Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 747 The Curse of the Huo Family

Gou Mingyi fainted, and the strong murderous aura gradually subsided. Yin Xinyue and Li Mazi, who had been watching from the side, came over. I saw two tears on Yin Xinyue's face. She was obviously frightened, so I held her and patted her gently. He rubbed his back and said some words of comfort.

Naturally, Li Mazi also looked pale. I asked him if he wanted to come too. He waved his hands repeatedly and said, "No, no, I don't have that hobby. You two can hug me!"

The man in the T-shirt took out a tissue and wiped the sword obsessively. He kept his eyes on Gou Mingyi on the ground and whispered: "Jiulin, if we don't kill him now, I'm afraid I won't have a chance..."

"How is this possible?" I said in surprise. I heard him right during the melee. He did tell me to kill Gou Mingyi.

"Once this femininity is put on, the essence will be continuously sucked away, making the owner extremely ferocious. Sooner or later, he will die, but if he takes it off, he will die as well. Twenty years ago, it was because of a single thought that I With today’s disaster!” the man in the T-shirt said.

Taoist Master Yiqing suddenly came over, very excited, and asked: "What do you mean, you owe the Gou family thirteen lives, and now you want to kill Mingyi?"

I quickly stopped him and said, "Your nephew is injured like this now. Stop saying anything and send him to the hospital as soon as possible."

Director Yiqing accepted my opinion, and we went to the roadside to find a car to take Gou Mingyi to the nearest hospital, even though we had to endure the strange looks from the driver along the way. When we arrived at the hospital, I specifically told the doctor not to take off Gou Mingyi's armor. The doctor looked at us as if we were crazy.

Although Gou Mingyi was covered in injuries, they were not serious. The main reason was the inflammation and infection caused by the sword slashed by the man in the T-shirt last night. In addition, he was extremely weak after not eating for a day. The doctor gave him glucose and injected it into the body. He was given an injection of anti-inflammatory drugs and moved to an intensive care unit for temporary observation.

I asked Taoist Master Yiqing to stop by and disinfect and bandage the bitten hand.

We were waiting on the bench in the hospital corridor. I looked at the time and asked Yin Xinyue if she was sleepy and if she wanted to go back and rest first. But she must stay with me.

After a while, Taoist Master Yiqing walked out of the ward and said coldly to the man in the T-shirt: "Let's talk clearly now. Were you the one who cut the sword last night?"

"Yes!" the man in the T-shirt said firmly.

"Why?" Taoist Master Yiqing was furious.

The man in the T-shirt said without emotion: "I plan to kill him!"

As soon as these words came out, Taoist Master Yiqing, Yin Xinyue and Li Mazi were all shocked.

Taoist Master Yiqing was furious at that time, his beard trembling: "You are such a wolf-hearted person, you actually did such a thing..."

"Things are not what you think." The man in the T-shirt said calmly: "I felt something was wrong at the casino last night. After I came out, I followed all the way and found the nightclub. Your nephew had a fight with three men. , aroused the murderous intention, ran back, put on the armor, and shocked the three people to death with murderous intent! When I arrived, it was already too late, so I started fighting with him. I was the one who cut the sword at that time. Later, he jumped The window escaped and escaped my tracking range."

Taoist Master Yiqing glared and approached step by step. I was afraid that he would make a move, so I stood up and stopped him and said, "We are all civilized people. If you have something to say, don't make a move."

"Don't worry about it!" Taoist priest Yiqing yelled at me, spraying spittle in my face. If he hadn't been in his sixties, I would have wanted to beat him.

The man in the T-shirt said what he said to me at the dock again. Taoist priest Yiqing sneered: "You are just making excuses for your incompetence. The number one master in any circle is just a pretense to cheat. Twenty years ago, I I was so blind that I came to you!"

I was about to stand up and speak for the man in the T-shirt, when the man in the T-shirt said, "Actually, I didn't run away twenty years ago."

"Only a ghost will believe you!" Taoist Yiqing yelled.

"The situation got out of control at that time. I was afraid of hurting more innocent people, so I led your brother to the mountains and started a fight with him. But I was no match for him. I was seriously injured by him and hid in the mountains for a few days. After I came down from the mountain, You went back to Huangniguan, but I haven't been able to contact you." The man in the T-shirt said calmly.

