Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 745 T-Shirt Man VS Huo Qubing

Gou Mingyi bit the palm of Taoist Master Yiqing, pulled hard, and tore off a piece of flesh!

Taoist Master Yiqing took a few steps back and looked at his bleeding palms. His face turned pale. This old Taoist was calm enough. He immediately rolled up his sleeves and drew a talisman on his arm with the blood on his hands.

But before he finished drawing the talisman, Gou Mingyi suddenly rushed over and slapped Taoist Yiqing on the chest. Taoist Yiqing flew out and fell heavily to the ground.

I was afraid that he would be beaten to death, so I quickly wiped the nosebleed with my sleeve, swung the Sirius whip and hit Gou Mingyi on the back, turning his attention to me.

When he turned around, the hairs on my back suddenly stood up. Those eyes were like two red-hot coals, glowing with a ferocious red light. His mouth was full of blood, and his chin was also covered in blood. He looked extremely ferocious!

I recited the Beidou Tianlang Jue, swung the whip vigorously, and whipped Gou Mingyi so hard that his cheeks bled.

Then he withdrew the whip and swung it again. This time he reached out to catch the tip of the whip and yanked it backwards, almost knocking me down. The whip was pulled away from my hand, causing my palm to open with burning pain.

That powerful murderous aura was like a sea wave, overwhelming and overwhelming, making me breathless. My hands and feet kept shaking, my heart was beating like crazy, and I actually had the urge to run away.

I tried my best to recite the Tao Te Ching silently to stabilize my mind, and began to control the invisible needle with my mind. The current situation was critical, so I could only cripple this kid's hands and feet first, and then think of other solutions.

"Hurry as the law dictates!"

Taoist Master Yiqing suddenly gave a sharp shout, and a gloomy wind rose out of nowhere, causing the surrounding air to suddenly drop a few degrees. The gloomy wind was mixed with a shrill cry, and a large group of innocent souls crawled out of the ground, and more were floating from the sea. The number of lonely ghosts that came over was more than ten times that that came out of the soil. These are the unjust souls who died in the sea in the past. Their bodies are broken, their clothes are ragged, and their bodies are covered with algae and weeds. They rush towards Gou Mingyi crazily.

The murderous aura on Gou Mingyi's body was like an invisible barrier, and the "vanguard" of the innocent soul would be wiped out as soon as it touched it. But after all, there were many of them, so the ghosts behind him rushed up one after another, hugged Gou Mingyi, and wrapped him alive into a big squirming ball.

Taoist Master Yiqing held a secret in his hand, his beard kept trembling, and said: "I'm sorry, I can't let you hurt people indiscriminately anymore..."


With a violent roar, the murderous spirit in Gou Mingyi's body was forcibly dispersed, and ghost blood was splashed everywhere. The scene was extremely horrifying.

This makes no sense. How can a mere piece of armor be so powerful?

Faced with this situation, Taoist Master Yiqing also widened his eyes, obviously not believing it.

After all, the sacrifice of the ghosts had weakened his murderous aura a bit, and I couldn't give in now, so I rushed forward, controlled the invisible needle and stabbed it out, directly to his shoulder that was not protected by armor.

Gou Mingyi kept dodging and raised his leg to kick me. As I dodged, I stabbed him hard on the thigh.

Gou Mingyi screamed and rushed towards me. The strong murderous intent made me feel inexplicable panic for a moment. When I came back to my senses, my wrist had been grabbed. His hand was holding my wrist like an iron pliers, so tight that my bones were broken. It's going to break.

I manipulated the invisible needle again from a distance, and now his throat was exposed. I could have taken advantage of the situation and struck his throat, but I hesitated. After all, this was a human life, how could I hurt it.

"Jiulin, kill him!"

A familiar voice came into my ears, could it be the man in the T-shirt?

