Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 722 Ruan is shy

"Ruan Nang is shy?"

Of course I have heard of this idiom, which describes a person who is poor and has only one penny left in his pocket.

Ruan's shyness comes from Ruan Fu, a famous writer in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Although Ruan Fu was very talented, he especially liked drinking. In order to drink, he sold his clothes and houses, and even sold the golden mink given by the emperor. , they are a serious ancient Moonlight Clan.

It is said that Ruan Fu often carries a small money bag with him, and always leaves a penny in the bag to comfort himself that he has not gone bankrupt yet. This is where this idiom comes from.

After hearing what I said, Boss Huang praised: "Mr. Zhang is indeed knowledgeable and knowledgeable, I admire him."

I smiled politely, I just eat this bowl of rice, how could I not know the historical allusions.

Ruan Dan said: "To be honest, the thing we lost is the money bag Ruan Fu once used."

I thought disapprovingly, is there anyone in the world who wants this thing? Ruan Fu is a famous prodigal in history. I thought that this Ruan bag would have no good effect. Whoever takes it will definitely lose money, so I asked: "What did your casino use it for?"

The two looked at each other, and Boss Huang smiled awkwardly. Ruan Dan spoke on his behalf: "To be honest, our casino's original business has not been very good. My boss asked a Feng Shui master to take a look. The Feng Shui master said that the Feng Shui in the casino is very prosperous. It's great, but it just doesn't make any money. It turns out that there are also university students in the casino, which colleagues in the industry would never talk about. Later, my boss tried his best to find out whether the casino is not only good at feng shui, but also raises imps and sets up ban arrays. The wealth and luck of the guests are broken down into pieces, so that the casino can make money every day! As far as I know, every big casino has a master sitting in the battle. I heard that some casinos even invite wizards from Thailand to quietly move the chips. Smear corpse oil and menstrual blood to bring bad luck to customers. Mr. Zhang, please don't laugh at it. After all, every business has its own unspoken rules..."

I nodded and said, "I understand, I understand." But I was thinking, no wonder nine times out of ten I lose, the guests are being plotted from the moment they walk into the casino. Anyway, I will never gamble in this life!

Ruan Dan continued: "Later, my boss found me through some connections. At that time, I was just wandering around and living in poverty. Boss Huang was kind to me. So I took out my ancestors' This secret thing... Oh, to tell you the truth, I am the seventy-third generation grandson of Ruan Fu. I used what I learned to set up a 'luck-dispersing array' in the casino, and at the same time raised a few "retirees" "Lucky kid". Since then, the casino's revenue has been increasing day by day, and customers have lost more than before, but are more willing to come and play. Just kidding, people are a bit bitchy. But recently, this The fortune-breaking array suddenly stopped working. I checked it and found that the artifact I placed in the array was missing. I guessed it had been stolen."

I thought to myself that this move was too high. Ruan Nang, a negative creature with a strong negative effect, could actually bring about the effect of making money through the formation. Boss Huang found the right person when he found Ruan Dan.

Boss Huang added: "Mr. Zhang, this Ruan bag is a bad thing in the eyes of outsiders, but it is a priceless treasure to me! I can't go to the police on this matter. The police can't help me find a bad person." Damn it, I really have no choice. I heard that you are an expert from the mainland, so I came here to ask you for help."

I was worried. I help people deal with their yin objects. If you ask me to find yin objects, this is not within the scope of my business!

Seeing that I didn't speak for a long time, Boss Huang said again: "As long as you can get the Ruan bag back, the reward will naturally not be unfair to you. Do you think this number is appropriate?" He stretched out five chubby fingers and said, I noticed the two sparkling diamond rings on his finger.

five million? As expected of a casino owner, he was really generous with his money. I said calmly: "Boss Huang, I understand. It seems that this feint is really important to your casino. Otherwise, I would like to go with you two tomorrow." Go to the casino and see when and how the Ruan bag was lost. I will have a rough idea and I will have a good idea."

In fact, what I want to say is, go to the site and see if this business is within my capabilities?

If someone is causing trouble secretly, I might be able to help. If some uninformed sweeping lady sees that this old bag is too much of a nuisance and throws it away, then there is nothing I can do.

"No need to go to such trouble." Ruan Dan said: "Actually, I have found out through my friends that Ruan Nang is in Wuhan now. I sent the kid to investigate a few days ago, and I have determined that it has fallen into the hands of someone..."

I frowned: "Let me just say something casual. Now that you know the whereabouts, why don't you collect it yourself? Even if you can't collect it, as long as you are willing to spend money, you can buy it back."

Ruan Dan looked embarrassed and said: "If it's a matter of money, then we don't have to ask Mr. Zhang to come out. Mr. Zhang lives in Wuhan. He should have heard of the name Li Wanli, right?"

I was stunned for a moment, and Yin Xinyue was the first to react: "Are you talking about the CEO of Li's company?"

"Yes, that's him."

I said "Oh" pretending to know, and said perfunctorily: "I've heard of it, I've heard of it."

"I don't know why Ruan Nang fell into the hands of Li Wanli and his son. It may be because this evil thing has been suppressed for too long, and the resentment was released all at once. I heard that it only took a month to make the Li family into a mess. This father and son lost most of the family business. I heard that Li Wanli's son Li Ke did a 'featful' tonight. He took over the entire Wanda and gave away clothes, and lost millions in one night..." Ruan Dan couldn't laugh or cry. said.

"I'll just say it!" Oyu said proudly in the beads.

What a coincidence. It turned out that the god-level prodigal who made big news in Wanda tonight was the real owner we were looking for. I finally understood. In other words, this was a special commission. Boss Huang paid for me to go there. Collect the evil object that caused trouble in the Li family and bring it back to him, without even having to find a buyer. The price of five million is considered fair, and the bag doesn't sound dangerous.

"Okay, I will do my best to find Ruan Nang for you!" I replied.

Boss Huang picked up the wine glass very excitedly: "Mr. Zhang is really refreshing. Come on, let's have a drink."

I declined: "No, no, I still have to drive!"

Boss Huang then poured me another cup of tea and said that tea should accompany the wine. I drank the cup of tea out of politeness.

Ruan Dan said: "I know Mr. Zhang is very capable. If you need my assistance, call me and I will be there right away. I will stay in Wuhan these two days."

After saying that, he handed over a business card, which said "Macau Golden Bay Casino". Ruan Dan's title was customer service manager.

"Okay." I accepted the business card, thinking that I wouldn't be looking for him. Isn't it just a broken money bag? If you can't handle this, then don't eat this bowl of rice.

Ruan Dan went into some more details. When he left, Boss Huang also gave me a VIP gold card from Danga Bay Casino. He said that with this card, I can enjoy various discounts when I go to his casino. I thought to myself that Boss Huang was really a thief. He had to give me this thing if he could give it to me. I had always stayed away from gambling, but now that I know the tricks in the casino, I would not go there even if I beat myself to death. I didn’t want to spend the night Take a big gamble and spend all your hard-earned money over the years in vain!

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