Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 729 The man in the T-shirt attacks

After Li Mazi reminded me, I also discovered that the dead ones were all roosters, including a few young roosters whose combs had not yet grown. I picked up one and looked at it, and found that the wound was slightly black.

Oudama sniffed it and said, "It smells like corpse. The knife that cut the throat must have been coated with corpse oil."

"Who did this?" Li Mazi said, "Is this person a centipede? Why does he hate roosters so much?"

"No, this person killed the rooster because he didn't want me to use the chicken blood! I guess there must be someone behind it..."

I was suddenly stunned because Li Ke, who was possessed by Ruan Fu, was gone in the yard, the Ruan bag on the ground was also missing, and the courtyard door was wide open!

I rushed over and took a look. The large formation I drew was completely destroyed, and there was a child's handprint on the ground. Because of this, Ruan Fu was able to escape.

"Oops, chase!"

I asked Weiyu to stay and guard Li Wanli to prevent anything from happening again, and I chased him out with Li Mazi and Yin Xinyue.

It was pitch dark outside, and a shadow in the distance was running desperately in front of me. As I was chasing, something seemed to come out of the grass on the roadside and tugged at my foot. I fell to the ground with stars in my eyes. There was also a scrape of skin on the palm of my hand.

"Husband, are you okay?"

Seeing me fall, Yin Xinyue quickly stopped and helped me up. While helping me, she suddenly said in surprise: "There is a small handprint on your shoulder!"

This must have been left by the kid just now. I stood up and found that Li Mazi had disappeared, and Ruan Fu was also missing. I thought, Li Mazi was too positive, right? I called his name into the distance, but there was no response. At this time, Yin Xinyue rubbed her shoulders and said, "Honey, why do I feel so cold all of a sudden?"

I looked around and saw some strange figures moving in the darkness. The strong Yin Qi caused the surrounding temperature to drop.

Yin Xinyue was so scared that she hugged my arm. I comforted her and said that I was here! As soon as I turned around, a woman in rags fell down from the locust tree nearby. Her face was pale, a hemp rope was tied around her neck, and a long red tongue stuck out of her mouth. She slowly He opened his pupil-less eyes, and a strange smile appeared on his lips.

"Yeah!" Yin Xinyue screamed and hugged me tighter.

The appearance of the hanged ghost scared me into a cold sweat. I thought to myself that this is a resort, not an old cemetery in a barren mountain. How could a group of lonely ghosts appear out of thin air?

I felt that this was something strange. The strange wind just now was also very suspicious. It seemed that someone was causing trouble secretly.

I reached out and took out the Sirius Whip from my arms and recited the incantation silently. A white Big Dipper Sirius came out of the whip, pounced the hanged ghost from the tree, pinned it to the ground and bit it, killing him to death. Splatter.

Suddenly, a pair of cold hands grabbed my ankle.

I looked down and saw a dozen pairs of translucent hands coming out of the ground, and then arms and bodies emerged from the soil. They were a group of rotten 'people', some of them were so rotten that they were all white. The skeleton has arrived.

At the same time, the ghosts from all directions quickly surrounded them, and the Yin Qi became strong. The Beidou Sirius was aroused and started to bite madly. These lonely wild ghosts were simply invincible, and a large number of them were quickly killed.

But there were too many of them. I tightened my grip on the Sirius Whip and was about to swing it when I suddenly felt pain in my stomach like a knife. The pain made me unable to straighten up. Cold sweat dripped down, and there was a faint feeling in my ears. Erratic voices murmured incantations there.

"Husband, what's wrong with you?" Yin Xinyue saw that I looked abnormal and asked quickly.

"No...I don't know what's going on. Why does my stomach suddenly hurt? It seems..." A sudden throbbing pain made me speechless. What I want to say is: It seems like someone has dropped a poisonous poison on me. Something like that.

In my current state, I can't even dance the Sirius Whip. Pairs of ghost hands are grabbing at us randomly. Every time I grab them, I feel my body shudder. If you bear too many attacks from this kind of spirit body, you will die. I gritted my teeth and recited the "Tao Te Ching" and waved my whip to sweep over. Several ghosts howled and turned into light smoke and dissipated, but they were soon followed by the ghosts behind them. After making up for it, this is simply a ghost cave.

The scene of this group of ghosts attacking is no less than the Night Parade of Hundred Ghosts I saw in Japan. I am sure there is someone behind it, and this person is very humane!

