Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 727 The evil money bag

I said, "The way I saw your father just now, he was probably under the influence of something."

Li Ke was shocked: "How did you know?"

"Not only do I know this, I also know that the thing you have is a money bag. If you continue to carry it, it won't take long before you become as ignorant as your father!" I shouted loudly.

Li Ke touched his chest subconsciously, a layer of cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and his expression suddenly changed: "That's nonsense, you don't understand anything!"

"Can you please lend me this thing?" I asked.

"No... no." Li Ke said nervously: "This is my treasure, how could I just hand it over to an outsider like you?"

I thought to myself that just explaining the interests was useless. His entire values ​​​​had been distorted now. I had to follow his ideas to coax him to hand over the bag, so I said: "Your father said that your level is not high. It seems that Your level is indeed not high, but you regard a mere external possession as a treasure, you are willing to donate tens of millions of dollars, but you are not willing to lend me a broken bag?"

Li Ke blushed and said, "Why do you want this?"

"I want to use it as a way to get rid of its negative impact on your father." I explained.

Li Ke hesitated for a long time before taking something out of his arms and handing it to me. The Ruan bag turned out to be a black brocade bag, tied with two silk ropes. There was a Haechi embroidered with gold thread on the brocade bag. It was very well made. Exquisite.

I opened the kit and took a look. There was a rusty green clam coin in it. Ruan was really shy.

"Don't lose it." Li Ke said: "This thing is very important to me. I used to be a layman who only wanted to make money and spend money. Since I got it, I suddenly feel that my spirit has changed. I got clean, and I no longer attached myself to those external things. I gave away my house and car, and donated my savings to Project Hope. I lived an unrestrained and undisturbed life with my father here. I really wanted to Cultivate immortality and be happy all over the world. Those who chase material things every day are particularly vulgar in my eyes. I booked the entire shopping mall that day to see if there are people in the world who are not greedy for money like me. The result was so disappointing. When those people heard that they didn't need money, they fought like crazy, huh, do people live their entire lives just to pursue these extraneous things?"

I thought to myself that it really doesn’t hurt to stand and talk. If you didn’t have hundreds of millions of wealth to squander, who would let you live such an unrestrained life? I was noncommittal about his point of view and said in an evasive manner: "Don't worry, I will keep this thing in good hands and I will get your father to stop the bad habit of burning mercury to make elixirs as soon as possible."

"Then I'll trouble you."

I suddenly thought of something and asked, "By the way, who gave this money bag to your father?"

"I don't know, it should be one of his friends." Li Ke thought for a while and said.

"How's the relationship between Secretary Tang and your father?" I asked again.

Li Ke's face changed drastically, and his reaction suddenly became very fierce: "Nonsense, they have nothing to do with each other. When I was a child, my family was very poor. My mother fell in love with another man and abandoned our father and son. My father has never remarried. , mainly because I consider my feelings. In fact, I still hope that he can find a companion and not end up in a miserable life."

At this time, Li Wanli came out and asked Li Ke to help prepare dinner. Li Ke agreed and left. Then the father and son, who were worth hundreds of millions, went into the kitchen and started chopping firewood for cooking.

Li Mazi asked me for the bag, played with it in his hand, and said excitedly: "Okay, I finally got it. Let's go to the boss in Macau to do business."

I took the Ruan bag from his hand and put it in my arms: "No, I have to find a way to save this father and son!"

"Brother Zhang, you are really nosy. They are willing to live such a life of indifference to fame and wealth. Why do you have to interfere? Hand over the things quickly to avoid long nights and dreams." Li Mazi said.

"If one day I see this father and son begging for food on the street, I will feel uneasy. Anyway, I have to take care of this business." I sighed.

Yin Xinyue also nodded repeatedly: "I agree. Since we have the ability, we will help them."

Li Mazi sighed: "Then I will sacrifice my life to accompany you. Do you want me to prepare something?"

"While it's still dark, you take my car and go to the city to help me get these things, ink, yellow snake, red thread, iron nails, scissors that have seen blood, and money from all over the world. It's best to go to the drugstore. Buy some sleeping pills, I’m afraid they won’t cooperate then,” I said.

"What is Wan Guo Qian? Where can I get the bloody scissors?" Li Mazi asked in confusion.

"Coins of all nations are coins from various countries, such as US dollars, euros, Hong Kong dollars, and some ancient copper coins. Only one of each type is needed. If you have seen bloody scissors, go to the fish shop and buy a pair." I said.

"This will take a lot of effort." Li Mazi muttered.

"It's okay, I'll wait for you."

Li Mazi drove away in my car. The Li family and his son obviously didn't know how to cook. They stuffed wet firewood into the stove and filled the room with smoke. They choked and coughed. I couldn't stand it anymore. I felt sorry for them. After lighting the fire and cooking the pot, Li Wanli asked: "Where is the master?"

"He went out to do some errands and will be back soon."

"Oh, it's a rare time for you to come here, why not stay and have a meal! The elegant style of a small farmhouse with simple meals is something you can't usually experience in the noisy city." Li Wanli said with a proud look on his face, I looked at the bacon cut into different sizes on the chopping board and thought that this meal must be terrible.

The craftsmanship of the Li family's father and son is really hard to compliment. Yin Xinyue and I didn't want to eat this dinner after a few bites. The father and son sat in the yard, drinking wine and eating vegetables, chatting about their recent experiences in reading poetry and songs. With such a leisurely and contented look, we two laymen were simply suffering sitting next to him.

After dinner, Li Wanli went back to his room to play the piano. Li Ke asked me, "When will you do the practice?"

"Wait until my companion comes back," I said.

"Well, I'm going to go in and read first. Call me if you need anything." After finishing speaking, Li Ke walked into the back room.

There was no entertainment in this remote country, so I had nothing to do, so I turned on my phone and looked through Moments. I didn’t know who forwarded a message. A baby was born with a genetic disease and urgently needed a large sum of money for surgery. I hope everyone will be generous. Help.

Because the person who forwarded it was a relative, I was too embarrassed to forward it without seeing it, so I donated fifty yuan as a token.

I suddenly thought, I am so despicable, am I still a human being if I only donate fifty yuan? No, I had to donate more, so I donated another three hundred yuan.

Then I thought, I am too dirty. They clearly need help, but I only donated three hundred, am I still a human being, so I donated another two thousand.

After donating two thousand, I suddenly felt extremely happy. This feeling of spending money lavishly was so damn good, so I entered two hundred thousand in one go on the donation interface without even thinking about it. I was about to click OK. Yin Xinyue He grabbed my phone.

"Husband, what are you doing?"

"Give me your phone back!" I yelled angrily: "I want to donate money to others. The money is my own. I can donate it if I want. You don't need to control me!"

Yin Xinyue looked at me in horror and said, "Husband, even you are possessed."

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