Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 739: General A of Hundred Battles

What is the Hundred-War General Armor?

Early the next morning, when the three of us were having breakfast in the hotel, I was still thinking about it. Of course, I can't think of it even if I try hard. Damn it if I can search it on Baidu. There may be records in my grandfather's notes, but of course I can't take my grandfather's notes with me when I go out.

I was wondering if I should just go back? Anyway, the flight from Macau to Wuhan only takes more than an hour. Yin Xinyue said no, the nearest flight was in the afternoon and it would be too late.

Taoist priest Yiqing said he was coming to see me today, but he didn't say when he would come, nor did he leave a phone number. It was very deceptive, so we could only stay in the hotel that day.

Yin Xinyue suddenly thought of a person, Wang Xun'er, and asked me if I could ask Wang Xun'er for a favor?

I waved my hands desperately and said, "No, no, I don't want to owe this dignified eldest lady of the Wang family any more favors..."

Yin Xinyue said with a mixture of laughter and laughter: "Then who else can I look for?"

Finding Wang Xun'er is the only feasible solution at the moment, but my store is locked and only I have the key. I also had to fax a copy of my ID card and ask Wang Xun'er to take it to the police station to get a certificate, and then find a locksmith to open the lock. I specifically asked not to tamper with anything in the store.

It is conceivable that with Wang Xun'er's noble character, she didn't listen to my orders at all. She didn't settle the matter until I agreed to go back and watch "Bear Bears" with her again.

Soon a scanned copy of my grandfather's notes was sent to my email. I searched carefully and soon found a clue.

It turns out that this Hundred-War General is inextricably linked to Huo Qubing, the god of war who died young in history!

At that time, Hunxie, the king of the Xiongnu, discovered a thousand-year-old iron tire deep in the Yanzhi Mountain of the Western Regions and ordered it to be cast into a golden man to worship the sky. Its shape was the Morse god spread to the Western Regions from the Kingdom of Dashi, that is, ancient Greek mythology. Ares, the god of war.

Every time the Huns went on an expedition, they would lead their cavalry to sacrifice their blood to this golden man, praying for victory in every battle.

Later, Huo Qubing led ten thousand horses out of Longxi, defeated the Xiongnu and captured five Xiongnu kings. This golden man offering sacrifices to heaven also fell into the hands of Huo Qubing as a trophy.

Huo Qubing found that the golden figure was extremely hard and could be chopped with a knife or ax without leaving any trace. Someone suggested that he cast the golden figure into armor, which would make it invulnerable and invincible. The young and energetic Huo Qubing readily accepted this suggestion.

However, the golden man was thrown into the furnace and could not be melted for seven days and seven nights. Huo Qubing was very puzzled, how did the Huns melt this piece of iron tire before? You must know that the Xiongnu's iron casting technology at that time was far less mature than that of the Han Dynasty.

The blacksmith reported back that this piece of iron tire was produced in the Western Regions and was cast into a statue for thousands of people to worship. It gradually became spiritual and was not willing to be easily cast into armor for people to wear. If you want it to surrender, unless there is a sufficient "introduction".

Huo Qubing sneered, a mere stubborn person can be so stubborn. Now that you, the King of the Huns, are all prisoners under my tent, I don't believe that I can't subjugate you!

He immediately cut off a lock of his hair with a sword and threw it into the furnace. The hair fell into the furnace and burned instantly. Then the golden man melted little by little in the eyes of everyone and turned into billowing molten iron, which made everyone present marvel.

Huo Qubing did this to imitate the ancient general Mo Xie's method of forging swords. On the surface, it was to gain the trust of Zhan Tie. In fact, there was a deeper meaning, which was to cast a part of his life into armor!

Doing this can give the item spirituality, but it is also very risky.

Not long ago, the divine armor was cast, and the three armies congratulated each other. Huo Qubing put on the armor in public. When he held the armor in his hand, he couldn't help but let out a "huh" sound. The texture on the inside of the breastplate seemed to vaguely form sixteen characters, which read: "A general wears armor and can fight a hundred battles. The day he takes off his armor is the day he dies."

