Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 720 Macau Casino

Three months after the death of Senior Shu, my antique shop also reopened, and Li Mazi returned to Wuhan under my persuasion.

Compared with before, Li Mazi's condition was much better. Occasionally, he and Xiaomeng would take Nianchu to Disney for a whole day. In his words, children are innocent.

It’s just that you can’t mention words like ‘marriage’, ‘Ruxue’, ‘cuckold’, etc. in front of him.

This made me feel very happy, so I asked him to continue to help me manage the antique street.

I have tidied up the store that I have been living in for three months. I eat and live here every day. It would be better if it was cleaner and fresher.

It was a bit hard to clean up the shop by myself, so I called Oyu out to help sweep the floor, but she started sucking blood after a while, which made me dizzy and made me even more tired than before. After thinking about it, I decided to forget it. What did I call her? Don't do it either...

That day I found a color TV set in the warehouse that had been there for an unknown period of time, and I was about to get rid of it. Odama asked me what it was, and I said it was a TV set with a moving little person living in it.

Oudama was clamoring to see the villain, so I plugged it in and turned it on. Unexpectedly, it still worked. Although he could only receive a few wireless channels, Xiao Weiyu watched them with gusto. TV always had the kind of magical power that ancient people couldn't stop.

As a result, Oyu saw little girls wearing colorful dresses on TV and clamored to buy them. I flatly refused and said, "No, no fox fairy wears that kind of clothes. A fox fairy should look like a fox fairy."

"No, bad brother, I want to wear those beautiful clothes." She lay on the sofa and started rolling around.

"Don't even think about it!" After saying that, I took her into the bead.

Unexpectedly, the next day, she was still thinking about the beautiful dress on TV, and pulled me with tears in her eyes: "Bad brother, I want to buy nice clothes. I have been following you around for this period of time, without any credit or hard work." , but you don’t even give me a salary, that’s really bad.”

"You still want a salary and suck my blood every day. I don't know how many years I will lose from my life."

"Sucking blood is good for you. Haven't you noticed that your hematopoietic ability has become stronger and your health has improved?" She said forcefully.

"Then will you do it if I give you some blood every day?" I said angrily.

"No, I want clothes, clothes, clothes, nice clothes. If you don't give me clothes, I will go on strike, hum!" After saying that, she got back into the beads, and I thought to myself, you little fox, you dare to threaten me with a strike. , which time have you really come in handy?

Sure enough, no matter whether a woman is ten years old, twenty years old or three thousand years old, her essence is the same.

She kept clamoring in my ear for new clothes every day, which made me feel dizzy, so I threatened to seal her away if she kept quarreling so that she would never see the light of day in her life. Sure enough, this trick worked very well, and Oudama stopped arguing. .

The next night, Oyu sneaked out when I wasn't paying attention. When she came back, she was wearing a cute lolita outfit and a shiny hairpin on her head. She asked me with a smile if she looked good.

I was shocked. Her clothes were worth at least a thousand yuan, and Otama didn't know how to swipe a credit card, so it was either stolen or cheated. Anyway, it came from something shady.

"Honestly, where did this outfit come from? Did you use any charm technique on the store clerk?"

My fierce look scared her so much that she hid behind the cupboard and said aggrievedly: "I didn't lie to you. I sneaked into a building selling clothes. An older brother thought I looked cute and gave it to me for free. I'm a hundred times better than you!" After saying that, he made a face.

"Oh no, not only did you learn to steal, but you also learned to lie!" I took out the Sirius whip and prepared to discipline her.

Oudama screamed and transformed into a little white fox, ready to hide in the beads. I chanted a spell and forcibly blocked her back. This time she learned the lesson and fled to the cabinet. She said pitifully: "I swear to God, it was really given by someone else. I am a good fox, how could I do such a thing?"

"Stop talking nonsense, come down here!" I said.

"Bad brother, please, don't hit me with that thing. Can't you do it if I take off these clothes?" Odama is a spirit body after all, and the Sirius Whip has great destructive power on her. In fact, I just wanted to scare her. Foxes are cunning in nature and lack the concept of good and evil. If they just let it go, they might do something outrageous.