I thought I was going to be doomed, but then a paper crane fluttered over, hovered in the sky for a long time, and then flew in one direction, as if to guide us. My spirits were lifted and I said to Yin Xinyue: "Let's go quickly and follow the paper crane!"

Yin Xinyue supported me and followed the paper crane. The Big Dipper Sirius kept killing and biting around, biting into pieces the individual ghosts who dared to approach us. But they are ghosts, and they are ghosts driven by people. They don't know fear at all and just rush forward blindly.

Wherever the paper crane goes, there are weak links in the ghost army. Although there is a miserable scene of crying ghosts and howling wolves in all directions, we actually walked through it without any danger.

The severe pain in my abdomen made me almost faint. I was worried that I would not be able to get out of the ghost formation, so I took out a Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Talisman from my arms and asked Yin Xinyue to stick it to my body, so that I could temporarily resist it for a while.

Yin Xinyue put the talisman on my body and hers respectively. Those ghost hands that wanted to catch us retracted when they touched the talisman, as if they were electrocuted. However, every time they touched it, the color of the talisman would become darker. The number of times on my body was too frequent, and the several charms attached to my body quickly turned into ashes without any warning and lost their effectiveness.

"Zhong Kui glared angrily, and all evils dispersed!"

A familiar voice suddenly echoed in the night sky. In an instant, it was like an overwhelming force. The ghosts behind me were pushed back by an invisible repulsive force. The scene was truly spectacular. I saw the man in the T-shirt holding the Bafang Han Sword in his right hand and holding the Sword Jue in his left hand. He walked towards me and said coldly: "Follow me!"

He grabbed my hand and led Yin Xinyue and I away from this dangerous place until we walked under a big tree. I noticed that a magic circle had been drawn on the ground around the big tree. The man in the T-shirt stuck his sword on the edge of the magic circle, pulled me into the circle, and said, "Jiulin, lie down."

My stomach hurt so much that I couldn't speak, and I lay on the ground obediently. This severe pain seemed like something was about to burst out of my body. It was so painful that double images began to appear in front of my eyes.

The man in the t-shirt took out a few charms, held them in his hand and burned them automatically, quickly turning into a handful of ashes in his hand. He asked me to open my mouth, rubbed all the paper ash into my mouth, then bit his thumb and dripped a few drops of warm blood into my mouth.

"Swallow!" he ordered.

The dry paper ashes still had residual warmth, which was bitter and uncomfortable to swallow. It took me a long time to swallow it, and it felt like my throat was about to burn.

The man in the T-shirt sat down cross-legged and recited the mantra silently. Miraculously, my stomach no longer hurt.

But before I could be happy for even a second, my stomach hurt again, and I heard that ethereal voice in my ears chanting a spell faster!

The man in the T-shirt continued to chant the spell and secretly confronted the man behind the scenes. The two sides were like a tug of war, one ebbing and the other escalating. It made my stomach hurt for a while. But I could clearly feel two forces fighting with each other in my stomach, one as warm as fire and the other as cold as ice.

Yin Xinyue looked on worriedly. She really couldn't do much to help, so she had to keep wiping the cold sweat on my forehead with a handkerchief.

I thought to myself that this kind of pain is almost as painful as when a woman gives birth, and it may even be more severe!

At this time, the ghosts had been surrounded from all directions, and were temporarily blocked by the formation and Big Dipper. However, Big Dipper had begun to be unable to hold on, and it was only a matter of time before the ghosts broke through the formation.

I saw a layer of sweat forming on the forehead of the man in the T-shirt. As time passed by, I began to worry and wanted to tell them to leave and leave me alone. At this moment, the man in the T-shirt shouted sharply. :"break!"

A stream of hot liquid rushed straight from my stomach into my esophagus. I quickly turned sideways, and just as I opened my jaw, a stream of warm liquid poured out like a fountain. The things I vomited up included a bit of food I had eaten at night, and a large pool of bloody stomach acid mixed with some weird black lines, which were crawling on the ground like roundworms, which made me feel very sick.

After vomiting, my stomach no longer hurt. Yin Xinyue helped me up and asked me how I felt.

"It doesn't hurt anymore. I really took a trip to the Gate of Hell just now..." I said.

The man in the T-shirt clapped his hands calmly and stood up: "You have been cast a heart-breaking curse."

"Heartbreaker curse?" This is the first time I have heard of such a curse.

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