Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 741: Visiting the Red Light District at Night

I asked: "As for the baseball cap that appeared in the casino last night, do you know him?"

Taoist Master Yiqing replied: "I know him. His name is Gou Mingyi."

The surname Gou is not common, so I asked, "Could he be related to the Gou Tiezhu who died back then?"

"Yes! Gou Mingyi is Gou Tiezhu's son. He was fostered in the city and went to elementary school at his uncle's house. He escaped this disaster. Unexpectedly, we met again in Macau. This boy looked very much like his father, so I glanced at him. I recognized it. His method failed and his family was ruined since he was a child. I was also responsible for this. I felt guilty, so I often took care of him in Macau. Who knew that this kid didn't do his job properly and didn't learn how to gamble? I advised him to go home, find a job and live a good life, but he just refused to listen..." Taoist priest Yiqing said in frustration.

"Later Gou Mingyi heard that I was helping him at the Golden Bay Casino and asked me several times to help him win a few games. I didn't agree, thinking that he would go back obediently if he gave up. Later, he spent all the money and said goodbye to me to go back to Guangdong. Went. Unexpectedly, he appeared in this casino again a month ago, and he said happily that he had got a good thing that would help him win money in the casino. At that time, I vaguely felt that there was something unusual about him. , exactly the same feeling that his father gave me back then! Tell him to throw that thing away quickly, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous. This kid is as stubborn as a cow. He doesn’t listen to anyone’s advice and insists on going his own way. During this period, he relied on the armor of General A. With such momentum, he killed everyone in the casino and indeed won a lot of money, but I am worried that like his father back then, his mind will gradually be devoured by that thing."

Having said this, Yiqingdao let out a long sigh.

I asked, "Then why did you have a falling out with Boss Huang?"

"The man surnamed Huang was suspicious and insisted that I had cheated on me and said many unpleasant things. I was so angry that I left without saying goodbye..." Taoist priest Yiqing replied.

"But I heard him say that Gou Mingyi gave you money." I said.

"He gave me some money, but it was different from what you might imagine. I had helped him when he was in trouble, and he said that night that he would return it to me with interest, and told me to leave him alone in the future."

What Taoist Yiqing said seemed reasonable, but I always felt that something was not natural. I was sure that he was not completely telling the truth.

Taoist Master Yiqing said: "Young man, I have said everything that needs to be said. Come with me! Let me see some of the skills your grandfather taught you."

I exhaled and said, "Okay, let's go."

We left the hotel and Li Mazi went to the roadside to stop the car. I was a little worried. This hidden object was so dangerous and I didn't want Yin Xinyue to follow it.

I advised her to go back and wait for us, but Yin Xinyue pouted and said, "I'm alone in the hotel, so aren't I more worried?"

I knew it was useless to say anything, so I whispered to her: "By the way, help me find out the origin of this Taoist priest later."

"Where should I go to check this?" Yin Xinyue asked.

"Didn't he say that he was from Huangniguan, Guangdong?" I said coldly.

At this time, Taoist Master Yiqing looked back at us with a bit of suspicion in his eyes. This Taoist priest is too sensitive. Yin Xinyue deliberately loudly said coquettishly: "No, I just want to buy that kind of bag." He is indeed an actor. , the reaction was too fast.

I followed her words and said, "Baby, I'll go with you tomorrow. I'll buy it for you as much as you want."

"Hmph, don't lie to me." Yin Xinyue hugged my arm.

Not long after, Li Mazi stopped a taxi. The driver asked us where we were going. I said it was Friendship Avenue. The driver looked at us strangely.

Taoist Master Yiqing suddenly laughed: "You probably don't know where that place is, right?"

"Where?" I asked.

"Hua Jie Liu Xiang." Taoist Yiqing replied.

After a long time, it was a red light district. Even that kind of industry is legal in Macau. No wonder the rich people from Hong Kong and mainland come here to spend money.

Li Mazi said: "Brother and sister, why don't you go to such a smoky place?"

Yin Xinyue snorted: "You think so, I would be even more worried if you three men go to a place like that!"

Taoist Master Yiqing, who was being carried away, coughed: "Girl, although I have returned to secular life, I practice the Quanzhen teachings. I want to remain a child for the rest of my life. Don't compare me with them."

Li Mazi said: "Taoist Master, what are you talking about? Do you mean we go there often?"

"You are no more beautiful than a pink skull. Do you have any hobby in this area? Why do you want to be a poor person?" said Taoist Yiqing.

"Taoist Priest, I found out why you speak so beautifully?" Li Mazi said angrily.

"Okay, okay!" I quickly stopped him, for fear that they would quarrel in the car. This Taoist priest's words were "pleasant". I also learned from him last night, and I don't have the same experience as him.

Yin Xinyue asked me in a low voice: "Is it true that Taoist priests he just said should remain boys?"

"it is true."

I heard that people in Taoism can practice to a certain extent and be able to slay a red dragon and subdue a white tiger, reaching the state of being free from desires and pursuits. Seeing that this Taoist priest is sixty years old but doesn’t have a single gray hair, I guess it’s true that he is a boy. I can’t help but feel a little bit. admire.

An hour later, we arrived at Youyi Avenue. As night fell, colorful signboards lit up one after another. They were places like clubs and nightclubs. There were many women with hot bodies and scantily clad clothes walking around on the roadside. Li Mazi feasted his eyes without any scruples, and his eyes almost watered. Although I really wanted to watch, because of Yin Xinyue's presence, I had to watch my eyes, nose, and heart, pretending to be serious.

"Do you men like to come to this kind of place?" Yin Xinyue asked.

"There are some people who don't like it, like me." I answered.

Our group of three men and one woman, with a monk in the middle, attracted a lot of attention. Taoist Yiqing walked calmly and turned into an alley. I asked him if he didn't want to go to the nightclub where the accident happened to investigate?

"There is nothing to investigate. The police have taken away the body and the scene has been sealed. Can you get in?" Taoist priest Yiqing said angrily.

"Then what are we doing here?" I asked.

"Gou Mingyi lives nearby. I came here in the morning and he has disappeared. He specializes in the art. I can't see anything famous. Maybe you can find some clues." Taoist Master Yiqing said.

We came to a residential building and went up to the fifth floor. We saw that the door of Gou Mingyi's house was locked. I asked Li Mazi if he could open it. He said he didn't have anyone with him.

Taoist Master Yiqing said with a sneer: "Young man, do you need my help to unlock the door?"

I felt very unhappy about being looked down upon, so I took out the bead that Oudama was holding and whispered to her: "Open the door for me." Then I threw the bead in through the crack in the door. After a while, there was a click from the door. With a sound, Oyu opened the door from the inside.

"A couple of times." Taoist Master Yiqing nodded and praised.

After entering the house, I saw Oudama lying on the ground, his body shaking. I asked her what was wrong, and she said in a panicked voice: "The yin energy here is so strong!"

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