While they were making noise, Yin Xinyue came in from outside and said with a smile: "Hubby, what are you doing? It's so lively."

I told the whole story, and Yin Xinyue was speechless for a while: "What a big deal, it's just a piece of clothing."

I said: "Clothes are a trivial matter, the key is that she used unfair means..."

Weiyu hid pitifully behind Yin Xinyue and said: "I really didn't lie. It was indeed given to me by a handsome guy. If you don't believe it, you can ask!"

"I was talking about brother just now, but now he has become a handsome guy. Whoever gives you clothes is a handsome guy. It turns out that foxes are so snobbish." I almost laughed in anger.

Yin Xinyue knelt down and touched Weiyu's little head: "By the way, Weiyu, in which shopping mall did that brother give you this outfit?"

Wei Yu bit her finger and recalled: "It seems to be called...Wanda."

"It turns out this is true!" Yin Xinyue said excitedly.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

Yin Xinyue explained: "On my way here just now, I saw a lot of people gathered around Wanda Mall. When I inquired about it, I found out that a kid from a rich family had booked the entire mall. Anyone can go in and pick out clothes, and he will pay all the bills."

"Oh my god, there is such a good thing. Which family's young master is so generous? He is simply a prodigal. Could it be that the young master from Wanda's boss's family is here!" I said in surprise.

"I'm absolutely right!" Oyu said triumphantly, "By the way, I just saw a man's suit, and it looked particularly good on you."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"You were so mean as soon as I came back. How could I have the chance to say it!" After saying that, Wei Yu stretched his waist. Probably because he stayed outside for too long, it turned into a ray of light and penetrated into the beads. The clothes fell to the ground.

"Don't you want the clothes?" I picked it up and saw that the label on it had not yet been removed. It was a dress worth more than a thousand yuan.

"It's not very comfortable to wear. It's not as good as my original one. I don't want it anymore. Give it to Sister Xinyue to wear!" Wei Yu replied lazily in the beads, which made Yin Xinyue amused.

I asked Yin Xinyue why she came to see me so late. Yin Xinyue said: "Husband, a friend asked me to ask you for help."

"Are you trying to buy vaginal objects from me?" I frowned.

"No, this time is a bit special. He lost a negative object and wants your help to find it back." Yin Xinyue said.

Yin Xinyue told me that her friend is the owner of a casino in Macau.

Places like casinos have always been very particular about feng shui. Her friend's casino was originally instructed by an expert to set up a formation so that customers' money could only enter but not exit, ensuring that his business would be prosperous! This sounds a bit deceptive, but many big casinos do this, especially in Southeast Asia. It is said that some casinos even raise ghosts to pat Wangke on the shoulder to make their luck go away.

This array sounds quite powerful. The eye of the array is a long-standing artifact. However, it suddenly stopped working recently, and the business continued to suffer losses. After an investigation, it was discovered that the artifact was missing. The boss closed the casino and spent a lot of money to get rid of it. Get that thing back.

I scratched my head and asked, "Are we going to Macau this time?"

Yin Xinyue said: "No, he is in a hotel in Wuhan now. He flew here specially to invite you out!"

I was very happy when I heard that I had a good reputation, and people actually came here because of my fame. All the hard work I had suffered in the past few years was not in vain.

Yin Xinyue asked me if I would take the job. I thought there was no harm in it, and since the other party was a casino owner, he would be very generous, so he agreed.

Yin Xinyue called the boss. During the conversation, I heard her call him Boss Huang. Soon Yin Xinyue said to me: "Okay, he was very happy to hear that you were coming and booked a banquet at the Hilton Hotel." Welcome."

"Okay, let's go!" I nodded.

After getting in the car, I asked Yin Xinyue: "By the way, wife, how do you know the owner of a Macau casino? You shouldn't have gone to gamble, right?"

Yin Xinyue chuckled: "How is it possible? Am I the kind of person who spends money? In fact, strictly speaking, he is a friend of my friend, and I haven't met him yet."

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