted me on the shoulder.

What he said was correct. Now that the senior rat is dead, the natal rat will naturally die as well.

It's a pity that Senior Shu has been living a cool life in order to avoid his enemies these years, but in fact he is more miserable than anyone else.

Maybe it’s a relief to be gone, right? At least he has no nostalgia, no nostalgia...

While talking, Yin Xinyue had already wiped Xiaofan several times, and Zen Master Baimei immediately walked up and started attracting the bugs.

He first made a cut on Xiaofan's arm with a thin knife, then crushed half of the antidote and placed it on the wound.

Zen Master Baimei tilted his head and said, "Don't make any noise for a while. If the bug gets scared and crawls in, there will really be no way to save it."

Yin Xinyue quickly covered her mouth and did not dare to make a sound.

After a while, a lump the size of a thumb bulged on Xiaofan's stomach. The lump climbed up Xiaofan's chest and onto his arm, and then emerged from the wound.

Zen Master Baimei clasped his hands together and looked at the Gu worm motionlessly.

The Gu insect first tentatively explored a small part, and then slowly crawled out after finding that there was no danger.

When it had crawled out more than half of the way, Zen Master Baimei quickly clamped the Gu insect with talisman paper and pasted it on, and then burned it to ashes.

The moment the Gu insect disappeared, Xiaofan burst into tears, which made Yin Xinyue and I feel heartbroken.

Zen Master Baimei treated Xiaofan's wounds, and then mixed the remaining half of the antidote with water and carefully fed it to Xiaofan to drink. Then he straightened up and nodded to us.

Xinyue knelt beside the bed crying and laughing, kissing Xiaofan's cheek and speechless.

I bowed to Zen Master Baimei and said, "Sorry to trouble you, Master."

If it hadn't been for the T-shirt man and the white-browed Zen master, Xiaofan might have been in danger of losing his life this time.

Zen Master Baimei waved his hand and said: "The losses at Longquan Villa this time are not small. It should be quiet for a while. The poor monk has other things to do, so he will leave first."

I didn't keep him.

After Zen Master Baimei left, Yin Xinyue rested in the store for a few days and said that she would send Xiaofan back to his hometown.

I frowned and said that Longquan Villa already knew where my parents were, so it might not be safe to go back.

Yin Xinyue hugged Xiaofan and said, "I have changed my parents' place. It is safer than here."

Originally, I wanted to send Yin Xinyue back, but Senior Shu's body was still waiting for me to deal with, so I just sent her to the station and came back.

A familiar figure stood at the door. It was Li Mazi. He was still carrying a pot of old wine. When he saw me, he curled his lips and said, "Brother from the Zhang family, have another drink with me."

He had lost a lot of weight after not seeing him for a few days, so I patted his shoulder and said nothing.

When he entered the store, he ate peanuts and drank a bottle of white wine. Li Mazi lay on the table and cried silently.

I leaned back in my chair and couldn't say anything.

Li Mazi slammed the empty wine bottle to the ground: "Did I treat her badly? Why...why did she do this?"

Ruxuehen was here, and when she was about to die, she had to act like she was wronged but didn't say anything. Li Mazi knew in his heart that this was her usual tactic, but he was still tortured to death by her.

I slapped him on the head and yelled: "Mazi, you know damn well what you do to Ruxue and what we do to Ruxue. What kind of injustice did she suffer that could kill us?"

Li Mazi cried and said: "I know it all in my heart, but I love her so much, and I work hard to earn money to buy whatever she wants. Why is this?"

I sighed deeply and said nothing. Li Mazi cried while drinking wine, which made me feel very sad.

He pulled my sleeve and asked, "Did I commit any sin in my previous life?" Chuchu fell ill and died, and Ruxue was killed by me. What the hell is this!

As he said that, he became drunk. After I settled him down, I sighed and turned around and left.

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