Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 740: The Strange Story of the Armored Demon

I didn't watch the news today, so Yin Xinyue said, "Are you talking about the murder that happened on Youyi Avenue last night?"

Taoist Master Yiqing nodded: "Exactly."

Yin Xinyue saw it when she was browsing Weibo in the morning. The news said that three people died on Youyi Avenue last night. There were no external injuries on the deceased's body. The police suspected that the death was due to drug overdose, which was an understatement.

There was an explosion on Weibo in the morning. Someone revealed that the truth of the matter was not at all like this. One of the three people was a wealthy businessman who came to Macau from the mainland, and the other two were bodyguards he hired. Witnesses said that the three men stormed into a nightclub aggressively last night and had an argument with a guest in a private room. Then they suddenly stopped moving. The people in the nightclub thought it was strange. When they opened the door, they saw the three people lying on the ground. They were no longer breathing. Their death state was extremely terrifying. Their eyes were wide open, their mouths were wide open, and their hands were stretched forward desperately, as if they were desperately resisting something before they died. So much so that the police were unable to pull their stiff arms back.

The forensic doctor later came to an astonishing conclusion after autopsy. The three people had cardiovascular bursts and the adrenal gland content in their bodies was abnormally high. They were in a state of extreme fear before they died, which meant that they were scared to death by something!

"Scared to death?" I said in surprise, thinking of the scene I witnessed at the casino last night: "Could the deaths of these three people be related to this evil object?"

Taoist Master Yiqing nodded and said: "I think so too. Although Bai Zhan General A is domineering, it will not hurt people's lives. I never expected that such a thing would happen last night. If we don't stop it in time, I'm afraid The tragedy of twenty years ago is about to happen again, so hurry up and get over it now."

As soon as the Taoist priest was about to leave, I called him to stop him. The Taoist priest's words were so cloudy that it was really unpleasant.

My grandfather made a rule of not accepting anything during his lifetime. Although I have not followed it well over the years, I am still very resistant to dangerous things that can cause human life as soon as they are introduced, so I told Taoist Master Yiqing not to explain the matter. , I will definitely not accept this commission.

Taoist priest Yiqing sighed and began to talk leisurely.

Twenty years ago, he practiced in Huangni Monastery, Guangdong. From time to time, he would go down the mountain to do some good deeds. Firstly, he would be compassionate among the practitioners, and secondly, he would earn some extra money to maintain the Taoist temple.

At that time, a strange thing happened in a small village near Huangniguan. There were two surnames in that village, Gou and Wu, and they did not get along very harmoniously. They often fought over trivial matters. It could be said to be a feud!

Once, a man named Gou Tiezhu went up the mountain to dig bamboo shoots and dug out a copper box. When he opened it, it turned out to be a pair of Han Dynasty armor. The villagers were backward in thinking and had no idea of ​​handing it over to the country. They thought that if they sold it secretly, they would be able to exchange it. Less money.

Gou Tiezhu quietly contacted an antique dealer who went to the countryside to receive goods. The Wu family heard from somewhere that the mountain was shared by two families, and the unearthed antiques should belong to both parties. Then the two families got into a quarrel. During the dispute, Gou Tiezhu suddenly stabbed three people with a knife, which frightened everyone. The Wu family immediately called the police.

When things got serious, relatives went to Gou Tiezhu's home to persuade him to flee to the mountains and hide for a while. However, the moment he entered the house, he suddenly felt a chill in his back.

But I saw Gou Tiezhu sitting in the dark room, wearing the ancient armor, holding a bloody hatchet in his hand, his eyes glowing strangely, and his mouth showing a weird smile. He seemed to be a little out of his mind. Too normal.

After the desperate persuasion of his relatives, Gou Tiezhu fled into the mountains. After the police arrived, they searched the mountains and found nothing. Seeing that it was getting dark, they had no choice but to retreat back. Before leaving, he told the Gou family that if he saw Gou Tiezhu, he would inform them immediately. The Gou family agreed, but they were all related, so who would betray his family?

Seeing that the Gou family was so protective of their shortcomings, the Wu family was filled with resentment. The next day, they brought the guy to the place where the Gou family lived to cause trouble, forcing them to hand over the murderer. The two parties greeted their families and ancestors as usual, and then started fighting.

At this time, there was a loud shout from the crowd, and suddenly a black shadow rushed into the crowd, knocking down the Wu family members one after another, and screams came one after another. The scene was like a general entering the battle to kill the enemy. It shocked everyone.

Dingqing took a look and saw that it was Gou Tiezhu who was coming. He was wearing armor and holding a pickaxe in his hand. He was vaguely surrounded by a black aura, and his eyes were glowing red like a hungry wolf. Some people later recalled that it was like seeing an evil ghost. How could the Wu family dare to say a word? Desperately, he carried the wounded and returned.

After Gou Tiezhu was sent home by his relatives, his temper became extremely violent and he beat people at every turn. Someone advised him to take off his armor, but he kicked him to pieces with a frightening force!

Even the dog at home noticed something was wrong and kept barking at him. The dog barked for two consecutive nights and suddenly stopped barking. Someone came over to take a look and saw Gou Tiezhu squatting in the yard and eating a dead dog alive. His mouth was full of blood. His relatives were afraid that he would cause trouble and took away all the knives in his house. He actually tore the dog alive with his hands...

The Gou family members were so frightened that they locked him in their home. A heavy iron chain was tied to the door, and even the windows were sealed.

Every night, people in the village can hear Gou Tiezhu banging on the windows and doors, making waves of terrifying roars, which is frightening!

This matter became more and more wrong, so the Gou family invited Taoist Priest Yiqing. Taoist Yiqing contacted Gou Tiezhu several times and felt that this must be caused by evil things. This was not within his scope. He had to ask an expert in the industry to help him. Can surrender.

At that time, the best femininity dealer that could be found in China was my grandfather, but he was far away in Wuhan, and he was too old to go out, so my grandfather recommended a place called Lost Road Temple in Hong Kong to Taoist Master Yiqing over the phone. A man of high rank, who claims that his skills are on par with his own, is the T-shirt man.

After the man in the T-shirt arrived, he quickly determined that the armor was Huo Qubing's Hundred Wars General A. He and Taoist Master Yiqing teamed up to set up a magic formation to subdue him. Under the strength of the two of them, Hundred Wars General A was gradually captured. After suppressing it, Gou Tiezhu also began to become sober.

Relatives who had been worried for a long time came after hearing the news, but at this moment, Gou Tiezhu suddenly inspired a terrifying murderous aura and forcibly broke through the shackles of the magic circle. The two tried their best to be no match at all, but were seriously injured by him.

Then Gou Tiezhu killed twelve people with a machete, including his wife and children!

At this point, Taoist Master Yiqing sighed: "This old Taoist method of Lost Way Temple failed, killed people, and finally ran away irresponsibly..."

After hearing this story, we were all shocked. Does the T-shirt man have such a dark history?

I remembered that he was talking about thirteen lives last night and asked, "Isn't it thirteen lives? There is still one more life."

"It was Gou Tiezhu himself. He killed his relatives, suffered a nervous breakdown, and fled to the mountains and forests. Half a year later, someone found his body. His whole body was withered and his face was hideous. He did not look like a person who had been dead for half a year. He was clearly a person who had been dead for many years. Zombies." Yiqingdao sighed.

"What about the armor he's wearing?" I asked.

"It's gone!" Taoist Yiqing said: "This armor disappeared when it was discovered. But twenty years later, it appeared again in Macau."

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