Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 734 Trip to Macau

After the incident between Li and his son was over, we took Ruan Nang with us to Macau to look for Boss Huang.

Unexpectedly, when we just arrived in Macau and checked into the hotel, the waiter told us that RMB was not accepted here, so the man in the T-shirt had to take out his credit card and pay the deposit in Hong Kong dollars.

Hong Kong and Macao are across the sea, and their currencies are interchangeable. The Hong Kong dollar has appreciated slightly recently, so it is easier to use here.

After we put our things in the hotel room, we discussed going straight to the Golden Bay Casino where Boss Huang was.

After we went out, the man in the T-shirt found an ATM and withdrew some Hong Kong dollars for us to use as pocket money. I said I would transfer the money to him later, but the man in the T-shirt said it didn't matter, it would just be deducted from the pay.

The first impression of Macau is that it is crowded. Although Macau is not large in area, its population is very dense, comparable to that of Hong Kong. Reinforced concrete skyscrapers, low-rise houses and Western-style buildings from the Portuguese colonial period are mixed together, but the ground is very clean, pedestrians and vehicles obey traffic rules, and it is crowded but not cluttered.

We waited on the side of the road for a long time without hailing a taxi. Finally, we got on a free bus operated by a casino and crossed a bridge. There were entertainment clubs and nightclubs along the way. Each one had more domineering names than the last. The tourists on the bus suddenly became excited. , took out his cell phone camera and took pictures everywhere.

The man in the T-shirt said that those entertainment clubs are casinos. Although casinos in Macau are legal, it is hard to make their names too explicit, so they are called entertainment clubs!

Macau has a prosperous gambling industry and is known as the 'Las Vegas of the East'. It is said that 80% of tourists come here for gambling. Countless rich people commit suicide in Macau every year after losing all their money and jumping into the sea. There are only so many people.

This includes Macau gambling king Stanley Ho. It is said that this gambling king once spent 70 million to recover a national treasure animal head lost in the Old Summer Palace from foreigners. There is a road in Macau named after him. The God of Gamblers in "Macau Storm" is also based on him.

Yin Xinyue looked at the scenery outside the car window and sighed: "This place must be particularly beautiful at night."

"Then we will have dinner nearby after finishing our work later, just in time to enjoy the night view here. But we must make three agreements in advance. First, we must not gamble; second, we must not gamble; third, we must not gamble!" I warned! road.

"I know!" Yin Xinyue said with a smile.

Li Mazi said longingly: "When I get to that casino later, I will pose in front of the gambling table and take some photos to fulfill my childhood dream. When I was a child, I watched Fa Ge's "God of Gamblers" and spent tens of millions. He pushed the chips on the table and said 'stud', it was so cool."

"Look at your potential." I was speechless for a while, but I was also happy for Li Mazi. He finally recovered from the snow-like shadow.

After we got off the bus, we inquired all the way to the Golden Bay Entertainment Club. This entertainment club is a building with more than 30 floors. It is owned by Boss Huang. It contains hotels, nightclubs, saunas, etc. The casino on the top floor has been closed. It’s been a month.

After Yin Xinyue's waiter revealed his identity, the waiter immediately dialed Boss Huang's phone number.

Boss Huang sounded very excited on the phone and asked the waiter to take us to the lobby to entertain us. He would be there soon!

Half an hour later, Boss Huang showed up. Just like the man in the T-shirt said, he was a middle-aged man of medium build with a somewhat elegant temperament. He shook hands with us warmly and said in fluent Mandarin: "Hope for the stars." Looking forward to the moon, I have finally brought several masters here. To be honest, the income of my club depends entirely on the casino. Once the casino closed, I made a net loss this month. Your coming is like nectar from heaven! Did you bring it?"

The man in the T-shirt patted his pocket lightly: "Here he is!"

Boss Huang immediately invited us to the top floor. The entire top two floors were filled with casinos. In the front were electronic equipment such as slot machines and slot machines, and in the back were gaming tables and luxuriously decorated VIP rooms.

It was our first time to visit a place like this, and we all felt it was very fresh and interesting. Li Mazi originally said he wanted to realize his dream, but in front of Boss Huang and a group of bodyguards in black suits, he had to act like a master.

Several floors in the center of the field were lifted up, exposing the cement layer below. I noticed that there were traces of nails driving around. From the shape, it looked like a formation had been laid out, but someone had destroyed it.

Boss Huang sighed and said, "This is all because I trust people too much. As a result, the casino continued to lose money and almost went bankrupt."

I asked for details, and Boss Huang said that the person who arranged the magic circle for him was a Taoist priest from Huangniguan, Guangdong, with a dharma name of Yiqing. When the casino was first built, it all relied on the guidance of the Taoist Master Yiqing, who also set up a large array of bad luck and wealth, allowing the casino to make money every day.

When a casino opens its doors to welcome guests from all over the world, it is inevitable that some ghosts and ghosts will sneak in, hoping to use magic to make a fortune overnight. Therefore, larger casinos will hire an expert to take charge. This is an undisclosed secret in the gambling industry!

Boss Huang saw that Taoist Yiqing had two brushes, so he asked him to stay with a high salary of 100,000 Macau patacas per month. Taoist Yiqing readily agreed.

To say that Taoist priest Yiqing is indeed somewhat capable, for example, one time a gambler was extremely lucky and won millions in a row. Even the dilapidated wealth-dispersing array could not withstand his luck, so Taoist priest Yiqing came forward. .

Taoist priest Yiqing walked up to the gambler, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Sir, please just accept it as soon as you're done! You're using Nanyang's magic of fortune to transfer your family's fortune." The money you have won now is enough for your family. I have just broken your evil spell. If you continue to gamble, I am afraid that your family will be ruined and your wealth will be ruined."

When a person gambles on the red eye, it is like a drug addiction, and he cannot listen to advice at all. Sure enough, the man finally lost all his chips and received a call from the police, saying that his pregnant wife fell down the stairs and had a miscarriage. The wife couldn't think about it and hanged herself. The man cried and fainted on the spot.

Similar things happened more than once, which shows that Taoist Master Yiqing is very capable, and Boss Huang also respects and trusts him more.

But recently, a gambler frequented the casino and was very lucky, causing the casino to lose a lot of money. Chief Yiqing came out to warn him, but this man refused to change and kept coming back again and again. As long as he comes, the casino will definitely bleed a lot, and it will be all in vain in one night.

Boss Huang thought this was suspicious, so he checked the surveillance video himself, and unexpectedly found that the gambler had stuffed a thick wad of money into Taoist Yiqing. It turned out that the two of them were working together to defraud the casino of money!

Boss Huang was furious and quarreled with Taoist Master Yiqing. As a result, Taoist Master Yiqing destroyed the Feng Shui formation in a rage and left without saying goodbye.

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