Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 724 Nine Turns Golden Pill

Now, Yin Xinyue goes to smoothen the relationship, and Li Mazi goes to read books. My task is to wait!

I took this time to look through the notes left by my grandfather, and there was actually a mention in it of the Money-Lossing Luck Array. Its function is extremely destructive, and it can make people within a certain range continuously lose money. It is naturally the best choice for casinos to generate income.

The key to this fortune-breaking and luck-breaking formation is the formation eye. It needs a negative object that can destroy wealth. It is best not to have evil spirits, otherwise it will have some negative effects. From this perspective, Ruan Nang may be the best choice as the formation eye. .

From this point of view, I really underestimated the value of Ruan Nang! This thing may be sold for more than 5 million, but since I have said it first, of course I will still give it to Boss Huang. As a businessman, reputation is life.

After reading the notes, I suddenly had an idea, so I went out and bought a pack of Wangzai steamed buns, and then summoned Oyu. She lazily revealed her head from my arms, as if she had just woken up, and asked me What's the matter?

"Oudama, can you do a trick for me?" I asked.

"What do you want to change, bad brother? Do you want me to change into a sexy beauty? Could it be that Sister Xinyue is not here and you can't stand the loneliness anymore, hee hee."

"Nonsense!" I pointed to the Wangzi steamed buns on the table: "Give these to me and turn them into the Nine Transformations Golden Elixir."

"What is the Nine Transformations Golden Pill? How can I change something I have never seen before?" Xiao Weiyu looked confused.

"You are lying. You have lived for three thousand years and don't know what the Nine Transformations Golden Pill is. Do you still want to drink my blood in the future?" I threatened.

"Yes, yes, I will change...I will change!"

I looked at the table and saw that a bag of Wangzai steamed buns had turned into sparkling golden elixirs. The grains were plump and round, giving off a metallic luster. At first glance, they looked like high-end goods.

I picked one up and looked at it in my hand, and found that there were some small lines on the 'golden elixir'. This little fox's level of illusion was really superb. Even the weight and touch of the 'golden elixir' were very real, although I didn't see it. I have never experienced the real Nine Turns Golden Pill, but I believe that the real Golden Pill is almost like this.

I threw one in my mouth and chewed it. The texture and taste were still like Wangzai steamed buns. If you want to coax the Lis and sons, tell them not to chew them but to swallow them.

When I wasn't paying attention, Weiyu grabbed a handful of golden elixirs and ate them. He stuck out his tongue and said, "It's not delicious. It's not as delicious as meat."

"By the way, how long can your illusion last?" I asked.

"As long as it's not cracked, I can keep it going for as long as I want. If nothing happens, I'll go back to sleep. Ah, I'm so sleepy..." After saying that, Xiaowei Yu disappeared into my arms.

I wrapped up a bag of 'golden elixirs', but this bag was a bit nondescript, so I found an exquisite brocade box containing ancient jade from the cabinet and packed it all up. Then I drew a few more talismans to prepare them, Ruan The bag should not be too dangerous, so be prepared!

In the afternoon of the next day, Yin Xinyue called and said that the matter was settled and asked me to go to a Starbucks coffee shop to find her. I called Li Mazi over by the way. In order to play the role of the master, he changed his outfit and wore a well-made black silk jacket. He also held a folding fan in his hand. He looked very presentable and asked me how I was doing.

"Okay, I think if you don't do this, you can still make money by being a master and fooling people!" I laughed.

"That won't work. It's too tiring and dangerous to lie to people. It's better for me to do this with you." Li Mazi said.

"Have you finished the book I gave you?" I asked.

"Don't worry, I guarantee that everything will be accurate when the time comes." Li Mazi asked me to be reassured.

I believed in Li Mazi's ability, so I took out the box containing the golden elixir and handed it to him. When the time came, I just said no, I had to come up with something real. Li Mazi pinched one, looked at it, and exclaimed: "Okay. Brother Zhang, are you really a versatile person who can even refine the Nine Transformations Golden Pill?"

"Here, try one." I smiled.

