Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 721 Maoshan Technique

Yin Xinyue and I came to the Hilton Hotel. A waiter wearing a peaked cap asked if it was Mr. Zhang and Miss Yin. I said yes, and he immediately took us to the elevator.

The waiter's hat was pulled down very low and his face was unnaturally white. I was a little suspicious and felt that something was wrong with him. After the elevator reached the sixteenth floor, the waiter pointed to the private room at the end of the corridor and said respectfully: " Boss Huang is waiting for you two in that private room."

We had just walked a few steps when Yin Xinyue suddenly let out a sigh: "Why is that waiter missing just now? Husband, something strange happened, the elevator is gone!"

I looked back and saw that not only the waiter was gone, but the entire elevator room was also gone, and there was a long corridor behind us.

I suddenly felt a small hand tugging at my clothes. When I turned around, I saw a child without pupils. I was so frightened that I broke out in a cold sweat. When I looked again, the child had disappeared.

"What's wrong, husband?" Yin Xinyue asked.

"This floor has been tampered with by experts..." I said solemnly.

"Will we be trapped here?" Yin Xinyue said worriedly.

"No, come with me!"

We walked to the end of the corridor and pushed the door, but found that it couldn't be pushed. Moreover, I clearly remembered that this corridor was going straight, but why suddenly there was an extra corner.

"Yeah!" Yin Xinyue screamed, patted me on the shoulder as hard as she could, pointed at the corner of the corridor with trembling fingers and said, "Honey, a child with no face ran past just now..."

I don’t know who set up this array, and using a group of incompetent brats to scare me would be looking down on me too much. I yelled: "Oudama, go kill those troublemaking brats!"

"Okay, bad brother."

With a flash of white light, a furry head came out of my arms. Oudama shook its big white tail and disappeared at the end of the corridor. Soon there was a sound of fighting.

I was not idle here either. I turned on the compass on my mobile phone to determine the direction. I pulled Yin Xinyue to a door. I bit my thumb with my teeth and recited the "Tao Te Ching" silently. I tapped the door with blood and pressed hard. One push.

Behind the door was another identical corridor. Yin Xinyue asked in surprise: "Honey, have we fallen into infinite space?"

"No, this is called the 'Bagua Huilong Formation'. It is transformed from the Qimen Dunjia. It is divided into three layers inside and outside. The ordinary Bagua Formation can be exited by entering from the Shengmen and exiting from the Ximen. However, this formation is It’s layer upon layer, and it’s actually just using numbers to increase the difficulty. It’s not that profound and can only fool those who know little about it.” I explained.

I took Yin Xinyue to find the Xiu door in the southwest, pushed the door open and went in. This was considered a successful crack on the first floor.

The second floor also came out easily, so only the last floor was left!

I was looking down at the direction on the compass when suddenly a pale little hand grabbed the phone and I saw a barefoot child running away holding the phone.

At this time, Weiyu rushed out from nowhere, caught up with the child at an extremely fast speed, pushed him to the ground and started biting him crazily. Yin Xinyue was too scared to look, so I patted her and said it was okay.

The little kid who was torn apart by Oudama turned into yellow paper on the ground, with facial features simply painted on his head. These kids were actually little ghosts raised by someone, and they were used to interfere with me breaking the formation. My opponent really underestimated me!

I picked up my phone and deciphered the last level of the Bagua Array according to the directions above. The illusion was automatically broken, and it turned out that we were still standing in front of the elevator.

Although this 'Bagua Huilong Formation' is nothing in the eyes of knowledgeable people, it was inexplicably manipulated. I was very angry and cursed: "I don't know which grandson is causing trouble behind my back. I have to catch him." Clean up well!"

At this time, I suddenly felt my thumb was wet. When I lowered my head, I saw that Oudama couldn't resist the temptation when he saw blood, and he was holding my thumb and sucking it.

It’s just that the wound was too shallow and the amount of blood was limited. She sucked it dry for a while and smacked her lips unsatisfactorily. I said to her: "Now is not the time. You have to rest for a while. I will reward you after finishing the work." you."

