Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 733 The truth comes out

After driving away the two crooks, we took Li Ke back to the thatched cottage. He woke up halfway and asked in confusion: "Where am I? What's wrong with me?"

All I can say is that he was obsessed by a ghost just now and almost got lost. Fortunately, we found him back.

Li Ke thanked him profusely. Ruan Nang's negative influence on him had been eliminated. He still remembered the ridiculous things he had done before and said sadly: "How could I be so stupid to ruin a good company like this? What should I do in the future?" ah."

"Isn't the company still there? Just start over. Your starting point is higher than most people. Your father could start from scratch back then. I believe you will be able to earn back the family business within a few years. "I advised.

Li Ke nodded vigorously: "You're right! By the way, Master, I'm a little embarrassed to say it. My father and I have no savings at all now, so I'm afraid we won't be able to give you much remuneration."

"No need, I took this vaginal thing as reward." I smiled slightly.

"Really? Thank you so much." Li Ke immediately thanked him profusely.

We came to the vicinity of the thatched house and heard a sound of smashing inside. We saw Li Wanli throwing all the guqin, tables, chairs, calligraphy and paintings in the house and throwing them in the yard. While throwing them, he cursed: "I'm so damn... What a fool!"

It seemed that he was conscious. I called Oyu, and she jumped down from a tree and complained: "Why did you just come back? This uncle throws things around as soon as he wakes up. It's so scary."

I went in to comfort Li Wanli, and he burst into tears in front of me. He regretted that he had ruined Nuoda Company into such a bad behavior, and it was difficult to persuade him to stop.

However, Li Wanli did not gain anything at all. Through this incident, he learned which of the people around him were 'loyal ministers' and which ones were 'treacherous ministers'. He planned to rectify the company and kick out all these villains!

I believe that with his ability, it won't take too long to revive Lee's enterprise.

We had nothing to do here, so we were about to say goodbye. The man in the T-shirt took Ruan Nang with him to go to Macau for a business trip. He said that the remuneration would be shared equally with us. The remuneration from the Macau casino was still very generous.

When Yin Xinyue heard that the man in the T-shirt was going to Macau, she excitedly suggested that we all go together? One is to relax, and the other is to see the world.

Anyway, now that the matter is over, it’s okay to go on a trip. Li Mazi and I didn’t have any objections, so we all agreed to leave tomorrow.

When we were leaving, I asked the man in the T-shirt what to do with Liu Lingtong. The man in the T-shirt took it out of his arms and said to me, "Let's separate."

"Divide?" I was confused. This is not hand oil, so how to divide it.

It turns out that he planned to use Liu Lingtong to feed Xiaolin and use ghosts to raise ghosts. I think this is too cruel. The man in the T-shirt said: "That's how raising ghosts is. I don't know how many ghosts Liu Lingtong has eaten to raise him to this level." , if you let it go, it will be a powerful ghost that disturbs the world of Yin and Yang, so it is better to make good use of it."

"Then you can keep it for Xiaolin, I don't want it anymore..." I quickly shook my head.

When Oyu in my arms heard that I didn't want it anymore, she protested desperately: "Bad brother, that's a great supplement. I want it, I want it. How could you imitate that idiot father and son?"

The words were all out of my mouth, so I had to pretend I didn't hear them.

At noon the next day, Yin Xinyue dragged her suitcase to my store and complained that she had not slept all night last night and was very sleepy. I asked her what was wrong, and Yin Xinyue said that Tang Mengqing came to see her and cried all night.

It turns out that the whole thing started because of Tang Mengqing. Tang Mengqing has been working in Li's company since graduation. She is beautiful, has a good figure, and has strong work ability. Li Ke fell in love with her after meeting her a few times.

At first, Li Ke took the initiative to pursue him, but later Tang Mengqing also developed a crush on him. The relationship between the two was very good, which lasted for several years, and gradually reached the point of discussing marriage.

One of them is Li Wanli's biological son, and the other is his secretary. Naturally, it is impossible to hide this relationship from Li Wanli. Li Wanli was very opposed to it because Tang Mengqing came from an ordinary family, and their marriage would not bring any benefit to the Li family. In his words, it was a marriage in which "investment and return are not proportional."

Li Wanli is a self-made man. After he became the boss, all the choices he made were for the benefit of the company. For this reason, he could give up personal enjoyment. For him, nothing in the world is more important than making money.

Li Wanli asked Li Ke to break up with Tang Mengqing. At first, Li Ke resisted fiercely and even threatened to run away from home. Under Li Wanli's persuasion and threats, and because Li Ke had always been obedient since childhood, he finally broke up with Tang Mengqing in tears.

Tang Mengqing was very unwilling to be beaten with a stick. She hated Li Wanli who smelled like copper. Later, by chance, she got the Ruan bag. The person who sold her this vaginal object said that it could make a greedy person become miserable. Like money!

Tang Mengqing's initial motive was not revenge, but to make Li Wanli less greedy. In this way, her relationship with Li Ke could be restored, so she gave the Ruan bag to Li Wanli.

Unexpectedly, the situation suddenly became out of control. Ruan Nang began to influence Li Wanli crazily, and then influenced Li Ke. In less than half a year, the father and son lost everything...

Tang Mengqing was extremely scared. All she could do was try her best to prevent the company from going bankrupt. Fortunately, I showed up at the last minute.

"Tang Mengqing came to me last night and begged me not to tell Li Wanli about this," Yin Xinyue said.

After listening to this inside story, I felt a sense of emotion. Tang Mengqing’s original intention was just to wash away the smell of copper from Li Wanli’s body, but she didn’t expect that Li Wanli would go to another extreme.

Money is not everything, but money can provide a person with the necessary clothing, food, housing, transportation and sense of security. Blindly pursuing money and completely denying the nobility of money are stupid ideas in my opinion.

Money is just a tool and bread. People do not live for bread, but they cannot live without bread.

After all, I am just a trader of negative things, so I will not get involved in this emotional entanglement. However, I believe that after experiencing a disaster, Li Wanli's mind will change, right?

I hope Tang Mengqing and Li Ke can still get together.

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