"No, no, these things are all heavy metals and will kill you if you eat them!" Li Mazi shook his head repeatedly.

I pushed his arm and stuffed it into his mouth when he wasn't prepared. Li Mazi's face turned pale with fright: "Brother Zhang, okay, why are you trying to hurt me..." He accidentally chewed up the golden elixir while speaking. , smacked his mouth: "No, why is it so sweet? This taste is..."

I told him the truth about the golden elixir, and Li Mazi suddenly realized it and expressed his admiration for me.

We came to that Starbucks, and Yin Xinyue was sitting with a beautiful woman. The beautiful woman was wearing a well-tailored workplace attire. She had a slim and bulging figure. Her towering breasts were visible to have a D-cup, and two sexy white legs were exposed under the tube skirt. Her skin was She is delicate and fair-skinned, with long hair seemingly casually draped over her shoulders. Not to mention Li Mazi, even I couldn't help but take a second look.

Yin Xinyue stood up and said, "Let me introduce, this is Mr. Li's secretary, Miss Tang."

The beautiful secretary stood up and said very politely: "You can call me Tang Mengqing. Is this Master Zhang?"

Li Mazi was still staring straight at Tang Mengqing, but when I stepped on him, he came to his senses, calmed his expression, nodded slightly and said: "Miss Tang, there is no need to be polite. I am not a master. But I know a little about alchemy, and this is my assistant, Xiao Li."

I quickly got into character, nodded and bowed and said, "Hello, Miss Tang."

Yin Xinyue glanced at the two of us and smiled at me understandingly.

After sitting down, Tang Mengqing ordered two more cups of coffee and briefly talked about the situation, saying that her boss had recently become obsessed with things from the Wei and Jin Dynasties for some reason and wanted to find a reliable alchemist to accompany him in alchemy. She found this through her circle of friends. I know that Yin Xinyue knows some strange people in this field.

Li Mazi smiled while listening, acting like a master, but when he lowered his head to drink coffee, a pair of sly eyes kept lingering on Tang Mengqing's career line. Sitting next to me, I could see it clearly, and in my heart Extremely contemptuous of him.

After Tang Mengqing finished speaking, Li Mazi slapped his fan on his palm and said, "Miss Tang, I have a general understanding of Mr. Li's situation. Can I go see him?"

"Okay..." Tang Mengqing bit her lip and hesitated to speak.

"Miss Tang, if you have anything else to say, it doesn't matter." Li Mazi said.

"Master Zhang, I don't know if it's appropriate to say this in front of you. I still hope you can advise Mr. Li. Recently, the father and son have become a little abnormal. Mr. Li's situation is even worse. The company Now it is in jeopardy, and it will really go bankrupt if it continues like this. I entered this company after graduation and stayed for a total of seven years. Mr. Li once helped me when I was in the most difficult time. For me, this is not only It’s just a job, and I don’t want to see this company destroyed like this,” Tang Mengqing said.

I thought to myself that this beautiful secretary was quite responsible. I watched my boss become abnormal. The company was deteriorating day by day, and there were internal and external troubles. However, I couldn't stop these things from happening, and I had to do the ridiculous things the boss asked me to do. For a moment, I even wanted to identify myself and tell her why we were here.

Yin Xinyue gently patted the back of Tang Mengqing's hand and said, "Sister Mengqing, you don't have to worry. I have dealt with Master Zhang several times. He is a very decent man and is definitely not the kind of charlatan who only seeks profit."

Li Mazi said: "Miss Tang, I can understand your difficulties. I am a practicing person, and money is just a fleeting thing to me. If it is as you said, there is some reason why the Li family and his son are not normal, I will definitely He will give you good advice and will help you if necessary!"

Tang Mengqing became excited when she heard this: "Really? If you can save our boss and this company, I can repay you in any way you want!" As she said that, she stretched out her jade hands to grab Li Mazi.

Li Mazi's face suddenly turned red, he coughed lightly, and said repeatedly: "It's all within one's duty, don't worry about it, don't worry about it."

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