"Bad brother, you must not drink too much, it will damage your liver." Oyu said seriously.

"When did you learn to care about others? Are you afraid of affecting the taste?"

"Hehe!" Oyu smiled slyly, transformed into a white light, and got back into the bead.

Yin Xinyue asked me: "Husband, who do you think is trying to trick us?"

I sneered and said: "In my opinion, it is most likely that Boss Huang, and that strange waiter just now may be his subordinate..."

As he was talking, a burst of hearty laughter came from the corridor. A man with a big belly walked over, wearing an exquisite suit. He spoke Mandarin with a Cantonese accent: "Ms. Zhang Xiansen, Miss Yin, you were so cute just now." I'm sorry, it was just a little joke played by my men on you, I don't know if it scared you two, please don't take it off."

Did you make a little joke?

I snorted coldly, thinking that Boss Huang was really a thief. He was worried that I was an unreliable charlatan, so he deliberately arranged this formation to test me. This 'welcoming method' was really heartbreaking. Not happy.

Boss Huang runs a casino, and he must have some strange people under his command. This person knows the Bagua Huilong Formation and can raise little devils, which is not easy to come by.

After I said a few polite words, Boss Huang invited us into a private room for a detailed discussion. A sumptuous table of wine and food had been set up in the private room, and there was also a man wearing a cap with a pale face. I recognized him at a glance as the waiter who had just shown us the way. .

"Xian Zhang, Miss Yin, let me introduce you. This is my subordinate Ruan Dan." Boss Huang's Cantonese accent pronounced "Ruan" as "egg", which sounded like "egg". I almost laughed out loud. .

"Mr. Zhang, I have long admired your name."

Ruan Dan stretched out a hand and shook it with me. His hand was as cold as a dead person, and he looked at me quietly with a pair of sly little eyes.

After shaking hands, Ruan Dan took out a handkerchief, covered his mouth, and coughed violently several times.

"Mr. Ruan's food is probably very yin-y, right? I don't think it's good for your health," I said.

"Mr. Zhang is indeed an expert. He can see the way out at a glance. In fact, I am also a monk halfway. When I was a teenager, I learned a few tricks from an old Taoist wanderer. To be honest, the thing I raised is called Liu Lingtong. I just talked to him The person Mr. Zhang has hit is its clone."

Liu Lingtong is a Maoshan magic that chops the roots of a willow tree into the shape of a boy and lets the ghost of a dead boy reside on it. Naturally, the stronger the resentment, the better. Then it is watered with the essence and blood of the owner. After seven or forty-nine days, the little ghost will be dead. Taken shape.

Liu Lingtong is a relatively easy-to-use little ghost, but the yin energy is too strong, and the master needs to constantly provide yang energy to support it. This kind of consumption has a greater impact on the body than the tail jade sucking my blood. If you don't practice well, it can easily backfire on the master. of health! Ruan Dan was not from an orthodox Maoshan family, and because he carried and used Liu Lingtong all the year round, his body was hollowed out.

Ruan Dan asked again: "By the way, Mr. Zhang, the spiritual object you used just now seems to be quite powerful. Forgive my ignorance, what is it?"

"It's just an ordinary little fox fairy caught in the mountains, nothing special." I waved my hand modestly, and the beads in my arms moved as if in protest. I can't just say it's the thousand-year-old little fox fairy that Daji transformed into, right? As the saying goes, don't show off your wealth. If I don't know the other person's details, I certainly won't show it off.

Boss Huang said with great enthusiasm: "Oh, why are you standing and talking? Mr. Zhang, Miss Yin, let's sit down and talk slowly."

After we sat down, Boss Huang quickly poured us a cup of Maotai. I said straight to the point: "Boss Huang, my wife had already told me the general situation when she came here. What kind of negative thing did you throw away?"

Boss Huang sighed: "It's better to let Ruan Dan explain this."

Ruan Dan took a deep sip of wine and said, "Where should I start? I wonder if Mr. Zhang has ever heard of the idiom 'Ruan is shy'?"

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