Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 744: The Strongest Feminine in History

Taoist Master Yiqing suddenly became emotional, pushed me away violently, and said viciously: "It's all because of that friend of yours. If Mingyi dies, I want you to pay for it with your life!"

I was squatting there to check Gou Mingyi's injury, but I was pushed unexpectedly, and ended up sitting on the ground, so hard that my buttocks almost split open.

Taoist Master Yiqing seemed to realize that his attack was too harsh, and said with a cold face: "I didn't mean to do it."

Damn it, is this a fucking apology? Can this Taoist priest speak human language? You pushed it with your own hands. Can it be called 'unintentional'? How can a sixty-year-old man be so thick-skinned?

You can imagine how annoyed I was, but this situation is not suitable for quarreling at the moment, and I don't want to quarrel with such an unqualified person at all. It will only make the quarrel more and more angry. I stood up and patted the dust on my pants and said : "If you do this again, don't blame me for turning around and leaving."

"I know." Taoist Master Yiqing snorted coldly.

I suppressed the anger in my heart. The relationship between the old Taoist priest and Gou Mingyi seemed to be unusual. Otherwise, why would he suddenly become so angry?

I said: "Take him to see a doctor first! Then I will find a way to subdue this evil thing."

"No, I don't want to see a doctor..." When Gou Mingyi heard about seeing a doctor, he immediately panicked: "The police are looking for me outside. I don't want to be arrested, and I don't want to go to jail!"

"The police won't arrest you. The most they can ask is, those three people were scared to death. The law doesn't say that people who are scared to death must pay with their lives, right?" I advised.

"He's right!" Taoist Master Yiqing also advised: "Let's go, Mingyi, let's see a doctor first. You will faint at any time like this."

"I told you I won't go!" Gou Mingyi roared, and his voice became deeper in an instant, and an extremely terrifying murderous aura was released from him.

This scene frightened both Taoist Master Yiqing and me. It was a ghostly thing that could scare people to death. I suddenly regretted it. Why should I take this job? Maybe your reputation will be ruined and your life will be ruined.

I quickly recited the Tao Te Ching silently to calm down my mind.

"Husband, what's wrong?" Yin Xinyue and Li Mazi ran over. It turned out that they heard the shouting and thought something happened.

"It's okay, I found him." I replied.

When Gou Mingyi saw the stranger, he panicked like a frightened bird: "Taoist Priest, who are these two people?"

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, they are here to help you." Taoist priest Yiqing patted him on the shoulder and comforted him.

"What can you help me with?" Gou Mingyi asked confused.

Taoist Master Yiqing didn't answer, so I made a gesture to Li Mazi and called him aside. Li Mazi said: "Brother from the Zhang family, do you really want to take this job? You see, this kid is not mentally normal. I heard that it is not illegal for a lunatic to kill someone."

"I thought I wanted to. Now that I've boarded this pirate ship, it's too late to regret it." I sighed: "By the way, go and prepare something for me."

"Say it!" Li Mazi nodded.

There was no paper and pen, so I asked him to note it down carefully. I wanted some coke, a bottle of gasoline or diesel, a rooster, a bottle of ink, a brush, a bundle of nylon rope, and some iron nails. It seemed like the kid's wound was infected. I bought another bottle of mineral water and went to the drugstore to buy some anti-inflammatory and analgesic medicine.

Li Mazi said: "Everything else is easy to get, except the rooster. This person is unfamiliar with the place. Where can I get it at night?"

"It really doesn't work..." I thought for a while: "Just go to the pet store and buy a male black dog."

"Brother Zhang, don't worry, I'll try my best to get everything for you." After saying that, Li Mazi left.

Taoist Master Yiqing has been calming Gou Mingyi's emotions. Yin Xinyue said nothing at the side and frowned tightly. She was probably a little disgusted with Gou Mingyi after seeing those unsightly things in his room.

I suggest you not stay here anymore. The smell of paint is too strong and is not good for your health.

Taoist Master Yiqing coaxed and persuaded Gou Mingyi to leave the warehouse and go outside. The smell of the sea breeze was much more pleasant than the smell of paint. Gou Mingyi suddenly pointed at me and asked, "What is this person here for?"

"He is here to help you." Taoist priest Yiqing replied.

"What can you help me with? What can you help me with?" Gou Mingyi grabbed Taoist Master Yiqing's shoulder and asked, "Taoist Master, do you think I am sick?"

"No, no, you're not sick." Taoist priest Yiqing coaxed him and said, "It's such a hot day. This armor is heavy and uncomfortable for you. Do you want to take it off first?"

