Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 726: Show off your skills

At this time, a man of about 20 years old chanted loudly, "Look up to the sky and laugh out loud, go out, how can we be from Penghao people?" came in from the outside, was stunned when he saw Yin Xinyue and me, and asked: "Who are you? "

Weiyu was afraid of being discovered, so he quickly hid in the bead. I told him that I was Master Zhang's assistant. Master Zhang was talking to Mr. Li inside. The man's expression softened. It turned out that he was Li Ke, Li Wanli's son.

Li Ke swaggered into the house with his hands behind his back. Just like his father, he looked frivolous and didn't even know how to be polite.

When Li Ke passed by, I noticed a strong yin energy on his body. I guess Ruan Guang was on him. I asked Yin Xinyue: "Did you notice any poems he recited when he came in just now?"

"It seems to be a poem by Li Bai." Yin Xinyue replied.

"Yes, it stands to reason that it is impossible for the resentful spirits in the Eastern Jin Dynasty to know Tang poetry, so the situation is better than I thought. They were only mentally affected by evil spirits and were not completely possessed by the resentful spirits!" I said.

But one thing makes me curious. Li Ke is wearing modern clothes, his speech is relatively normal, and his symptoms seem to be milder; while Li Wanli is completely crazy, and his symptoms are much more serious.

This is very strange. It is clear that Ruan's bag is on his son, but why does it have a greater impact on me? Is it possible that this evil thing still picks people?

At this time, Tang Mengqing came out and said to Yin Xinyue: "Sister Yin, why are you standing outside."

"It's okay, come out and get some air. The air here is so good." Yin Xinyue said with a smile.

"Ms. Tang, I have something to ask you." I said.


"Did Mr. Li receive any strange things before, and his temper suddenly changed?" I asked.

Tang Mengqing was slightly surprised and said: "How did you guess it? A few months ago, someone gave Mr. Li a black cloth bag, saying it was a wallet used by an ancient celebrity and it could attract wealth or something. As a result, Not only did it bring no fortune, Mr. Li suddenly donated all his personal property, and then moved to this resort to live, playing the piano and drinking every day, not caring about the company's affairs at all."

As I suspected, someone was indeed trying to harm Li Wanli. I sighed and said, "Why didn't you think of a way earlier?"

Tang Mengqing hesitated and said: "I'm just a secretary. If I annoy the boss, he can fire me with just one word. I really have no choice but to tell Mr. Li's son about it. He still knows how to speak. Yes. Later, Li Ke quarreled with him several times and took the bag away by force. As a result..."

"In the end, even he became abnormal?" I couldn't help but laugh.

"Yes!" Tang Mengqing nodded fiercely.

I sighed. This is the consequences of handling vaginal objects without knowing the dangers. "Actually, you should have come to me earlier."

"Looking for you?" Tang Mengqing's eyes widened.

I told Tang Mengqing that I was dealing with these "female things" part-time, and I explained to her what "female things" were. Tang Mengqing was overjoyed and said: "If you can make Mr. Li return to normal and save this company, I will definitely let him take care of himself afterwards." To reward you.”

"Don't worry, I will do my best. Let's talk about the reward later!" I waved my hand.

Tang Mengqing asked again: "By the way, if I do what you said and subdue this evil... evil thing, can we find out who is behind it?"

I replied casually: "It should be possible."

For some reason, Tang Mengqing suddenly became uncertain. She forced a smile and said, "That's great. If you need help, just ask."

At this time, Tang Mengqing answered a phone call. After a brief conversation, she told us that the company had left early. After she left, I said to Yin Xinyue: "I think there is something wrong with this secretary. She must be hiding something from me."

"Are you too worried? I heard from my friend that if this Miss Tang hadn't been struggling to support this company, Li's company would have been finished long ago. If she had other intentions, with her position and Mr. Li's trust in her may have achieved its purpose long ago..." Yin Xinyue didn't believe it.

"Go away, you stinking liar, what are you trying to trick my dad into eating?" Suddenly there was a roar in the room, and Li Mazi was pushed out in a very embarrassed manner, almost falling to the ground. Li Ke was holding the pretended 'Golden Pill' The box was thrown on the ground, and the 'golden elixir' inside was scattered all over the floor.

Li Mazi looked embarrassed and asked me for help frequently with his eyes.

"Ke'er, how can you treat Master Zhang like this? Those are the nine-turn golden elixir that he spent seven, seven and forty-nine days refining." Li Wanli came over and said, Yin Xinyue quietly asked me where the golden elixir came from, I told her it was Otama who conjured it up.

"Dad, you believe this kind of nonsense, it will kill someone if you eat it." Li Ke said anxiously.

Li Wanli sneered enigmatically: "That's because your realm is not high enough to understand these mysterious things. Only when you completely let go of the worldly burdens and truly achieve spiritual freedom will you realize the realm of fatherhood. I want to cultivate immortality and be happy to the heavens!"

"Dad, if you want to do other things, not only will I not object, but I will also accompany you, but refining alchemy will definitely not work!" It seems that Li Ke is still a rare filial son.

"Huh, you're just playing the piano to a cow!" Li Wanli stroked his sleeves and went back to the house.

After Li Wanli entered the house, Li Ke pointed at us and said, "You charlatans, get out of here and don't appear in front of my dad again."

Although Li Ke was unfriendly to us, I could see that this was an entry point. I could definitely take advantage of the conflict between father and son, so I said politely: "Mr. Li, why do you conclude that we are charlatans?"

Li Ke sneered: "I've seen people like you a lot, pretending to be like a fairy to cheat my father's money."

"Mr. Li, if you are willing to cooperate with us, I can make your father quit this bad habit." I said.

"Cooperation, how to cooperate?" Li Ke immediately reacted: "Oh, I won't cooperate with you charlatans. Don't you just want money?" After saying that, he took out a wad of brand-new banknotes from his wallet and threw them away. Man Tianfei: "Take the money and get out!"

Damn it, you actually used money to humiliate me. It seems like you can’t convince him without showing your hands!

With a thought in my mind, I summoned Wei Yu and whispered to her: "Show down this young man with your bare hands."

"Why?" Oyu asked while hiding in my arms.


As soon as he finished speaking, Li Ke suddenly screamed: "Ah, what is it? It's so scary!" He slapped his body with both hands hysterically. I was afraid of scaring him, so I asked Oyu to stop the illusion and said to him: " Mr. Li, you say I am a charlatan, can a charlatan do such a thing?"

Li Ke looked at me with awe in his eyes: "Did you summon those terrifying ghost hands just now?"

"Yes! Want to try again?" I sneered.

"No, no." He looked much more polite: "I admit that you are a bit hesitant, so how are you going to help my father?"

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