Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 730 The Five Ghost Haunting Curse

The man in the T-shirt asked: "Jiulin, have you eaten anything given to you by strangers recently?"

I just ate the food cooked by the Li family and his son tonight, but I thought it was impossible for them to use any heart-breaking spell, and I couldn't remember it for a while.

I asked the man in the T-shirt: "First year of junior high school, why are you here?"

The man in the T-shirt glanced at the group of ghosts outside the formation and said, "Let's talk as we go, let's get rid of these troublesome things first..."

After saying that, he pulled out the Han Sword inserted in the magic circle. The effectiveness of the magic circle suddenly weakened, and the wails of the ghosts suddenly sounded in my ears as if the volume had been turned up. The man in the T-shirt said something "Let's go", he bolted in one direction. I didn't know where he was going, so I had to follow him with Yin Xinyue.

The army of ghosts behind us was blocked by the magic circle for a moment, then suddenly broke through the magic circle and came over like a tide. The three of us quickly quickened our pace and left them behind.

On the way, the man in the T-shirt told me that he was helping a boss look for Ruan Nang. After asking around, he found out that Ruan Nang was here. Unexpectedly, when he arrived, he found that Yin Xinyue and I were being attacked by a group of ghosts, so he came to help.

Fortunately, he arrived in time, otherwise the heartbreaking curse and the group of ghosts would probably capsize my boat in the gutter tonight!

I asked him: "Who wants this money bag?"

"He's the owner of a casino in Macau, his surname is Huang," the man in the T-shirt said.

"Wait a minute, isn't it Boss Huang from Golden Bay Casino?" I asked hurriedly.

The man in the T-shirt stopped and was slightly surprised: "How do you know?"

"Because my client is also Boss Huang..." I suddenly remembered that Boss Huang invited me to drink a cup of tea that day. It was probably at that time that I was cursed by Ruan Dan. Thinking of this, I suddenly understood everything. He cursed: "Damn it, I was tricked by two liars!"

I asked the man in the T-shirt what Boss Huang looked like, and he said he was a middle-aged man with a medium build. In other words, the Boss Huang I met that night was an imposter. Needless to say, he and Ruan Dan must be two liars. .

I just suppressed Ruan Nang tonight when so many ghosts suddenly appeared and attacked us. The mastermind behind the scenes must be Ruan Dan. The purpose is of course to seize Ruan Nang. These two liars want nothing to do with them.

After hearing what I said, Yin Xinyue said with great annoyance: "Husband, I'm sorry, it was me who caused you to be deceived."

"No, it's not your fault, it's just that I was too careless!" I should have been more cautious at the beginning and called the casino to confirm, or searched online to find out what Boss Huang looked like. I was the one who was deceived this time. A huge stain on my career.

The man in the t-shirt said calmly: "It doesn't matter, since the hundred ghosts are being driven, the caster must be nearby."

Knowing that I was being taken advantage of made me feel very unhappy. I nodded and said, "You're right. Let's find those two liars quickly."

The man in the T-shirt led the way, and a large group of ghosts followed us far behind. Soon we came to a mound of earth, with a pale white flag hanging on it. There was no wind, but it kept rolling there.

I remembered that my grandfather mentioned in his notes a kind of soul-inducing banner that can drive away ghosts. I asked the man in the T-shirt if this was it. He nodded and said: "The opponent should have learned the Maoshan technique before he could make this soul-inducing banner. This is him." A tool used to drive away hundreds of ghosts.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the soul-attracting flag suddenly started to move crazily, and many ghosts suddenly appeared around the mound. Different from those seen before, these ghosts all look extremely sinister. There are bloody ghosts with decapitated heads; there is a mother and child evil spirit with a rotten intestine and an umbilical cord attached to its abdomen; A fierce ghost with a large frame, this is a relatively rare punishment ghost. He died of Lingchi's punishment, and he was very resentful. He didn't know how much effort it took to find him.