Those who went on an expedition were most afraid of seeing such unlucky words. Huo Qubing became furious and asked who did it?

At that time, there were many Xiongnu generals in the army, and there were even some Huns among the blacksmiths. As a conquered person, it was inevitable to feel dissatisfied.

His subordinates immediately brought all the blacksmiths in to question the crime. One blacksmith said that this magical armor was invulnerable and that no weapon in the entire army could leave a mark on it. Even if they wanted to carve words on it, they couldn't.

So Huo Qubing waved them out and stared at the words on the armor again. Maybe this was God's meaning.

Although Huo Qubing is a young hero and a victorious general in the eyes of everyone, he knows in his heart that as he goes deep into the vast Western Region alone, he will be walking on thin ice every day. If he loses a battle, he will lose everything! When he was seventeen, he went on an expedition with his uncle Wei Qing and witnessed Countless generals were buried in the Western Region and never came back. Leading troops to fight was like gambling with the lives of tens of thousands of people. The pressure he endured in his heart was unimaginable to outsiders.

"One hundred battles, one hundred grams" is such an alluring word to him! As for the "day of disarming", the Huns are not yet exterminated, and they don't know how many more years of fighting they will have to do.

So he resolutely put on this armor. From then on, Huo Qubing led his troops to fight as if he had divine help. Wherever he went, the Huns were invincible. In the end, he became a wolf and lived in Xu, and made unparalleled military exploits that future generations will marvel at.

On the day of his victory and return to the court, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty came out of the palace to greet him. Seeing Huo Qubing wearing a heavy armor, he immediately rewarded Huo Qubing with a brocade robe and prepared to hold a grand banquet in the palace to reward the three armies.

When he went to the banquet that night, Huo Qubing felt very uneasy. He had to wear the brocade robe gifted by the emperor, but it was inconvenient to take off the armor. After much deliberation, he had no choice but to put the brocade robe on the armor and go to the banquet.

When he came to the palace, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty saw that Huo Qubing was still wearing the dull armor, and asked in confusion: "The war has stopped, why doesn't Huo Aiqing take off his armor?"

Huo Qubing replied: "The war has ceased, but the Huns have not yet been destroyed. Qubing does not dare to relax for a day. Wearing armor is just to remind himself not to settle for pleasure."

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty laughed: "Today is a big banquet, why should I be so nervous?"

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty insisted that he take off his armor. Huo Qubing had no choice but to take off his armor under the service of the palace maids. After the banquet, on the way home, Huo Qubing suddenly felt dizzy and vomited a large mouthful of blood. He knew in his heart that he would soon die. escape.

From the next day, Huo Qubing could not get sick and soon passed away.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty lost his arm and was in grief. He ordered a grand burial. It is said that the armor was buried together. There is also a saying that on the day Huo Qubing fell ill, the armor suddenly disappeared...

After reading this story, the phone in the room suddenly rang, and the counter said someone was looking for me downstairs. I knew it was Taoist priest Yiqing.

I took a few things with me and went downstairs with Yin Xinyue and Li Mazi to greet them. Taoist priest Yiqing was sitting lazily on the sofa in the hall, holding a cigarette in his hand and puffing out smoke, not caring about the strange behavior of the people around him. His vision is quite free and generous.

Li Mazi smiled and said: "Why does this Taoist priest look a little unruly? Is he a liar?"

Yiqingdao, who had a good ear, heard it and said angrily: "Who is talking about poor Taoism?"

I quickly introduced them and said that they were both my assistants.

Taoist Master Yiqing snorted, put out his cigarette, and explained that he had actually returned to the secular world a long time ago. I wondered if religious people could enjoy some preferential policies wherever they went.

"Hunter, have you read the news today?" Taoist Master Yiqing suddenly asked.

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