Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 732: One word, get out!

I thought to myself, isn’t this tricking me? If I say yes, it won't bite. If I say no, it will bite off one of Li Mazi's fingers. Anyway, I lose.

But it doesn’t matter whether we win or lose, the main thing is to delay time. I definitely can’t let Li Mazi lose a finger, so I answered naturally: “Yes.”

"Haha!" Liu Lingtong took out his finger from his mouth: "You guessed wrong, you are so stupid!"

Does this have anything to do with IQ? I wonder.

It repeated its trick and put its finger into its mouth: "Here, let's guess again."

This time I deliberately thought for a while and said, "I guess you can."

Liu Lingtong took out his finger: "Haha, you guessed wrong again."

It glanced in the direction of the 'T-shirt man', as if it sensed something was wrong: "Why does this brother keep still and silent... You are lying to me!"

After saying that, it was about to dig out Li Mazi's eyes. Seeing that the situation was not good, I hurriedly swung out the Sirius Whip, wrapped it around its wrist and pulled it back violently. I pulled Liu Lingtong out of balance and fell forward.

I rushed forward and used the Sirius whip to wrap his hands around and around to prevent him from hurting Li Mazi again.

At this moment, Liu Lingtong suddenly shouted that he had a headache and struggled violently to resist. I had no choice but to hug him from behind. Suddenly, it stopped moving, and then Li Mazi spoke: "Brother Zhang, you are so good, why are you holding me?"

"Are you awake?" I was overjoyed and quickly let go of my hand: "Li Mazi, what happened to you just now?"

"It's nothing?" Li Mazi scratched his head and thought for a while: "I was chasing that young man, and suddenly I didn't know anything while running. It seemed like I was in a dream. In the dream, I was playing guessing games with you, and then Just woke up..."

The man in the T-shirt probably succeeded. Yin Xinyue and I both breathed a sigh of relief. Li Mazi suddenly shouted: "By the way, the young master is still in the grass."

He ran into the grass, dragged the unconscious Li Ke out, opened his hand to check, and exclaimed: "Oh no, the money bag is missing."

So I told what happened after we got separated. Li Mazi was obviously more concerned about the whereabouts of the vagina. After learning that the man in the T-shirt had taken care of it, he felt relieved and was anxious to get the vagina back.

While we were talking, Xiaolin appeared and said to me: "The boss asked me to take you there!"

Li Ke was unconscious, so Li Mazi and I had to take turns carrying him. We followed Xiaolin to a place and saw a car parked there. Ruan Dan and the fake Boss Huang fell to the ground, looking very embarrassed. Ruan Dan was foaming at the mouth, and the man in the T-shirt was wiping the Han sword with a tissue. I thought if there was any blood, it would be as if he had just killed someone.

Seeing us arriving, the man in the T-shirt raised his right hand and threw something over. I caught it in my hand and saw that it was a Ruan bag.

"You didn't kill them, did you?" I laughed.

"No, I just knocked them unconscious." The man in the T-shirt said calmly.

Li Mazi got angry when he saw these two liars. He rolled up his sleeves and insisted on dealing with them, but I stopped him.

After waiting for a while, the two scammers woke up. As soon as Ruan Dan woke up, he coughed violently and coughed up blood in his palms. His complexion was worse than before. It looked like he had done too many bad things. The fake Boss Huang knelt down They kept kowtowing on the ground, begging us to show our noble hands, which made people feel that they were particularly worthless. I shouted: "Get up, man, there is gold under your knees, and we don't want your life!"

The fake Boss Huang got up and looked like he was defeated: "Dear masters, I am blind to the truth, please forgive me." This time, his Hong Kong accent was gone.

I asked him why he lied to me. It turned out that the fake Boss Huang was a professional liar who traveled all over the world, and Ruan Dan had learned Maoshan Shu in his early years. Of course his real name was not that. The two met in Macau. They probably had the same affinity. We became partners and went to the casino to 'make money' together.

The two of them were ignorant and wanted to use the kid to win some money in the casino. Unexpectedly, most of the big casinos in Macau were staffed by experts. As soon as they won a little money, someone from a casino saw through the trick and they were blacklisted. They are not allowed to enter any casino.

The two of them fooled around in Macau for a while. During this period, something happened at the Golden Bay Casino. The master in charge had a dispute with the casino owner for some personal reasons and broke up. Before leaving, he also told the Feng Shui in the casino. The formation has been destroyed, which means you are unkind and I am unjust!

Without the Feng Shui array, the business of this casino suddenly stopped. The boss had to close the casino for a few days and looked for someone who could recreate the array of wealth and fortune, so he found the T-shirt man.

The man in the T-shirt told the casino owner that the key to the formation was a femininity. The casino owner offered a sky-high price and asked him to help find such a femininity. The man in the T-shirt came to the mainland.

The two scammers learned about this from other channels, and their methods were more sophisticated. They pretended to be the owner and assistant of the casino, and released the news to find this artifact. Finally, they learned that the Li family and his son had such a artifact. As long as you get the femininity, you can sell it to the owner of Golden Bay Casino at a high price...

They originally wanted to use imps to steal, but they didn't succeed. They also set up a trap to deceive, but they didn't succeed. They had no choice but to let me come and take advantage of me to suppress Ruan Nang's power. He snatched it away, but unexpectedly fell down.

After listening, I asked: "Why can't the kid steal this thing?"

Ruan Dan pointed to the money bag and said, "Look at the pattern on the Ruan bag."

I lowered my head and saw that the haechi was embroidered with gold thread on the Ruan bag. This is a pattern to ward off evil spirits. In addition, the Ruan bag itself is a powerful evil object, which is enough to ward off evil spirits.

"There is another reason." The man in the T-shirt said: "The ancients said that without desires, one is strong. The Li family and his son have no material desires, so it is difficult for liars and evil spirits to take advantage of them."

No wonder Liu Lingtong was possessed by Li Mazi just now, but didn't look for Li Ke!

These two liars are unlucky when they meet us. As for what to do with them, I can neither call the police nor kill them. I can only let them go and threaten them as usual. I will tell them what they do next time. For this kind of thing, I will use my method to kill them.

The fake Boss Huang was grateful and pulled Ruan Dan away, but Ruan Dan refused to move and said to the man in the T-shirt: "Master, can you please give me back the kid I made?"

The man in the T-shirt took out a child statue carved from a willow root from his pocket, with a red string tied to it: "What are you going to do back?"

"I spent a lot of effort to refine this kid." As he spoke, Ruan Dan coughed violently again: "I was originally a monk halfway, and I learned some Maoshan skills and thought I could do anything. I admit that I have done it before. After some bad deeds, my body becomes worse and worse day by day. In my current state, it is impossible to create a second such a strong kid. We are all practitioners, so please be considerate to each other! I swear I will never do anything wrong again.”

I thought to myself that since you know Maoshan skills, if you do something bad and insist on doing such a shameful thing, you deserve to lose your life.

As a result, the man in the T-shirt coldly dropped one word: "Get out!"

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