There must be some kind of defensive array surrounding the soul-guiding flag, which will be triggered whenever Yang Qi approaches. In fact, if I were to arrange it, I would also set it up like this to prevent the opponent from easily pulling out the flag.

It seems that Ruan Dan is quite powerful. When I saw him looking sick before, I thought he was a rookie, either pretending to show me, or he had damaged himself by using Maoshan Technique in evil ways. Yangshou!

The evil ghost rushed towards us, and the man in the T-shirt pierced the chest of one of the torture ghosts with his sword. However, the resentment was so strong that even the Bafang Han Sword could not strike it out. It was strung on the blade of the sword and kept moving forward. A pair of bone-white hands stretched out to grab the man in the T-shirt.

The man in the T-shirt took a step back to avoid its attack. The blue light on the sword's edge was bright, and he cut off its head with one sword, and the torture ghost was wiped out.

I asked Yin Xinyue to hide behind me, while I swung the Sirius Whip and whipped it at those fierce ghosts. A fierce ghost actually reached out to grab the whip. As soon as it touched the Sirius whip, the palm of my hand kept smoking as if it was on fire. I pulled the whip back and swung it hard, splitting it in the middle.

The man in the t-shirt and I opened our bows from left to right and quickly eliminated these evil ghosts. No matter how fierce they were, they were more spiritual beings, but they were completely defeated by the power of the Bafang Han Sword and the Heavenly Wolf Whip! After the man in the T-shirt killed a few ghosts, he rushed up to the mound in a few steps and cut off the soul-drawing flag in half with a sword. The ghosts around him and the ghosts coming from behind turned into a sinister wind in the blink of an eye and disappeared. Without a trace.

The man in the T-shirt took out five or six paper cranes from his arms and let them fly in the sky to track the whereabouts of the evil objects.

Taking advantage of this time, I picked up the broken soul-drawing flag. The flag and flagpole were coated with a layer of corpse oil, which was extremely sinister. I remember my grandpa mentioned in his notes that using this thing requires the owner’s nails, hair, and blood essence. As a medium, he has to hand over his five years of life as a price, injuring the enemy by one thousand and damaging himself by eight hundred. It can be described as extremely insidious. .

So I dug around the flagpole, and sure enough, there was a paper package buried shallowly in the soil, containing a nail, a piece of hair, and a drop of dried blood.

I showed this to the man in the t-shirt and asked him if he could use it, since I didn't know much about hurting spells.

The man in the T-shirt thought for a while and said, "Let me try. Can you burn these things to ashes?"

"Okay!" I nodded.

He took out a piece of paper, folded it, tore it into the shape of a little person in his hand, and unfolded it into five little people holding hands. I thought to myself that the T-shirt man was quite clever and could tear it out without scissors. This paper cut comes.

I lit the paper bag with a lighter and placed it on a stone. It quickly burned to ashes.

The man in the T-shirt put the five paper figures on the ground, pinched some ashes and sprinkled them on them. He murmured a curse in his mouth. As he chanted, the paper figures half buried in the soil moved. The man in the T-shirt moved. Said: "Okay."

"What kind of spell is this?" I asked.

"The Five Ghost Haunting Curse." The man in the T-shirt replied.

I have heard of this name. It is a very insidious spell. It is said that when it is activated, it can make people want to live or die. I thought to myself, you just used the heart-breaking curse to mess with me, and now it is your turn. This is called a spell. Tit for tat!

We wait here for a while, waiting for the paper cranes released by the man in the T-shirt to come back. After waiting for about five minutes, a faint blue fire appeared from mid-air, and a paper crane burned into a small fireball, fluttering in front of us, and then planted on the ground.

"Oh my god, why did the paper crane burn?" Yin Xinyue asked.

"The opponent has discovered that I am tracking him, hurry up, don't let them run away!" the man in the T-shirt suddenly shouted.

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