Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 719: Looking down on Jianghu Road

In the next few days, I was busy dealing with Senior Shu’s funeral affairs and had no time to care about him.

Senior Rat had many enemies, and I didn’t want him to be taken advantage of after his death, so I simply burned him on fire, hired a plane, and scattered his ashes from the sky to distant Ireland together with the ashes of his natal Rat.

"Would this be too cruel?"

Accompanying me was Wang Xun'er. She frowned and asked, "Don't we believe in reincarnation the most in this industry?"

I sprinkled the last handful of ashes into the air and said with a smile that most of us in this field would not be able to be reincarnated and would be better off just disappearing into ashes.

Although I have been doing good deeds to save people since I debuted, the business of doing evil things is inherently harmful to my moral character, and I will most likely go to hell after I die.

The more I learn about this business, the more I understand this!

Wang Xun'er has been staying in my store during this period. She said it was to recover from her injuries, but in fact she wanted to get closer to me.

Although Yin Xinyue saw it, she magnanimously did not expose it. First of all, Yin Xinyue knew that my thoughts were all on her, and also because Wang Xun'er almost died trying to save me, Yin Xinyue felt that she owed her a favor!

But this made me very distressed, and I even wanted to introduce Li Mazi to Wang Xun'er. Unfortunately, this noble eldest lady of the Wang family didn't like him at all, and Li Mazi didn't know where to go to heal recently. This idea I can only give up.

A week passed before Li Mazi came back. He leaned on the sofa with a cigarette between his legs and said tiredly, "Brother, I have decided to wash my hands of myself."

I sat on the other side and asked, "Have you decided?"

He took a deep puff of the cigarette and said, "To tell you the truth, I have always felt that I don't make enough money. I have too many exciting days and my bones feel itchy when I am free. But now I feel that it is not interesting at all, so why not?" It's better to throw away the antiques in the first place, maybe you won't encounter these terrible things."

"What are you going to do?" I asked.

He blew out a smoke ring and looked a little confused: "I don't know, but I have also saved a lot of money. I will go back to my hometown to have a look, and maybe take Nianchu to run around. Anyway, Xiaomeng is a big boy. He's doing well in school, so I don't need to worry about him."

After saying this, his eyes turned red, because this was what we had thought before. After retreating, I would take Xin Yue with me, and he would take Ru Xue with him to travel around the world.

But now this dream can never be realized.

Li Mazi took another long puff of cigarette, came up and hugged me: "Brother, see you later."

Looking at Li Mazi's indifferent face, I patted him on the shoulder and said, "It's a good thing to retire. When I retire one day after my success, I will go to you for a drink."

He tried his best to smile and said, "Brother, I'm waiting for you."

With that, he walked out the door and left without looking back. I had already expected that he would make this decision, but I didn't expect it to come so quickly.

It seems that Ruxue's betrayal really hit him hard!

Senior Mouse died, and the man in the T-shirt was seriously injured. This time the battle with Longquan Villa can be said to have resulted in heavy losses.

At this time, there was movement upstairs. I looked up and saw Wang Xun'er leaning on the stairs, staring at Li Mazi's back and asking, "Leaving?"

"It's okay to leave. This guy is not bad, but he is not suitable for this path."

She made a reservation for Li Mazi in just a few words, and then looked at me with a smile: "If you have time, let's go watch a movie with my sister."

"You're here again..."

My head suddenly got bigger, I scratched my ears, and then jumped upstairs like a rabbit.

Wang Xun'er was grinding her little silver teeth and chasing after her. In the end, there was no other way, so I accompanied her to watch "The Bear".

Fortunately, Mr. Wang recalled her within a few days, as if he had some important mission.

I finally regained my leisure time, sleeping from sunrise to sunset, and then sleeping from sunset to sunrise every day. When I was hungry, I just grabbed some food to fool around, and lived in such a muddle-headed way.

Although I always saw Senior Shu waving to me, when I woke up I realized that everything was just a dream!

That day, as usual, I was lying on the bed sleeping, and suddenly there was a knock on the door downstairs.

I irritably put the quilt over my head. Who is so ignorant? Everyone on the street knows that I haven't been taking any business recently. Unfortunately, I couldn't stop thinking about the knock on the door, so I had no choice but to go downstairs and open the door in my slippers, only to find that it was Yin Xinyue who had returned.

Yin Xinyue's eyes instantly turned red when she looked at me. She choked with sobs and said, "You've made yourself look like this in just a few days?"

I hugged her happily and said in disbelief: "Xinyue, are you back?"

She blinked and said: "I just sent Xiaofan back, why do you act like I will never come back."

I looked at her and said seriously: "I really thought you felt it was dangerous to be with me, so you didn't want to come back."

Yin Xinyue burst into laughter: "I've been traveling all night and I'm so sleepy."

After saying that, she went up to the second floor by herself. When I followed her, she had already fallen asleep under the quilt.

Looking at Yin Xinyue's peaceful sleeping face, I silently made a decision in my heart. After solving the hidden danger of Longquan Villa, I would completely withdraw from the circle of yin and yin, and concentrate on being with the two of them.

Nothing is more important than your family's happiness.

Li Mazi and I had deceived ourselves and quit again and again, only to be forced back again and again by seemingly last resort reasons.

Now think about those reasons just because we can’t let go of this circle.

Li Mazi looked down on this circle at the cost of blood, and I didn't want to wait until I lost Xinyue to wake up.

A person's life will always end in the same way, so it's better to do more meaningful things with your family.

But people living in the world don't understand this truth at the beginning, and by the time they understand it, things have changed.

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