Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 728: Blood Scissors, Suppressing Yin Spirit

When Yin Xinyue reminded me, I immediately reacted and bit the tip of my tongue hard. The strong pain from the bitten tip made me wake up suddenly, and I realized how ridiculous my actions just now were.

I took out the Ruan Nang from my arms, and the Yin Qi emanating from it was stronger than before. It seemed that I underestimated the power of the Ruan Nang, and even a person with advanced cultivation like me almost fell into its trap.

"What a risk, what a risk!" I said to Yin Xinyue, "I scared you just now. I'm so sorry."

Yin Xinyue said: "It doesn't matter. Fortunately, I found it in time."

I took out a Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva talisman and temporarily sealed the Ruan bag, stood up and said, "What time is it? Why hasn't Li Mazi come back yet?"

When I heard that Cao Cao had arrived, I was about to call Li Mazi when I saw him running in with a big bag and sweating profusely. I laughed at how he looked like he was in a hurry to reincarnate. Li Mazi replied: "This pair It’s true that father and son have to live in a place like this despite a mansion. It’s dark at night and it’s too intrusive to walk alone on the road..."

I checked the contents of the bag and found that Li Mazi was becoming more and more efficient in his work. He found all the things I wanted in such a short time, so I asked him to go to the house and invite Li Wanli out.

Not long after, Li Mazi coaxed Li Wanli out, and Li Ke followed.

Li Wanli was writing calligraphy in the room when he suddenly said that he wanted to do some rituals. He was confused and had a bit of unhappiness on his face. I coaxed him by saying that this was a ritual to change his tendons and cleanse his marrow. After it was completed, he could stop eating a hundred grains and become a great immortal.

Li Wanli's IQ was completely below the line now. He believed such lies. He happily said to Li Mazi: "Master Zhang, this is the first time I heard that there is such a quick way to practice fasting. Does it work?"

"It works, I've done it for many people," Li Mazi said.

I quietly gave the sleeping pills to Yin Xinyue and put them into the tea, tricking the father and son into drinking them, otherwise they would be unable to subdue their quarrel later.

I found a plastic bottle, mixed the eel blood and ink thoroughly, poured it in, used scissors to poke a hole in the bottle cap, and then squeezed the plastic bottle to draw a pattern in the open space. After the painting was completed, nails were nailed to the feet of the formation, silk threads were tied between the nails, and copper coins were strung on the silk threads. As for the foreign coins that could not be worn, they were scattered around the formation.

The key to this array is these coins from all nations. The coins circulate quickly and carry a strong "copper smell". I want to use them to offset the negative impact Ruan Nang has on the father and son.

Seeing me throwing coins there, Li Wanli felt a little conflicted and asked Li Mazi: "Master Zhang, didn't you say Yi Jin Cleanses the Marrow? Why do you get so much money? Take it away quickly. I can't stand this smoky copper." Stink.”

Li Ke also noticed something was wrong: "What on earth do you want to do to my father?"

Now that the matter has been made clear, I simply said it bluntly: "You two are obsessed with it, but you don't realize it. It's because of this money bag. Look what harm you have done to the company and your own family!"

Li Wanli was shaking with anger and said angrily: "You ignorant ordinary people, you know nothing. Money is the shackles that bind the human soul. I finally abandoned all material things and lived this pastoral life without fighting against the world. Who wants you to take care of me!"

"Do you think you are very noble and aloof?" I said, "Think about it carefully. The chickens you raise in your yard, the vegetables you grow, the wine you drink, and the piano you play are all the products of the people around you who have given in to their surroundings. The good villains have prepared it for you, but their purpose is nothing more than to defraud you of your money. If you are so poor that you have nothing, do you think you can live such an idyllic life?"

"I'm ruining my own family business, and you don't need to worry about it!" Li Wanli said angrily, turned around and walked towards the house. He suddenly shook and fell down. Fortunately, Li Mazi, who was standing next to him, caught him in time.

When Li Ke saw his father fainted, his face turned pale with fright, and he cursed angrily: "You despicable people with evil intentions, what have you done to my father, I will fight with you!"

At this time, the effect of sleeping pills took effect, and Li Ke also fainted.

I thought to myself that I have surrendered to vaginal objects all my life, and there is nothing more cowardly than this. I have good intentions and want to save people, but they are pointed at and scolded. After they regain their consciousness, I must ask them for more reward, so that I can have a psychological balance.