The moment I hesitated, Gou Mingyi bumped my head against me, making me dizzy. Then I was kicked in the abdomen. I took a few steps back and fell to the ground. A stream of hot liquid surged up from my throat. A mouthful of it was connected with stomach acid. and spit out blood.

A burst of footsteps approached. It was obviously not very quiet, but to my ears it sounded like the earth was shaking.

I raised my head and saw Gou Mingyi's fierce face. He raised his right foot high and was about to step down on my face. For a moment, I had a hallucination and saw an ancient warrior standing behind him, holding a spear high in his hand, trying to stab me down in the body.

I thought to myself, it's over, everything is over!

Suddenly, a blue light flashed, and Gou Mingyi instinctively took a few steps back, covering his shoulders with a ferocious expression.

The man in the T-shirt appeared next to me at some point, holding the Octagon Han Sword in his hand with a stern expression.

"It's you, it's you who hurt me!" Gou Mingyi recognized the man in the T-shirt, roared violently, and rushed towards the man in the T-shirt.

But the man in the T-shirt directly entered Lu Dongbin's sword fairy state, and with fierce moves, he forced Gou Mingyi back and stabbed him in several places on his arms and thighs. Gou Mingyi was covered in blood, grinning, and looked terrible.

"Don't hurt my nephew!" Taoist Yiqing shouted.

nephew? As expected, this old Taoist and Gou Mingyi turned out to be relatives.

The man in the T-shirt didn't care. His eyes were fierce and his expression had never been so serious. He clearly wanted to take Gou Mingyi's life.

Suddenly there was a flash of golden light and a 'clang' sound, and Gou Mingyi transformed into an ancient warrior wearing armor. The iron spear in his hand directly swept away the man in the T-shirt.

Then the ancient warrior stabbed him with his spear, and the man in the T-shirt kept blocking with the Eight-sided Han Sword. The two men's movements were dazzling. As the saying goes, one foot is long and the other is strong. The flurry of spears made it difficult for the man in the T-shirt to even parry. Where is the room for counterattack?

I was shocked, what the hell is going on, the spirit of the weapon has transformed into another form, and this femininity has independent consciousness?

I picked up the Sirius Whip from the ground and swung it over to lure him down, trying to wrap around his legs and feet to give the man in the T-shirt a chance. The whip firmly wrapped around one of the ancient warrior's legs, but he was extremely strong. Not only did I fail to pull him over, I was almost dragged over by him.

I withdrew my whip, changed my strategy, and prepared to wrap around his spear. I have been using this wolf whip for a long time, and I am pretty good at hitting it wherever I point it. Although the two of them moved very fast, I tried it a few times, but still managed to wrap it up accurately. The middle part of the spear was pulled hard, and the ancient warrior's spear flew out.

"I succeeded!" I was overjoyed.

The man in the T-shirt took the opportunity to stab him with his sword. The ancient warrior grabbed his Eight-sided Han Sword with one hand, and the place where his palm came in contact with the Han Sword seemed to be burning and smoke emitted. The other hand stretched out in my direction, and the spear that I pulled away seemed to be firmly attracted by a strong magnetic force, and slowly flew back into his palm.

Damn it, this weapon spirit can also retrieve objects from across the air, and it is much more advanced than what I am practicing?

Nothing I said could make his plot succeed, so I whipped Sirius around his body and arms several times, and pulled him back with all his strength. The spear floated strangely in mid-air and dragged me forward. I pushed hard on the ground with my feet, and as a result, my feet plowed two furrows on the ground.

The ancient warrior suddenly kicked the man in the T-shirt away and took a few steps forward to grab the gun. I was shocked. After he grabbed the spear in mid-air, he didn't pull it back, but came towards me. The originally tight whip suddenly relaxed, and I lost my balance and almost sat on the ground.

"Jiulin, be careful!"

As soon as I stood firm, I saw the cold tip of the spear piercing towards me, followed by the murderous face of the ancient warrior. At that moment, I was completely shocked. Was I, Zhang Jiulin, going to die from this today?

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