Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 738 Thirteen Lives

Seeing Yin Xinyue lying motionless on the bed, I rushed over. Her body wrapped in a bathrobe was as cold as ice, there was no breathing in her nose, and her pupils had dilated. Tears welled up in my eyes. I called her name desperately, pressed her chest hard, and gave her mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration. While crying, I said, "Xinyue, you must not die!"

I simply can't imagine life without Yin Xinyue, how gloomy it would be.

At this moment, a clear voice came from the ear: "Use the power of the fox fairy to solve it!"

In an instant, the 'Yin Xinyue' in my arms turned into a mop, and the place where I had just performed artificial respiration was a smelly mop head. I quickly vomited a few times and wiped my mouth with my sleeve.

The place I am in is still the utility room. I am getting married here tonight, right?

"Hahahaha, so funny!"

Oudama held his stomach and rolled on the ground.

I threw the mop down angrily and scolded: "Why didn't you wake me up earlier?"

"You look... so funny... I want to... appreciate it for a while..."

Oyu laughed so hard that she couldn't breathe and shed tears. I said angrily: "Damn it, you don't want to drink blood this month. No, you have been drinking pig blood for me for the past six months." go!"

Oyu quickly restrained himself and pretended to be aggrieved while holding back his laughter: "Bad brother, I know I was wrong. I will never dare to do it next time."

At this time, the door was pushed open with a bang, and it was the staff member just now. He cursed angrily: "Sir, did you go out without taking medicine? How many times has this been?"

"I'm sorry, I really am..."

I suddenly realized that something was wrong. Oudama was standing next to me. Ordinary people wouldn't be indifferent when they see a cute little loli in ancient costume, with triangular ears and a big tail, right? When I noticed this, Odama's ears moved slightly.

There is something wrong with this staff!

"Who are you?" I asked.

The man let out a series of weird laughs. At this time, Oudama bared his fangs and rushed towards the staff member. He made a gesture with his right hand and muttered something. Oudama was struck by an invisible force. It bounced away and hit back hard.

I was afraid that Oudama would be injured, so I quickly recited the spell silently, and the little fox turned into a white light and was taken into the bead.

Looking at this staff member again, his clothes and appearance have changed. His clothes have turned into a black robe, and his face has become older, probably in his fifties or sixties. He has a thin appearance and a black and elegant goatee, exuding a somewhat fairy-like charm.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Infinite Heavenly Lord, the name of the poor Taoist is clear."

Yiqing? I seemed to have heard this name somewhere, and suddenly I remembered that he was the Taoist priest Yiqing who was invited by Boss Huang to take charge of the casino and later ran away.

From these two points of view, Ichisei was able to create an illusion that was almost real, and he knocked the tail tama away with one move. From these two points of view, Ichisei's method was quite superb. I was obviously no match for him, not to mention that I didn't carry a single magic weapon with me.

Whether the person who comes is good or bad is related to my life and death. Taoist Master Yiqing seemed to have read through my thoughts and sneered: "Young student, if I really want to kill you, do you think you can still stand here now?"

"Then what do you want to do?" I asked.

"Is that Lost Way Temple veteran your friend?" Taoist Master Yiqing asked.

I was stunned. He actually knew the T-shirt man. Since he asked this, it meant that he saw me and the T-shirt man together, so I replied: "Yes!"

Taoist Master Yiqing gritted his teeth and said: "You bastard, you ran away when you knew I was coming. You are such a loyal friend. After all, you owed thirteen lives back then. You will be damned if you don't run away!"

How come this Taoist priest curses people when he opens his mouth, while a monk has no moral virtue at all? But I was more concerned about "Thirteen Lives" and asked him what was going on.

"Ask him yourself when you have time!" Taoist Yiqing said coldly: "I just used a little trick to test you, and found that although you are a highly skilled person, you are simply a fool when it comes to illusions. If you hadn't raised me, My little fox will help you, I’m afraid you won’t be able to get out of the ecstasy barrier I set up until dawn. How could a idiot like you walk together with that old Taoist priest?"

My face turned red and white when I heard these words, and I was really speechless.

Taoist Master Yiqing asked again: "By the way, how can a idiot like you create a fortune-breaking array? What do you do?"

I thought to myself, how did he know? He probably had an informant in the casino. His method was not unusual, so he told me bluntly that I was in the sex business.

Taoist Master Yiqing seemed to be interested: "Then do you know Zhang Yaoyang?"

"He is my grandfather!" I replied.

"Seriously?" Taoist Master Yiqing frowned.

"What's so fake about this?" I said.

"No wonder." Taoist Master Yiqing murmured and nodded: "There are only a few people in the world who can set up such an array. I should have guessed this relationship a long time ago. It seems that I have found the right person."

I was confused when I heard this. This Taoist priest didn't even say hello. He first played me around and then scolded the man in the T-shirt in front of me. He also said something about thirteen human lives. What did he want?

"Young man, how about you take care of a vaginal object for me?" Taoist Master Yiqing said.

"What?" I was shocked.

"Actually, you have already seen this vaginal object tonight." Taoist Master Yiqing sighed slightly.

"You don't mean the one in the casino, right?" I asked.

"Exactly! I know the rules of your profession. When you're done, the things belong to you. Just take it if you want. I don't want anything else. As long as the child can survive..." Taoist Yiqing said.

"Wait a minute!" I interrupted him, asking whether the Taoist priest had stayed in the Taoist temple for too long and became stupid. Is this the attitude of asking for help? I immediately said: "It's my business whether you accept it or not. I'm a soft-spoken person. Be tough, don’t think you can force me to do things just because you know how to hit the wall.”

Taoist Master Yiqing sneered and shook his head: "Young student, it seems you haven't understood."

"How do you say this?" I asked curiously.

"You think I'm here to see you tonight?" Taoist priest Yiqing said with a smile.

I was stunned for a moment, I am still being sentimental. It turned out that he was looking for the T-shirt man, and accidentally discovered that I was the descendant of my grandfather, so he simply let me, a "bastard", take over the job.

Taoist Master Yiqing said slowly: "Actually, the Taoist Taoist from Lost Way Temple failed to take this evil object back then. For this, he owed thirteen lives. Who would have thought that God's calculations are not as good as those of man's calculations, so he asked me to come here." I met him. Originally, I wanted to punish him, but I didn’t expect that he could run faster than a rabbit..."

My tone softened: "Taoist Priest, I'm confused when you say that. What kind of evil thing is it and what is the deal with thirteen lives? Can you explain it more clearly?"

Taoist Master Yiqing sighed: "It's hard to explain in words. I can tell you the name of this evil thing first. It's called: Hundred Battles General Armor. I will come to you again tomorrow."

After that, he turned and left. Before leaving, he warned me: "That friend of yours is a coward. I suggest you not to get too close to him."

The sudden appearance of Taoist Master Yiqing really confused me. When I returned to the room, Yin Xinyue and Li Mazi kept looking for me, as if they were anxious about something. Yin Xinyue said that just now I ran out without saying a word, and then disappeared.

"Why didn't you call me?" I asked.

"You threw your phone on the bed. Who should I call?" Yin Xinyue said.

"I obviously brought it!"

As I said that, I dug into my pocket and took out a piece of soap...

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