Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 742: Taoist Priest Yiqing’s Methods

As soon as I entered the room, I felt this powerful and overbearing Yin Qi, as if there was a tangible thing filling the room. Taoist Master Yiqing also frowned slightly, but Yin Xinyue and Li Mazi naturally couldn't feel it. Yin Xinyue rubbed his shoulders and said, It's so cold inside.

I took Odama back for a while and looked around the room to investigate.

This is a house with three bedrooms and two living rooms. The layout is good, but the house is messy. There are many leftover lunch boxes piled messily on the table. At first glance, it looks like it has been ransacked. Many furniture and electrical appliances have been looted. It broke. It seems that Gou Mingyi is usually extremely irritable!

I walked into the bedroom. The curtains were closed tightly. There was a musty smell in the room. There were crumpled toilet paper and used condoms in the wastebasket. I opened a cabinet next to me, and the things inside were simply unsightly. They were all whips, restraint belts, and the like, which were sexual abuse equipment.

Li Mazi said with disdain: "Damn it, it turns out this kid is secretive and has this kind of hobby."

"Mingyi was a very honest child when he was a child." Taoist priest Yiqing picked up the pornographic magazine on the bed, glanced at it, and threw it aside: "I don't know why he became like this later."

"Obviously it's the influence of the Hundred-War General Armor. A sinister object can often change a person's temperament drastically. This armor has a very murderous aura. Gambling alone can't satisfy him. He has to use this perverted way to spend the rest of his life. Vent your murderous intent!" I said.

Taoist priest Yiqing nodded in agreement.

Although these things make people feel a little disgusting, they are better than dead people.

But I was puzzled. The armor itself is not an offensive prop, and Huo Qubing in history only used soldiers like a god, and could not be regarded as a fierce general in the strict sense. How could the armor he wore have a thunder knife and a weapon that surpassed the overlord of Western Chu? Lu Bu Fangtian painted the halberd with murderous intent? Is there some hidden secret here?

Yin Xinyue shouted: "Hubby, there is a lot of blood here!"

We immediately went to the bathroom and saw a lot of bloody toilet paper thrown on the floor. There was also a large pool of coagulated blood in the sink. Judging from the amount of bleeding, it seemed that someone had been seriously injured. The whole bathroom was filled with a bloody smell. .

"Is Gou Mingyi injured?" I asked Taoist Master Yiqing.

"I don't know!" he replied.

I took out the compass, and the pointer on it was spinning chaotically, east and west. This phenomenon would only happen when close to evil objects, but I had seen it both inside and outside the house, and opened all the cabinets, but I didn't see anything. That armor.

I asked Xiaoweiyu what she had discovered. She was much more sensitive to Yin Qi than me. She hid in my arms and did not dare to come out. She stretched out her nose and sniffed, and then said: "It's very mixed. It seems like there are four streams of Yin Qi." .”

"Are you sure?" I was shocked.

"Three of them are very weak, and one is very powerful, so strong that it makes people scared!" Xiaowei Yu said fearfully.

I took out a bag of plant ash and sprinkled it near the window. Then I bit my index finger and dropped a drop of blood on the window frame. At this time, there was a loud knock on the door and a woman's voice speaking in Cantonese shouted. : "Gou Mingyi, are you at home?"

When we heard the noise, we were too scared to speak. Is there an acquaintance coming to visit? We are breaking in illegally!

The woman outside the door knocked again and said, "Gou Mingyi, it's me, Sister Yu from the nightclub, you left something in my store!"

We didn't dare to say anything, thinking that the woman would leave if she couldn't knock the door open. But she knocked for a while and whispered to someone: "Mr. Police Officer, this guy doesn't seem to be at home."

Li Mazi's eyes widened in fear: "Brother Zhang, the police are here."

"Shh!" I signaled him to keep quiet. I was also very nervous. If the police came in, we might have to spend the night in the detention center tonight.

There was not one policeman, but two, and they started talking.

"Damn it, why aren't you here? We've made four trips today. Could this kid have run away?"

"If you go back to work like this, you will definitely get scolded by Sir Zhang."

"Why don't you call the landlord and see if she has the key? Anyway, we have to go in and take a look."


A policeman started to call the landlord, and five minutes later there were footsteps coming upstairs. For these five minutes, we were like playing with wooden figures, standing in the house without moving, which was simply torture.

The landlord was a woman with a loud voice, and I got some information from her conversation with the police.

Gou Mingyi was suspected by the police to be related to the three people who died mysteriously in the nightclub last night. The police came several times during the day, but they all failed.

Immediately, the landlady took out the key and opened the door. When I heard the sound of the lock cylinder turning, my heart pounded loudly, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on my back. This scene was fucking scarier than a ghost encounter late at night. Will the police pull out their guns later? Should I put my head in my hands? How do I explain this? I started to think wildly.

Yin Xinyue was so frightened that she covered her mouth with both hands, and Li Mazi hid directly behind me, holding my shoulders tightly with both hands.

Don't come in! Don't come in!

I prayed silently in my heart. At this time, the door opened. Two policemen, Mamasang and the landlord came face to face with us. I was completely disappointed. One of the policemen looked into the house and stepped in.

"There's really no one in the room," he said, looking at my face like a blind man.

I was shocked, what's going on? When I saw Taoist Master Yiqing, I suddenly understood. He was holding a tactic in his hand and muttering something in his mouth. It turned out that this master was using the Ecstasy.

"Two police officers, this is the bedroom...this is the bathroom..." the landlady introduced, just like on a stage, taking big steps but always staying in place.

The four of them walked around, but they were all moving within a one square meter area, looking here and there, as if they were really investigating.

People who are affected by the ecstasy look like fools to others. I must have been wandering around in that utility room when I was infected last night.

Yin Xinyue looked at me in surprise, wondering what happened?

Li Mazi asked me in a low voice: "Brother Zhang family, are these people possessed by evil spirits?"

"No, it was Taoist priest who did it." I pointed at Taoist priest Yiqing and said.

"Oh!" Li Mazi looked at Taoist Master Yiqing with admiration: "Taoist Master, you are too strong!"

"Shhhhhh!" Taoist Master Yiqing glared at Li Mazi fiercely and gestured to him to stop talking.

"Ajie, did you hear anyone talking just now?" A policeman became alert.

"No," the other policeman replied.

"Maybe it's the sound from the TV next door. The old man has a hard ear and the TV is so noisy." The landlady explained.

A policeman said: "Excuse me, I can use the restroom!"

With that said, he took a few steps, took out the penis and started to pee. Yin Xinyue blushed and quickly turned away.

This soaking in urine took a long time. I don’t know how long I had to hold it in. The yellow urine splashed on the floor, emitting a stench. The four of us could only breathe in the smell of urine, not to mention how embarrassing it was.

At this time, a translucent shadow walked into the room. The policeman who was peeing suddenly shuddered and peed his pants. He looked back in panic and shouted to his companions around him: "Ajie, come here quickly, I think I saw a person just now!"

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