Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 746: Fierce Fire Defeating Gold Formation

At this moment, a red figure broke into my field of vision. Judging from the graceful back and long flowing hair, it seemed to be a woman.

I don't know what kind of weapon she was holding in her hand. It dangled in front of my eyes for a moment. I thought it had a strange shape, like a hula hoop, and it knocked away the ancient warrior's spear.

The two fought fiercely for several rounds, and then separated!

I took a closer look and saw that this uninvited guest was also wearing a heavy armor, with the chest shaped like a wolf's head, and the shoulder pads also shaped like a wolf's head. She wore a red cloak on her shoulders, and the hem of the cloak was in tatters.

She has a wild and beautiful face, and her eyes have no pupils. Judging from her facial features and clothing, she should be an ancient person, but she does not look like a Central Plains person, and she also holds a bright full-moon scimitar in her hand.

The heroine from the Western Region who saved my life put her machete in front of her chest and assumed a fighting stance. The cape behind her was fluttering in the sea breeze. She looked so handsome.

The ancient warrior seemed to be provoked. He raised his spear and took a stance!

I looked at the man in the T-shirt. He was half-kneeling on the ground with his sword in his hand, as if he had suffered internal injuries. This female warrior from the Western Regions was obviously not summoned by him.

Looking at the Taoist priest again, his eyes were as shocked as mine, and it was obviously not his fault...

I wondered in my heart, could it be that the Yin Qi of Hundred Battles General Jia was too strong and awakened the sleeping heroic souls in the local area? But as far as I know, Macau has never produced any female generals since ancient times, not to mention that she looks like a woman from the Western Regions.

The ancient warriors rushed over and fought with the female knights of the Western Regions with a terrifying murderous aura. The swords clashed with each other and made a ping-ping-pong-pong sound. Although the spear had the advantage in distance, the full-moon scimitar had a unique shape and was hard to guard against. Especially Dangerous.

The two people were going back and forth, and the scene was even more beautiful than a martial arts movie. The three of us were stunned to watch it!

At this time Li Mazi came back, carrying a plastic bag in one hand and a big rooster in the other. When he saw two fierce ghosts fighting there, he stayed where he was and said in shock: "Brother Zhang, what is going on... …”

"I don't know either." I took the bag and checked it. Everything was ready. I thought this was a good opportunity, so I quickly set up the formation and tried to find a way to lure the ancient warriors to surrender later.

I asked Li Mazi to come over and help, but he was frightened by the terrifying murderous aura and did not dare to take another step, so I asked him to go over and take care of Yin Xinyue for me.

Then, I took out everything and started getting ready. The man in the T-shirt came over and said, "Jiulin, what formation do you want to set up?"

I thought he was going to help me, so I told him the principle of this formation. Armor is made of gold. The coke and gasoline I asked Li Mazi to prepare are both fire starters. Fire can overcome gold. I planned to use rooster blood and ink to draw this. Paint the inner circle of the array with gasoline and mashed coke to draw the outer circle of the array. If necessary, the gasoline will be ignited and the flames will be used to forcefully suppress the armor. It should be 100% sure.

Unexpectedly, the man in the T-shirt shook his head after hearing this: "It's useless."

"Why?" I asked.

"I'm not saying that this formation is useless. Twenty years ago in Goujiazhuang, my thoughts were the same as yours now. At that time, Bai Zhan General Jia was indeed suppressed, but..." He shook his head: "I have a long I can’t even figure out why that attempt failed.”

"Did you figure it out later?" I asked.

He nodded lightly: "I'll talk about it in detail later."

As he said that, he grabbed the rooster, wiped the chicken's neck with his sword, and poured the blood on the bundle of nylon ropes. All the remaining chicken blood dripped into the ink bottle, and asked me to take it and pour it on the ancient warriors at a later time. .

The two sides were still fighting, with swords and guns going back and forth, and even a basin of water couldn't be poured in.