"What?" Taoist Master Yiqing was shocked and seemed a little unconvinced: "This is just your one-sided statement, I don't believe it!"

"Believe it or not."

Taoist Master Yiqing sneered: "I just don't believe it!"

This bull-nosed Taoist priest is simply too stubborn. Yin Xinyue said: "Taoist Master, we have known Chu Yi for a long time. I believe he is not that kind of person."

"You are all in the same group, so of course you all speak for him!" Taoist priest Yiqing laughed angrily.

"He is hopeless, stubborn and stinky. No wonder he was beaten until he was sixty years old..." Li Mazi said sarcastically.

"What are you talking about? Believe it or not, I will kill you!" Taoist Master Yiqing made a trick, as if he was serious about it.

"Am I afraid of you?" As he said that, Li Mazi hid behind me.

I was afraid of a fight between the two sides, so I advised: "Okay, okay, please pay attention to the impact in the hospital, okay?"

Taoist Master Yiqing snorted and sat down angrily. I remembered something and asked, "By the way, why didn't you say that Gou Mingyi was your nephew before? Are you hiding anything else from us?"

"Nothing but this," he said, stroking his beard.

I originally thought that Gou Mingyi was his son, that's why I was so concerned, because he was a monk and had to hide it. But if it's just an uncle and nephew, there seems to be no need to hide it, right?

I vaguely felt that there was something behind this, so I said: "Taoist Master, no matter what happened twenty years ago, you are here to ask us to do something! If you don't tell the truth, then we really can't help you."

Taoist Yiqing lowered his head and said nothing.

"In this case, we really can't control this matter, let's go!" After saying that, I stood up and pretended to leave.

"Wait!" Taoist Master Yiqing hesitated for a moment and finally said: "Okay, let me tell you, the original surname of the Gou family is Huo."

"What? Could it be..." I instantly thought of a possibility.

"Yes, our Gou family is the descendant of Huo Qubing. Now there is only one male left in the Gou family, Mingyi. I promised my brother back then that I would not let Mingyi die no matter what." Taoist priest Yiqing said with some pain.

Li Mazi interjected: "That's wrong. I remember the history books said that Huo Qubing only had one son, but he died at the age of eleven. Huo Qubing clearly had no descendants."

"Probably an illegitimate child," I said.

"You are right. At the age of seventeen, Huo Qubing went to the Western Regions with his uncle Wei Qing to fight. He spent all his precious years on the battlefield. He met a woman in the Western Regions and gave birth to a child named Huo Tu. Son. The general who conquered the Huns fell in love with a woman from the Western Regions and gave birth to a child. This incident was a scandal in the eyes of the Emperor of Han Dynasty, so this incident was not recorded in any history books!"

As soon as I heard the word 'Western Region Woman', I inexplicably thought of the Yin spirit that had just appeared.

Taoist Master Yiqing continued: "I don't know if Huo Qubing had too much killing karma, or if he was too outstanding and exhausted the energy of his ancestors. Our Huo family seems to have been under an invisible curse. The men often die young. Even if they survive, Very few live to be thirty..."

“My ancestors thought of many ways to resolve this invisible curse. After the Song Dynasty, we changed our surnames to Gou and Quan, which means ‘Gou Quan’s life’, and we left the place where our ancestors had lived for generations and moved to different places. They live in the south and the north, and the eldest son of each generation is allowed to become a monk, hoping to use the blessings of gods and Buddhas to help the family survive the disaster. I am the eldest son of the family."

"This is too tragic!" Li Mazi said: "If I had known that future generations would end up like this, Huo Qubing would have been better off not making any contributions!"

I used my eyes to signal him to stop talking nonsense, and said to Taoist Master Yiqing: "You can live to be sixty years old. Has the curse been lifted?"

Taoist Master Yiqing sighed: "I can only say that I am reluctant. The Gou family has always been underpopulated and has been unable to sustain its prosperity. This incident happened again twenty years ago, and the only boy left in the Gou family is Mingyi."

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