Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 737: The Room You Can’t Get Out of

We returned to the hotel. I was exhausted after the day. I took a hot shower, lay on the bed and used my mobile phone to surf the Internet and search for ancient armor.

I told Yin Xinyue what I saw at the casino on the way back. She came out of the bathroom after taking a shower, was lying on the bed wrapped in a bathrobe, and came over to see what I was looking at, Mingguang Armor and Shanzijia. He grabbed the phone and said with a smile: "Occupational disease, doesn't it mean you won't get involved? Why are you still thinking about it?"

"Alas!" I sighed, addiction is hard to cure.

Yin Xinyue asked me if I was hungry and if I wanted to order a midnight snack?

I said it’s not good for the stomach to have a midnight snack so late. I just want to eat you.

As soon as he turned over, he pressed her on the bed. The beauty came out of the bath. Yin Xinyue exuded a wet and fragrant smell. A snow-white career line was looming. Two sexy and slender legs were rubbing shyly. I couldn't hold back the temptation. Stop, her body reacted immediately, wanting to swallow her in one gulp.

It is already twelve o'clock at midnight, and it is simply unreasonable for someone to disturb us at this time.

Yin Xinyue half pushed, letting out a low gasp, suddenly remembered something, and whispered in my ear: "I'm going to get a condom."


I turned over to let her get out of bed, and then my phone rang. Someone sent a message. I thought it couldn't be Li Mazi, right? It turned out to be from the man in the T-shirt.

The man in the T-shirt rarely sends text messages, and besides, he lives in the next room now, so he has to send text messages if there is anything. I opened it and saw only one sentence on the message: "I'm in a hurry to go back to Hong Kong. I've already checked out the guest room. See you next time."

How can I just leave?

I was about to reply and ask about the situation, when I suddenly felt a chill and a gust of wind blew in from nowhere. When I looked up, I saw that the door was open and Yin Xinyue was missing!

I hurried to the door. There was no one in the corridor. I wondered where she could go in the blink of an eye, not to mention she was still wrapped in a bathrobe.

I shouted several times but no one answered. I became anxious, went back to the room, put on my clothes, and went to the next door to knock on Li Mazi's door. After knocking for a long time, no one opened the door. I thought to myself, might Li Mazi go to a nightclub? This pervert.

I was so angry that I was about to kick the door open when a voice suddenly stopped me: "What are you doing!"

The person who spoke was a hotel staff member, and I said, "I'm looking for my friend."

"Does your friend live here?" the staff member asked.

"Yes!" I replied.

The man's eyes immediately looked strange, as if he was insane, and said, "Look at what's written on the door?"

I looked up and saw "Laundry Room" written on the door.

My head buzzed, and I ran to look at my room. There was "Utility Room" written on the door. This was the 20th floor, and the room I lived in was on the 16th floor. I climbed four floors without knowing it. .

I rushed into the utility room and saw a pile of freshly washed towels on the trolley, with my cell phone thrown on top.

I actually stripped naked and "bathed" in this room, and then I lay wrapped in a towel for a long time. During this period, I lingered with "Yin Xinyue" for a while. Fortunately, no one came in, otherwise they would have arrested me as a lunatic.

Someone is clearly targeting me!

I opened my phone and saw a dozen missed calls from Yin Xinyue.

When the staff member saw me barging in, he immediately kicked me out. I told him that I was in the wrong room, and I paid a lot of money for my mistake, so I hurriedly left under his strange eyes.

The first thing I did after going out was to call Yin Xinyue. She was extremely anxious and said that I just ran out suddenly and didn't answer the call.

"I'll be back soon, don't go anywhere!" I warned, went to the elevator, and went up to the sixteenth floor where we lived.

Returning to the room where I lived, I carefully confirmed the room number before entering. Yin Xinyue said anxiously: "Where have you gone? I'm worried to death."

"I just encountered something."

After saying that, I took out a few magic weapons from my suitcase and took them with me. I didn't know who was secretly trying to trick me. If I found out, I would have to trick him to death!

"Are you hungry? Eat something." Yin Xinyue said.

There was a pizza on the table. Yin Xinyue said that she had just ordered it. I happened to be hungry, so I picked up a piece and ate it. The pizza felt a bit hard to chew.

"Bad brother, wake up!"

A voice suddenly came into my ears, as if it was Oudama speaking, and I was startled: "What's wrong?"

"Look at what you're eating."

I looked down and saw that what I was holding was not a pizza, but a towel, and I even chewed off an edge of it. The room around me is not the room I live in, it is still the utility room, and of course the 'Yin Xinyue' next to it is also missing.

I vomited a few times, and then the door was suddenly pushed open, and it was the same staff member just now. He was stunned for a moment and cursed: "Why did you come in again? Are you sick?"

I apologized repeatedly and walked out. The staff stopped me with their hands and asked me to take out the things in my arms.

I dug into my arms and found that the Sirius Whip, Peach Soul Flower, and Holy Mother's Staff I had just taken from the suitcase turned out to be a nylon rope, a roll of toilet paper, and a bottle of shampoo.

The staff suspected that I was a thief, but they dispelled their suspicion after I took out my room card and ID card.

Being tricked twice in a row, both in the same place, made me feel particularly useless, so I immediately called Otama out after leaving the house. This little fox is a master of illusion and may be able to provide me with some help. Oudama popped his head out of my arms and said, "Bad brother, I feel like you have encountered a ghost and hit a wall..."

"A ghost beating a wall?"

No wonder I keep coming back to the same place. Ghost wall-breaking usually only happens in the wilderness. To be able to do it in a place like a hotel where people come and go, this person must be very capable.

I asked Oyu: "When do you think I was tricked?"

She yawned lazily: "I didn't know, I was sleeping the whole time."

I recalled that on the way back from the casino, the man in the T-shirt was always by my side. If someone did something to me, there was no way he wouldn’t know about it. He didn't say a word at the time, but that's how he usually is, so I didn't pay much attention.

In this way, it is what happens after returning to the hotel.

After I came back, Yin Xinyue and I stayed in the room and didn't go anywhere. Could it be that I had been tricked by then? Is the Yin Xinyue who is talking to me real?

I smelled myself and there was a smell of shower gel, which proved that I had indeed taken a shower just now.

That is to say, I was indeed in the room before. I was caught by the road when I went out to find Yin Xinyue. Thinking of this, I suddenly had an ominous premonition and ran quickly. This man used a ghost to hit the wall to get me away. , the purpose is to attack Yin Xinyue!

I ran all the way into the room and saw the door ajar. When I opened the door, I saw Yin Xinyue lying on the bed, her eyes dull and one arm hanging down by the bed...

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