"I just said you shouldn't meddle in this business." Li Mazi complained.

"Okay, stop making sarcastic remarks, quickly drag and drop them into the formation, be careful not to overdraw the lines I drew." I warned.

Li Mazi and I put the father and son into the formation. We placed the Ruan Nang on the other end of the array, facing the Ruan Nang. I put down the pair of scissors that had seen the blood and pointed the sharp scissor tips at the Ruan Nang.

Ruan Nang was very afraid of the scissors and huddled up like a living creature. I sneered and said, "No one will support you now. Let me see what else you can do!"

After the arrangement was completed, I surrounded the Ruan bag with the last few coins. It was very resistant to the smell of copper. I placed a coin and it turned around. Finally, I placed it in a circle. It had nowhere to hide, as if it was angry. It started to tremble like a tremor.

The soul of Ruan Fu lives on Ruan Nang, a scholar who has lived a noble life. To him, my "branch-stinking formation" is a great humiliation.

But can you still bite me?!

I sat down and started to recite the incantation. The coins on the array were activated, and the strong smell of copper hit Ruan Nang from all directions. Li and his son also began to twitch all over as they lay there. After reciting for about half an hour, my throat was numb. Silent, he asked Yin Xinyue for a drink of water.

"Brother Zhang, why haven't you responded yet?" Yin Xinyue asked.

"This broken bag is too stubborn, but it doesn't matter. This is a protracted battle. Let's see who can outlast the other. If you can't stay, go back to the house and wait for a while." I said.

"There's no TV in the house, so let's just stay here." Li Mazi fanned in boredom.

I continued to recite the mantra, and the sinister winds in the formation rolled up small whirlwinds one after another. Ruan Nang was still resisting tenaciously, but its power had been greatly weakened.

Seeing that he was about to succeed, Li Ke suddenly sat upright, rolled his eyes, and howled in another person's voice: "Ignorant village man, I, Ruan Fu, have been a noble person in my life, you, you, how dare you use this Wait for the dirty and despicable methods to humiliate me!"

Ruan Fu's soul finally couldn't bear it and was forced out. He reached out to grab the Ruan bag. Yin Xinyue cried out worriedly: "Brother Zhang, it's not good, he wants to rob it openly."

"Don't be afraid!" I sneered.

Ruan Fu touched the coins around him and suddenly retracted his hand as if he had been burned. After trying several times, he finally sat on the ground and cried loudly.

Li Mazi almost lost his joy: "I have never seen a weaker Yin spirit than this one..."

Who says it's not? A poor scholar who died of cirrhosis of the liver after drinking too much in his forties. In terms of bravery, he cannot compare with the likes of Lu Bu, the overlord of Western Chu and the God of War. In terms of sinisterness, he is not as good as Zhong Wuyan. He is really useless. He is a scholar, and even I can't. I feel a little sorry for him.

After reciting the incantation for a while, I felt a little tired, and a chill ran down my back. I heard a "hehe" sound from somewhere, like a child laughing.

Then I felt some weight on my shoulders. I turned around and saw a small hand on my shoulder.

I stood up in excitement, and Yin Xinyue asked me what was wrong. I said something seemed wrong. Where did the child just come from? Could it be that the smell of eel blood summoned the little ghost nearby?

Impossible, this has never happened before.

At this time, Li Mazi screamed, and Yin Xinyue and I hurried over. Li Mazi had just gone to the toilet. When he came back, he kicked a furry thing. He took a photo with his mobile phone and found that it was a dead chicken.

I took his cell phone and took a photo of the chicken pen in the corner of the yard. I found that seven or eight chickens had their throats bitten open, and the air was filled with the smell of blood.

"Oi Yu!" I called out Wei Yu angrily: "Did you do this?"

Oudama revealed his head from my chest and said innocently: "I have been sleeping. Besides, who cares about drinking such low-grade blood?"

"You obviously said this during the day!" I said angrily.

"That was a joke, okay? You really wronged me, huh!" Oyu turned his head and ignored me.

Seven or eight chickens died silently, which was too suspicious. At this time, Li Mazi seemed to have discovered something: "Brother Zhang, it seems that all the chickens that were bitten to death were roosters!"

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