I thought Gou Mingyi would refuse, but he actually nodded in agreement. Taoist Master Yiqing then reached out to untie the belt on the side of the armor.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he untied a belt, Gou Mingyi suddenly pushed Taoist Master Yiqing hard to the ground!

Thinking of the push that the bull-nosed Taoist priest had just given me, I felt happy. This is called retribution! If you don’t believe it, look up and see who God has spared.

Gou Mingyi shouted in a gloomy voice: "Whoever dares to touch it, I will let him die!" Then he turned around and ran towards the beach.

I immediately took out the Sirius Whip, recited the incantation silently, threw the whip out, and wrapped it firmly around his ankle.

Gou Mingyi fell to the ground in embarrassment. Taoist Master Yiqing had not yet stood up from the ground and said hurriedly: "Young man, please don't hurt him."

"I know!"

After saying that, I rushed over and wrapped Gou Mingyi tightly with the Sirius Whip. I took out two medium-sized spiritual talismans from my arms and stuck them on his chest and back. With the effectiveness of these two things, I could probably temporarily calm him down. This fierce armor.

But in the blink of an eye, the magic talisman became brittle and curled up as if exposed to high temperatures, and then burned with a "swish" sound.

Gou Mingyi struggled violently, trying desperately to break free of the Sirius Whip. He let out a strange scream like a beast. I grabbed the two ends of the Sirius Whip with my hands. It felt like I was tying up a ferocious beast. I was obviously injured. , how could there be such a powerful force.

"Little bastard, who do you think you are? How dare you do this to me? Do you know who I am?" Gou Mingyi's voice came out again with that deep and terrifying voice.

"General Huo, I'm sorry." I asked tentatively, secretly wondering why Huo Qubing came from a well-known family and spoke so rudely.

Gou Mingyi laughed crazily, and then there was a sound of chewing something. I was wondering, what on earth was he chewing in this face-down position? When I looked at it, I realized that he was actually chewing the soil on the ground. The small gravels and shells in the soil were chewed by him so much that it made people's teeth hurt.

"Xinyue, Xinyue, come here and lift his head!" I shouted anxiously.

Yin Xinyue just helped Taoist Master Yiqing up and ran over quickly. She stopped suddenly when she was running halfway, and her expression became very panicked, "Old...Husband, I dare not get close to that person..." As she said this, two lines of tears of fear flowed down her face.

Gou Mingyi burst out into a burst of crazy laughter again, which was horrifying. At the same time, a powerful murderous aura was released from his body. Yin Xinyue was so frightened that she knelt on the ground, covering her face, and her shoulders couldn't help shaking. I waved my hand and told her to step back quickly. This kind of overbearing murderous intent can scare people until their heart bursts. It is really not a child's play!

I took out the magic talisman from my arms while reciting the Tao Te Ching silently, but one of them was burned and burned, as if the armor was a hot iron. I was shocked. How terrible this was. Femininity!

I simply bit my thumb and dropped a few drops of blood on the armor. However, when the blood dropped on it, it immediately rolled up like water drops on a hot pot, and instantly turned into 'blood steam'.

Taoist Master Yiqing ran over, muttered something, and put a hand on Gou Mingyi's forehead. At first, Gou Mingyi shook his head desperately to shake his hand away. Taoist Master Yiqing recited the mantra so fast that I couldn't hear it clearly. What is it, and I am also busy reciting the "Tao Te Ching" myself, but the mantra he recited must have a stronger calming effect.

Gradually, Gou Mingyi stopped resisting and allowed Taoist Master Yiqing to press his hand on his forehead. I took advantage of this opportunity and put medium-sized talismans on Gou Mingyi's body one after another as if it was free of charge, and finally suppressed it.

Gou Mingyi seemed to be tired from all the tossing. He lowered his head and stopped moving. As his mood calmed down, the terrifying murderous aura gradually subsided. I breathed a sigh of relief and wiped my forehead with the back of my hand. Only then did I notice that my forehead had He was covered in cold sweat, and then said to Taoist Master Yiqing: "This armor is too scary. If it were a little later..."


A burst of heartbreaking screams came, and Gou Mingyi opened his mouth unexpectedly and bit Taoist Master Yiqing's palm.

At the same time, all the talismans attached to his body burned together. He bowed his waist suddenly, and a strange force suddenly launched me away. The Sirius whip was also freed, and the tip of the whip hit my face hard, causing warm nosebleeds to flow down.

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