Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 736: The Appearance of Feminine Things

The man in the t-shirt suddenly opened the door and went out without saying a word. Boss Huang asked me: "Mr. Zhang, did the first grade principal discover anything?"

I couldn't tell him what I had just seen, so I said I would go to the scene first and take a look. So I went out with Yin Xinyue and Li Mazi, and we came to the gambling table. I saw the man in the T-shirt standing there with a very cold expression.

I asked him if he saw anything? The man in the T-shirt said nothing.

On the gambling table, a lot of chips had been piled up in front of the baseball cap. He always lowered his head and couldn't see his appearance clearly. All he could see was a thick beard on his face.

At this time, another game started. The croupier shuffled and cut the cards flexibly with his white-gloved hands, and distributed the cards to each gambler. The gamblers placed their bets one after another. The first few rounds were uneventful, but in the third round, some people felt that their hands were not good and chose to give up. As a result, there were only three gamblers left on the gambling table, including baseball caps.

I gradually felt a strange smell coming from the baseball cap, and my heartbeat started to beat faster and my breathing became rapid involuntarily. I quickly recited the Tao Te Ching silently several times to stabilize my mind.

Apart from me, all the onlookers around the gaming table seemed to be affected by this smell. Some people wiped their sweat repeatedly, some used their fingers to pull apart their ties and gasped for breath, and some couldn't bear it and chose to leave!

It seems that as the gambling game becomes more intense, the air here begins to become oppressive, hot and uneasy.

The other two gamblers seemed to be the most affected. One was fat and the other was thin. The fat gambler’s back was completely soaked with cold sweat, as if he had just been fished out of the water; the thin gambler looked Be calm, although he also broke out in a lot of cold sweats. Since the beginning of this gamble, he has been smoking cigars one after another. I noticed that a lot of ash fell around the ashtray because his hands have been controlling it. Trembling. Even the dealer standing aside was affected by this breath. He pulled his gloves and straightened his tie from time to time, looking particularly anxious. Only the baseball cap remained calm throughout the whole process, and his right hand on the table gently tapped the table. , with a slight smile on his lips.

The man in the T-shirt said before that the baseball cap had a strong murderous aura, but now I really felt what the murderous aura was!

Some people say it’s a person’s sixth sense, while others say it’s a kind of biological radio wave. In contrast, I believe in another theory. When a person has murderous intentions, he will invisibly emit a hateful wave. The smell, but this smell can only be felt by sensitive people or animals. It is said that when a butcher hides a knife behind his back and approaches a cow to be slaughtered, the cow will kneel down with all four hooves and shed tears. This is probably the essence of murderous intent.

However, murderous aura is ultimately a subtle feeling. How could the murderous aura in this man be so fierce? So that everyone around me felt an instinctive fear. I think it is unlikely that even a murderous gangster would be able to do it.

Apart from the murderous aura, I didn’t feel the presence of yin energy, so I asked the man in the T-shirt in a low voice: “First grade of junior high school, do you think it’s something yin causing trouble?”

He shook his head slightly and replied, "I don't know."

Yin Xinyue touched me lightly with her finger and said, "Hubby, why do I feel so tight in my chest?"

I looked back and found that Yin Xinyue's face was pale and Li Mazi's face was also ugly. I asked them to go sit in the drinking area and have a drink. The man in the T-shirt and I would come over later. Yin Xinyue hesitated and agreed.

After the two left, the croupier asked: "Do you want to continue betting?"

Without a word, Baseball Hat pushed a pile of chips to the center of the table.

The fat gambler suddenly stood up, knocked down the chair behind him loudly, and said in a panicked voice: "I won't play anymore! I won't play anymore!" Then he took back half of the chips and squeezed away people as if running for his life. The pile ran away.

The thin gambler looks a bit like CCTV host Li Yong, with a long face, slicked-back hair, wearing an elegant purple suit, a bow tie, and three or four rings on his hand. Judging from the way he turns the cards, He is a veteran who frequents casinos.