The man in the T-shirt was not idle either. He arranged it on the ground with nylon ropes and asked me how many talismans I still have on me. I said that I had used them all just now, so he took out some magic charms from his arms and put them on the nylon rope at equal distances.

At this time, Taoist priest Yiqing rushed over unexpectedly and yelled at the man in the T-shirt: "Cowardly guy, do you remember me? Back then, you killed thirteen members of my Gou family, and today you want to kill my nephew." !”

Taoist Master Yiqing had a bad temper, and I was afraid that he would attack again, so I stood between them and said, "We'll talk about it later. Your nephew is now disowned. Let's quickly find a way to subdue him."

Taoist priest Yiqing gave the man in the T-shirt a hard look and swallowed his breath for the time being.

I think there must be some secret behind what happened twenty years ago. The T-shirt man I know is definitely not such an irresponsible person!

Looking up, the body of the Heroine of the Western Regions began to flicker, as if she could no longer hold on. However, the ancient warrior's momentum became more and more powerful, attacking the Heroine of the Western Regions with all his moves.

The man in the T-shirt said: "Although this Yin spirit is equally powerful, it is water without roots. I'm afraid it won't be able to sustain it for long."

I understood that the Yin object that carries the heroine of the Western Regions is not here, but the ancient warriors have armor that continuously provides Yin energy, and they absorb the essence from Gou Mingyi, so they are naturally very powerful.

The man in the T-shirt taught me a few spells and said that when he would attract the ancient warriors here, he should recite these spells quickly. After saying this, he drew his sword and stepped forward to help.

I handed over the task of splashing ink to Taoist Master Yiqing and waited nervously.

The three of them started fighting. The man in the T-shirt wanted to help the female hero from the Western Regions, but the female hero from the Western Regions backhanded him with a knife. The man in the T-shirt reacted quickly and jumped away, which made me sweat for him.

I thought to myself that this heroine doesn’t know the difference between right and wrong!

It seems that this female warrior from the Western Region is not here to help us. She just hates the ancient warriors. Could it be that they are two evil things that cannot deal with each other?

Finally, the heroine of the Western Region disappeared. The ancient warrior stabbed her several times at the place where she disappeared. It seemed that he had not had enough of it. The man in the T-shirt gave him a sword blow from behind, of course it was thrust into the invulnerable armor, causing a spark to strike.

The ancient warrior became furious and turned around to fight the man in the T-shirt. The man in the T-shirt originally wanted to lure the snake into the hole. He retreated while fighting and quickly led him into the rope loop.

"Jilin, recite the incantation!" the man in the T-shirt shouted.

I immediately recited the incantation, and the rope loop on the ground moved like a snake, suddenly jumped up and tied the feet of the ancient warrior. He lost his balance and fell heavily to the ground. The ropes were tied around his body in circles. The ropes stained with chicken blood came into contact with his body and immediately started to smoke.

I asked Taoist Master Yiqing to quickly splash the ink, and Taoist Master Yiqing spilled the entire bottle of ink. The ink started to evaporate immediately after it was splashed on him.

The ancient warrior kept twisting, and the rope seemed unable to bind him. Seeing that the situation was not good, I took out the Sirius Whip, rushed over and wrapped it around him a few more times.

"I'll kill you, I'll kill you!"

It was Gou Mingyi's voice. The ancient warrior turned into Gou Mingyi again. He kept struggling and hit his forehead on the ground, making a thud. I sat on him, holding the rope with one hand and pressing his head hard with the other to prevent him from letting go. He hit again.

Gou Mingyi tried his best to shake me off, and the magic talisman on the rope began to smell like paste. Seeing that the rope and the Sirius Whip were about to be tied together, I felt cold in my heart. I had worked hard for a long time, and it was going to be in vain. Yet?

At this time, the man in the T-shirt came over, turned the sword over in his hand, and hit Gou Mingyi hard on the back of the chest. Gou Mingyi rolled his eyes and fainted.

I breathed a long sigh of relief, feeling that I was almost exhausted...

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