Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 725 Boss Li who cultivates immortality

The four of us left Starbucks. Tang Mengqing drove here by herself. Yin Xinyue didn't want to act too familiar with us, so she got into the same car as Tang Mengqing, and Li Mazi got into my car.

As soon as he got in the car, Li Mazi showed his true self. He complimented Tang Mengqing on how beautiful she was, how sexy her body was, how responsible she was, and how she knew how to get things done. Then she leaned on the seat with her hands on her head and let out a long roar. The long sigh: "The same surname is Li, when will I have such a little secretary."

"Don't come here!" I said: "You must not do anything inappropriate in the name of master."

"How could it be? We've been together for so long, and you still don't understand me?" Li Mazi sat upright and said, I thought to myself that I know you too well.

I followed Tang Mengqing's car closely. The two cars drove for more than an hour. Finally, they left the city and came to a resort. I called Yin Xinyue and asked, "Are you sure you didn't go in the wrong direction? How did you get there?" Here comes the place.”

"That's right." Tang Mengqing's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Mr. Li gave away the original house and then bought this resort. The father and son live here now."

If you have money, you can do it! I sigh.

Yin Xinyue asked curiously on the other end of the phone: "Giving it to someone? To whom?"

Tang Mengqing said a little shyly that someone gave Li Wanli a pair of guqin a few months ago. Li Wanli liked it very much and generously gave the house to him. After hearing this, I was really regretful that I didn't get to know Li and his son earlier.

There are some rural buildings along the way, with some mulberry and willow trees planted. It looks like they were artificially planned, which is very unnatural and a bit tacky. This kind of resort is the kind of place that runs farmhouses specifically to defraud foreign tourists. However, Li Wanli certainly didn't buy it for profit, but just to live in a "paradise" where no one would disturb them, so all these houses along the way were abandoned.

We found a place to park. After getting off the car, Tang Mengqing led us. Yin Xinyue looked around and said, "This place is quite good to rent out for filming. The rent is several thousand yuan a day, and it costs hundreds of thousands a month."

Tang Mengqing smiled bitterly: "Mr. Li used to be such a smart and capable person, but now he has completely lost interest in making money. By the way, when you see him later, be sure not to mention money, otherwise he will kick you out."

I exclaimed: "Is Mr. Li so... otherworldly now?"

"Mr. Li is now only willing to associate with people who speak elegantly. If he thinks you are a vulgar person, he won't even look at you. As a result, he has offended many big customers. If I hadn't called them one by one to apologize afterwards and tried every means to remedy the situation, I'm afraid the company would have been It went bankrupt," Tang Mengqing said.

Yin Xinyue said: "It's really hard for you, sister Mengqing."

I asked about Mr. Li's family situation again, and Tang Mengqing told me that Li Wanli divorced very early and had only one son, Li Ke.

We came to a thatched cottage, and there was actually a field in the yard where some vegetables were grown and some chickens were raised. The owner of the thatched cottage probably doesn't know much about farming, but these chickens pecked at insects randomly in the vegetable field, pecking the vegetable leaves full of holes.

There were bursts of melodious piano music in the room, but mixed with discordant yells such as "Fuck you", "He's just a madman", "Wait to see you in court", and only three or four men in suits and ties could be seen. The crowd came out angrily, and one of them kicked down a bunch of lentils that were drying in the yard. After going out, several people glared at us angrily and left, cursing.

Tang Mengqing said that these were lawyers sent by companies she had cooperated with before. She wanted to settle the debts quickly before the company went bankrupt, so as not to get the money back. She was probably scolded by the owner.

We walked into the yard and heard a voice in the house singing along with the sound of the piano: "Pick chrysanthemums under the east fence, leisurely see the Nanshan..." The sound of the piano suddenly stopped, and the voice cursed: "Get out!" Then a wine jar appeared. It flew out with a "whoosh" and smashed to the ground, barely missing us.

"What kind of hospitality is this?" Li Mazi said.

"Mr. Li may have misunderstood and thought that you are also here to collect debts." Tang Mengqing knocked on the door a few times and said in a very soft tone: "Mr. Li, I have invited a master who knows how to make alchemy."

"Please come in!" the voice said respectfully.

We walked into the house cautiously, for fear of throwing another wine jar out. There were no lights in the house. In a room facing the door, there was a straw mat on the floor. A middle-aged man with disheveled hair in ancient clothes sat cross-legged there with a guqin in front of him.

The room was filled with cigarette smoke, which made me want to sneeze, but luckily I held it back. Apart from the incense burner, mats, and guqin, there was nothing else, but there were quite a few empty wine jars thrown on the floor.

This uncle is Li Wanli. Looking at his uninhibited appearance, if he hadn't known his previous identity, he would have thought he had traveled through time in ancient times.

"Li Wanli, what is the name of this master?" Li Wanli asked.

"My surname is Zhang. I don't dare to be a master. I heard that Mr. Li is interested in seeking immortality, so I came here to ask for advice." Li Mazi replied gracefully.

Li Wanli nodded with satisfaction: "He speaks well and has a distinguished appearance. It seems that Mr. Zhang is also an elegant man..." Then he pointed at Yin Xinyue and me: "Then who are these two common people?"

Damn, I almost yelled at him for making random comments when we met. I hate this kind of self-righteous people the most.

Li Mazi quickly introduced: "These two are my assistants."

Li Wanli didn't even say hello and asked Li Mazi directly: "Does Master Zhang have any research on alchemy?"

"Know a thing or two..." As he spoke, Li Mazi began to talk eloquently, saying that alchemy first originated from the Yellow Emperor. Ordinary people have many misunderstandings about alchemy. In fact, alchemy is a way of maintaining health in accordance with nature, harvesting the aura of heaven and earth. Take the essence of gold and stone to strengthen the human body, strengthen yourself through taking food, breathing in and out, fasting and other methods, and finally achieve the goal of living as long as heaven and earth.

Li Mazi was indeed a master at deceiving people. He spoke every word that touched Li Wanli's heart. He nodded his head in agreement while listening, interrupting to ask questions from time to time. The two of them chatted very enthusiastically, and they seemed to regret meeting each other so late.

But Yin Xinyue and I were a little uncomfortable being forced to be the audience, and as assistants we had to stand by. Fortunately, Li Wanli asked Tang Mengqing to serve tea to Master Zhang, so I found an excuse to "go out to see Feng Shui" and sneak away with Yin Xinyue. out.

The two of us came to the yard, and I called Oyu out and asked her if she had noticed the Yin Qi? Wei Yu showed her head from my arms and said that there was no Yin Qi nearby, even she didn't feel it, Ruan Nang should not be here. After she finished speaking, she looked straight at the chickens running around, bared her fangs, and said with a fierce look: "I really want to bite them to death!"

"You have been practicing for many years, and you are still thinking about sneaking around. You really haven't changed your nature. Go back quickly." I said with a bitter smile.

"It's as if you don't need to eat because you are so powerful, huh!" Xiaowei Yu pouted.

Our conversation amused Yin Xinyue, and she said, "This little fox is so cute."

I said: "You must not spoil her. No matter how human she is, she is still a fairy at heart."

"Humph!" Oyu became unhappy and said stiffly: "I'm going back to sleep!"

She was about to get back into the bead when she suddenly looked in one direction, sniffed with her nose and said, "Bad brother, there is a powerful Yin Qi approaching this way!"

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