At this moment, his long face was covered with sweat. He held a half-burned cigar in one hand and kept wiping the sweat with a handkerchief in his other hand. The croupier waited patiently for a while and politely asked again: "Sir, do you want to continue betting?"

The skinny gambler slammed the table so hard that the ashtray jumped up. He pointed at the baseball cap opposite and shouted: "There is absolutely no way there is a second straight flush in this deck of cards, so there is absolutely no way you can beat me."

He took a deep puff of his cigarette, put out the cigarette butt in the ashtray, pushed half of the chips over, and said viciously: "If you want to die, I'll help you!"

Baseball Cap sneered and ignored his provocation. This huge gamble attracted many people to stop and watch.

Both sides drew a card each, and judging from the cards both sides had shown, Baseball Cap had no chance of winning at all.

"Please place your bets," the croupier said.

"Study!" The baseball cap clattered, and all the remaining chips were pushed out with a clatter. There was a low exclamation in the crowd, and someone whispered that he was simply looking for death.

At this time, the murderous aura radiating from his body was so strong that even the Tao Te Ching could hardly resist it!

I even had an illusion in a trance, smelling a strong smell of blood on this gambling table, hearing the harsh sounds of swords and shouts of death, and then my consciousness was brought back to reality, and I saw the baseball cap sitting as steady as a rock. His expression was as calm as ever, like a general strategizing.

In contrast, the thin gambler looked pale and sweaty, and his hands were shaking so much that he couldn't even hold his chips.

When the croupier asked if he wanted to place a bet, the thin gambler wiped his sweat vigorously and prepared to follow the bet.

At this moment, a majestic ancient warrior suddenly appeared behind the baseball cap, wearing a pair of blood-stained and rusty armor, a broken red cloak behind him, and holding an iron spear in his hand. It suddenly crossed the gaming table with the spear in its hand and stabbed the thin gambler straight into the chest.

This scene shocked me, and I subconsciously reached out to the Sirius Whip in my arms.

This shot did not really hit the thin gambler. Of course, the thin gambler could not see the ancient warrior. But the moment the tip of the gun touched his body, he suddenly stood up and shouted as if he had seen a ghost: "I surrender, Spare your life, spare your life!”

Everyone at the table looked at him in surprise, and the thin gambler himself didn't know what was going on. I saw that he was sweating like rain, his body was shaking like chaff, and the middle of his pants was wet, with yellow liquid dripping continuously, exuding a foul smell.

The opponents at the gambling table were scared to death. Even Fa Ge's "God of Gamblers" couldn't be so powerful!

I am extremely convinced that this man has something extraordinary hidden in his body!

The ancient warrior only appeared for a moment and then disappeared. The baseball cap sneered and took the winning chips into his arms, put them into a paper bag prepared by the casino, casually gave the dealer a chip as a tip, and then stood up and left.

As soon as the man left, the air around the gambling table suddenly became lighter, as if a big stone that was pressing on them had been removed, and many people let out a long sigh of relief.

My curiosity was aroused. I have been in contact with femininity objects for so long, and I have handled a lot of large-scale murder weapons. However, I have rarely encountered a femininity object with such strong, pure and direct murderous intent. It can be directly used by the owner. The will to intimidate the opponent, I really want to know what this is!

"Let's go, let's follow him!"

I was about to leave when suddenly I was grabbed by the arm by the man in the T-shirt, his face was extremely serious.

"No! This thing is very abnormal. I think it's best not to get involved."

I instantly suspected that I heard it wrong. In my mind, the T-shirt man has always been an undoubted master in this industry. Why did he even give in?

I was very unwilling to do so. I felt like my heart was scratching my lungs. This feeling was like a martial arts practitioner who saw a lost secret book but couldn't read it. But since the men in T-shirts advised me not to interfere, then forget it. .

We went back to see Boss Huang and told him that we were not going to interfere in this matter. Boss Huang was very disappointed and pleaded again and again. The man in the T-shirt said calmly: "You can rest assured, that person will not come here more than once."

I thought to myself, does the man in the T-shirt know something?

When I went out, I asked him about it, but he just shook his head. I know him well after having been together for so long, and no one can force him to talk about things he doesn't want to say.

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