Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 731: Confrontation with the Ghost Boy!

On the way, I asked the man in the T-shirt, since Ruan Dan has such a hidden ability, why did he lend me my hand to seize the Ruan bag? Isn’t this unnecessary?

The man in the T-shirt shook his head and said he didn't know.

As we were walking, suddenly a child ran past us and let out a series of weird laughter.

Yin Xinyue was so scared that she hugged my arm. I took out the Sirius Whip from my arms. The child suddenly ran behind me again and said in a sinister voice: "Brother, where are you going in such a hurry? Stay with me." I’ll play.”

This is probably the Liu Lingtong raised by Ruan Dan. It was also the one that caused trouble when I was doing the method before. Ruan Dan is probably trying his best to cope with the torture of the Five Ghost Soul Haunting Curse, so he released the Liu Lingtong to hold us back.

"Okay, I'll play with you!"

I promised, turned around and swung out the Sirius Whip. Liu Lingtong lifted off the ground lightly, avoiding the tip of the whip, and suddenly opened his mouth in an exaggerated grin, with his chin hanging to his chest, and a puff of black air came out of his mouth.

The man in the T-shirt rushed in front of me, yelled "Bro", held a secret in his right hand and pushed forward, and the black energy was instantly dispersed.

Liu Lingtong knew how powerful we were, turned around and disappeared into the grass. The man in the T-shirt released Xiaolin to chase, and the two young figures started fighting in the grass.

About half a minute later, they rolled out of the grass. Xiaolin seemed to be injured. Liu Lingtong sat on Xiaolin and opened his mouth to bite his throat!

Both parties are spirits and will recover immediately from minor injuries, but Liu Lingtong plans to devour Xiaolin.

The man in the T-shirt pulled out his sword and stabbed it quickly. Liu Lingtong was afraid of the Eight-sided Han Sword, so he threw Xiaolin away and jumped to the side. The man in the T-shirt stabbed it several times. Liu Lingtong dodged nimbly and suddenly jumped to the side. The locust tree disappeared behind it.

The man in the T-shirt took the injured Xiao Lin into his arms, and then the eerie child's voice came from behind him: "Brother, are you looking for me?" The man in the T-shirt turned around, and Liu Lingtong was lying on his back. On his back, he opened his mouth to bite his shoulder.

The man in the T-shirt didn't move, and suddenly an invisible force forced Liu Lingtong away. I thought to myself that this kid really didn't know what the world was, and he was looking for death!

Liu Lingtong was knocked several meters away. I couldn't bear it any longer. I swung the Sirius Whip and swung it at him. Liu Lingtong rolled and crawled away, but was struck by the tip of the whip that bounced back. A burn mark immediately appeared. Liu Lingtong bared his teeth, showing a painful and ferocious look.

I waved the Sirius Whip repeatedly and hit it several times on its arms and legs. Liu Lingtong let out a miserable scream, and even Yin Xinyue couldn't stand it anymore. Maybe I couldn't bear the abuse of "children", so I swung the whip a little slower, and Liu Lingtong took this opportunity to suddenly run away.

"Where can you run, evildoer!"

The man in the t-shirt stepped forward, thrust his sword, and was about to kill the troublesome brat. Liu Lingtong jumped into the grass in a panic, and then a person rushed out from there, and it turned out to be Li Mazi.

The man in the T-shirt didn't have time to retract his sword and hurriedly staggered to the side, but Li Mazi kicked the man in the T-shirt unceremoniously in the abdomen.

The man in the T-shirt took a few steps back to relieve the pressure. I hurriedly asked him: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay." He didn't look hurt, and he reached out to brush off the footprints on his clothes.

Li Mazi grinned sinisterly, but what came out of his mouth was a high-pitched child's voice: "Brother, why don't you dare to stab me?"

I swung the whip, and Liu Lingtong caught it with his hand and pulled me backwards, causing me to almost fall over.

Liu Lingtong possessed Li Mazi, and the exorcism seal on the Sirius whip had no effect on him, making him feel more confident.

Liu Lingtong said: "My master asked me to take care of others, and I will show mercy to others. As long as you are willing to show your kindness, no one will offend the river. This favor will be repaid when I become prosperous in the future!"

