Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 735 God of Gamblers

After chatting with Boss Huang, the man in the T-shirt and I started preparing to restore the bad luck and wealth scattering array. This time I came prepared. I copied a page from my grandfather’s notes and asked Boss Huang’s men to help find the Qibu array. We needed the materials and started laying out the array.

The fortune-breaking array contains a set of complex mathematical changes, and it takes a lot of time to arrange. It took us three hours to complete the arrangement. I thought this formation was a waste of money, and it was a bit unethical. I deliberately left a gap in the formation, but the man in the T-shirt filled it for me.

I didn’t understand what he meant, and the man in the T-shirt said, “Jiulin, what you did is harmed those gamblers!”

"How do you say this?" I asked.

"You left a gap and deliberately increased the gamblers' chances of winning money. However, you won a game when they shouldn't have won, giving them a glimmer of false hope. Instead, it stimulated them to gamble even more crazily, and ultimately ruined themselves. retreat."

What the man in the T-shirt said touched me deeply. Sometimes a single thought of kindness can actually harm others.

After finishing, Boss Huang asked his men to bring over two cards. One was a bank card with the password written on the back, which contained the reward. The other was the VIP gold card of this entertainment club. With it, you can Enjoy various discounts here, as well as an overdraft limit of two million, which of course can only be used in the casino.

Boss Huang said that the casino will reopen tonight, and he asked us to come and enjoy it then. I have been out here for so many years, and I can still see this look in my eyes. Boss Huang was worried that the formation would not work and he could not find anyone, so he agreed.

We went out to find a Haidilao restaurant for a meal and returned to the hotel to rest. We got up early the next day and got on a tour bus to visit Mazu Pavilion and Songshan Fort to see the landmark buildings here. St. Paul's Cathedral is where the familiar "Song of the Seven Sons" was filmed when Macau returned to China.

There are many special snacks on the streets of Macau, and we kept talking about them all the way. Everyone had a great time.

When I returned to the hotel in the evening, I was so tired that I collapsed on the bed. I didn't want to go anywhere. I just wanted to take a shower, surf the Internet and go to bed early. The man in the T-shirt called the intercom and said it was time to go to Boss Huang's appointment. Only then did I remember what I had said before, but I really didn't want to move.

When I heard that I was going to visit the casino, Yin Xinyue was very active. Women will never tire of shopping. After her repeated urging, I got dressed and got ready to go out.

As night falls, Macau becomes colorful and dazzling. The beautiful neon lights transform Macau into a noisy nightclub. The casinos along the way are more magnificent than the others. I can really appreciate what it means to be "sensual and sexy".

The four of us arrived at the Golden Bay Entertainment Club. The counter staff said that Boss Huang was greeting guests and asked us to have some fun first.

This is a bit unkind. We obviously made an appointment with us in advance and let it go. However, the casino reopened after a month. Boss Huang must be very busy tonight, which is understandable...

Now that I'm here, of course I have to go to the casino to broaden my horizons. I thought it would be like in the movie, with a bunch of people shouting around the casino, veins popping out on their foreheads, and sweat pouring down. In fact, this is not the case. Although it is crowded here, it seems very quiet. Gamblers gather together in twos and threes, and no one shouts loudly. After all, the people who come here to play are all wealthy people!

Li Mazi stood in front of a gambling table and observed for a long time, and asked me if the croupier here would cheat? I'm not an expert, so I wouldn't know.

After all, we didn’t come here for gambling, so we were a little bored. We ordered a few drinks in the wine area, sat there for a while, and when Boss Huang didn’t come, we were ready to leave.

At this time, a staff member came to us and said respectfully: "Boss Huang would like to invite you to come and sit down."

I thought to myself, is the formation not working? Impossible, the notes left by grandpa will not lie to me.

Since they said please, we followed the staff and walked into a door that was 'no entry for outsiders', and there was a corridor behind it. Boss Huang came over from afar and said, "Mr. Zhang, Chief Chu, your formation worked. It really helped me a lot!"

I waved my hand: "You're welcome, Boss Huang, it's getting late. If nothing happens, we'd like to go back to the hotel to rest first."

"Mr. Zhang, I would like to ask you for another favor."

"What's the deal?"

Boss Huang said with a troubled face: "That Wang Ke is here again tonight..."

I immediately understood what Boss Huang meant. He wanted us to come forward to kill that Wangke's momentum and not let him win again!

I was very resistant. After all, this was not my business scope, and I didn’t want to have too much to do with the casino. However, Boss Huang was sincere in his words and could not bear to lose face, so he had to agree to see it first before talking.

Boss Huang took us to a monitoring room, from which we could see every corner of the casino. Boss Huang asked the staff to bring up the image and enlarge it. The picture showed a gambling table where stud is played, which is the kind often played in Hong Kong gambling movies. The rule is that each person draws five cards to see who has the better card type. Well, there are dozens of colors like a straight flush, a pair, or a bomb, and I don’t know much about the specifics.

Boss Huang pointed to a man wearing a baseball cap on the screen and said, "That's the man. He has already won three million chips on this table tonight."

Yin Xinyue noticed a detail and said: "This person's play style is so strange. He didn't even look at his hole cards and just followed the bet."

"Is his luck so good that even Ruan Nang can't suppress it?" I asked in surprise.

"No!" said the man in the T-shirt: "This man's luck is very ordinary, but he has a powerful murderous aura!"

"murderous look?"

"Look carefully!" the man in the T-shirt said, pointing at the screen.

In the surveillance footage, Baseball Cap kept placing bets, while other players chose to surrender. According to the rules of stud, if there is only one bettor left in the end, he will win directly. Therefore, in Hong Kong gambling movies, the last two gamblers will risk their lives to follow the bet and push all their property on the gambling table. It is not only a technical competition, but also a psychological competition. The brave one wins when they meet on a narrow road, and the one who gives in first loses.

Is it possible for a billionaire to lose his fortune in one round of gambling? It's possible at a stud table with no bet limit! A coward like me, who would feel pain for several days after losing fifty yuan in Landlord, would definitely not be able to play.

Baseball Cap didn't care about the quality of his hand at all, and just used crazy calls to scare away the opponents one after another. It was as if he had a huge aura to intimidate his opponents, and he could vaguely feel it even through the screen!

Because there are constant ripple-like jitters in the video screen, but there is no such phenomenon in other screens.

I moved my face closer, trying to see his face clearly, but he lowered the brim of his hat and raised his collar so I couldn't see clearly...

At this moment, a gambler suddenly fell to the ground, pointed at his baseball cap in fear and said something. When I looked at the baseball cap again, I couldn't help but take a breath and saw an ancient warrior wearing armor standing behind him!

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