I sneered: "Damn liar, you are all at the end of your rope now, do you still have the capital to negotiate?"

"If you don't agree..." Liu Lingtong suddenly stretched out a pair of fingers and stabbed Li Mazi's eyes quickly, which scared me to death.

Liu Lingtong's fingers hovered dangerously just a few centimeters away from his eyes, and he said in a threatening tone: "I will dig out a pair of his eyes first, and then take his life."

I didn't expect my opponent to use such a dirty trick. It really scared me into a cold sweat just now. If Li Mazi is disabled, how can I explain to his wife and children when I go back? He had no choice but to try to stabilize Liu Lingtong's mood: "Don't mess around!"

"I will keep my word." Liu Lingtong threatened in a vicious tone.

The situation became a bit difficult. I suddenly found the man in the T-shirt tearing a paper figure in his hand, then pulled out a hair from his temple, folded the paper figure, clamped the hair, and threw it on the ground.

He took a step back and said to me: "Jiulin, find a way to stabilize this little devil."

"Where are you going?" I asked.

Liu Lingtong yelled: "Who are you talking to!"

It turned out that the man in the T-shirt had used a paper stand-in. In Liu Lingtong's eyes, it was as if he was invisible. He could only see the stand-in standing in the same place. I quickly defended myself and said, "No, I was talking to myself."

"I'll deal with its owner."

After saying that, the man in the T-shirt walked away from the alley. Liu Lingtong's true body was in Ruan Dan. Destroying the true body would be like draining the bottom of the pot!

I have to buy some time for the man in the T-shirt. Judging from Liu Lingtong's appearance, he was probably only a child of seven or eight years old when he died. Children have a sense of play. I can definitely take advantage of this, so I softened my tone and said : "Kid, please don't get excited. This business is very important to me. Can we discuss it again?"

"No need to discuss. Don't you want your friend's life?"

"I want them all!"

"Huh, how can such a good thing happen?"

"Yeah, I'm in a dilemma too. How about we make a bet? If I win, you will let my friend go; if you win, the bag will be given to your master." I followed suit.

"I won't bet with you!" Liu Lingtong snorted.

I deliberately provoked it: "Oh, I understand, you don't dare to bet!"

"Who says I don't dare!" Children are indeed easy to take the bait. Liu Lingtong said angrily: "What do you mean you bet?"

"How about we play guessing?" I said.

"Tch, what's so fun about guessing?"

"I'm a master of guessing, do you want to try it?" As I said that, I hid one hand behind my back, and Yin Xinyue asked me in a low voice: "Honey, are you sure?"

"Don't worry, can I still lose to a kid?" I winked at her, walked towards Liu Lingtong, stared straight into his eyes for more than ten seconds, and then showed a confident smile: " I already know what you’re going to do next!”

"You lied!" Liu Lingtong didn't believe it.

"If you don't believe me, let's try."

I counted three, two, one, and I got a rock, and Liu Lingtong got a pair of scissors.

"I win, come out of my friend's body!"

" are cheating!" Liu Lingtong stamped his feet, as if he was going crazy.

"I'm not lying. In fact, I can read minds. No matter what you do, I can see through it." I smiled slightly.

"I don't believe it, no, that game just now doesn't count!" Liu Lingtong said shamelessly.

"Okay, then we will win two out of three games." After saying that, I stared into his eyes for more than ten seconds and said confidently: "Okay, I have already guessed what you are thinking."

As a result, in the second round, I still produced a stone, and Liu Lingtong also produced a stone.

In the third round, I played the rock, and Liu Lingtong played the scissors.

I won!

Yin Xinyue was very surprised and asked me in a low voice: "Husband, you are so amazing. Can you really read minds?"

"How is that possible? It's just a little trick." I laughed.

This trick sounds ridiculously simple. I first stared into Liu Lingtong's eyes, and then bluffingly said that I had guessed what he was thinking, making him nervous invisibly. When a person is in a nervous state, he is likely to play rock or scissors. I can win as long as I keep playing rock.

Liu Lingtong was very unwilling to lose, and stamped his feet and said: "No, no, you just asked the question, now it's my turn to ask the question."

"What do you want to bet on?"

"It's very simple." Liu Lingtong sneered and put a finger in his mouth: "Guess whether I will bite off your friend's finger!"

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