Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 748 Ancient Huns Statue

Taoist Master Yiqing mentioned what happened twenty years ago, so I asked, "You said before that this armor was dug out of the mountain. Were you lying to us?"

"Yes!" Taoist Master Yiqing said frankly: "Actually, General A of Hundred Wars has been secretly enshrined under the Huo family ancestral hall for thousands of years. No matter how we change our surnames or move, we cannot forget our roots. Every child has arrived When they grow up, their parents will take them to worship this armor and tell them who our ancestors are.”

He paused and continued: "Twenty years ago, the Ba family bullied others too much. After a few young men got drunk, they raped a girl from our Gou family who had not yet left the court. Our Gou family had nowhere to redress their grievances. My brother was angry. However, he put on this invulnerable armor and wanted to fight for his life! Unexpectedly, he was possessed by gods and demons. He defeated more than a dozen Ba family members by himself. After he came back, he became insane and refused to allow anyone to take off his armor. The armor on your body.”

"I see." I sighed. A moment of anger caused such consequences. The price was too high.

The man in the T-shirt said: "Taoist Master Yiqing, after that incident happened, I have been searching everywhere for information about the Hundred Wars General Armor. This artifact is too old and has been kept secret by your family for thousands of years. Therefore, there is very little information about it, and many colleagues do not even know of its existence..."

"Don't talk nonsense, what did you find?" Taoist Master Yiqing said. Although his tone was still harsh, his attitude had obviously softened.

"The source of everything started with this armor. Huo Qubing accidentally did the last thing he should have done!" The man in the T-shirt said with a slight sigh.

At that time, the Xiongnu living environment was harsh, wars continued for years, and the culture was backward. The wounded warriors could only be treated by the witch doctors in the tribe. Most of them could not be saved, or even if they were saved, they could not go to the battlefield again. They were just a few. A useless person who needs to be taken care of all his life.

These warriors who could no longer fight voluntarily dedicated their souls to the God of War, turning into heroic spirits to forever protect the tribe and protect their compatriots from victory. They will be carried to the statue of the God of War. After the wizard reads a verse, the wizard slits the throat and smears the blood on the statue.

This seems like a barbaric belief today, but in the ancient Western Regions where the living environment was extremely harsh, only the survival of the fittest and the survival of the fittest could ensure the reproduction of tribes.

That statue had been smeared with the blood of countless warriors over the past hundred years, filled with the unwillingness and resentment of thousands of warriors before their deaths, as well as the strong desire for victory, and gradually acquired spirituality.

That is to say, it is a femininity in itself!

Unexpectedly, the brave tribe in the Western Regions met Huo Qubing, an unprecedented military prodigy. The statue fell into his hands and was actually cast into armor. When it was smelted, it was connected to Huo Qubing's fate, which produced even more powerful power. .

This power is to win!

The Hundred-War General Armor is an extremely victorious fetish. Wearing it can indeed lead to victory in every battle, just like being possessed by a god or demon, but the price is also high. In order to win, it will continuously absorb the master's essence. Huo Qubing was just its first victim. Later, it was sealed up by the Huo family. Of course, it was extremely unwilling and kept absorbing the essence of the Huo family, making the Huo family never prosperous. Unexpectedly, it was released by chance twenty years ago. come out.

Whether it is scolding, gambling, or fighting, any form of competition will arouse its competitive spirit. In order to win, it will drive its owner to do whatever it takes. Twenty years ago, in order to conflict with the constraints of the magic circle, Gou Mingyi's father did not hesitate to kill his relatives and absorb their souls to increase his strength!

After the man in the t-shirt finished speaking, I couldn't help but take a breath of air. I saw that the Taoist priest's beard was trembling, and after a long time I said, "Is what you said true?"

The man in the T-shirt nodded.

" there no way to save Mingyi?" Elder Yiqingdao burst into tears.

"I can only cut off its roots and then find a way to seal it. Other than that, I can't think of any other way." The man in the T-shirt shook his head.

"No, Mingyi must not die!" Taoist Master Yiqing stood up excitedly.

At this time, there was a quarrel in the ward. We ran in and saw that Gou Mingyi had woken up and was throwing things crazily. Chief Yiqing hugged his head and waved to us to get out.

After we exited, the movement inside became quieter. Gou Mingyi cried and said, "Oh, oh, oh, Taoist priest, I want to go home."

"Be good, Mingyi. After you recover, we will go home." Taoist priest Yiqing comforted him.

"Husband, are you really planning to..." Yin Xinyue asked worriedly.

"No, I will definitely not kill anyone. It goes against my professional ethics." I shook my head.

"There is no other way." The man in the T-shirt said.

"Even though you say that, aren't you actually unable to do it?" I sighed.

The man in the T-shirt nodded silently. His swordsmanship was pure. If he really wanted to kill Gou Mingyi, the sword would not hit his shoulder.

Li Mazi said: "How about this? Let's buy a flight ticket and leave Macau quickly. I finally understand. You can't sell this evil thing even after it's collected. I can accept a loss-making business once or twice. To accumulate some shady virtue, I always do it. I can’t accept a loss-making business..."

"It's like I've never failed you before! If you want to leave, just go!" I said.

Li Mazi said with a smile: "Brother Zhang, I just said casually, am I such an unloyal person?"

Yin Xinyue said: "I think if there is nothing we can do even in the first year of junior high school, why don't we ask Zen Master Baimei to help?"

"I have asked him a long time ago, but he actually has no better way." The man in the T-shirt replied.

Li Mazi looked at his watch: "Everyone, it's already eleven o'clock. We can't come up with a result from our discussion here. Why don't we go back to rest first and recuperate before thinking of countermeasures tomorrow."

We all agreed. I originally wanted to keep one person here, fearing that something might happen again. Unexpectedly, the man in the T-shirt objected. He said there was no point in leaving one person alone. No one could stop Gou Mingyi from going crazy, and now he His mental state is unstable and he cannot see outsiders. It is enough for Taoist Master Yiqing to be here alone.

So we said hello to Taoist Master Yiqing and told him to leave now and come back tomorrow. We also left our mobile phone number for him to call if he had anything to do.

This night was very stressful for me. I went back to the hotel, took a shower, lay on the bed and fell asleep. After a while, I heard someone calling my name. When I opened my eyes, I saw it was grandpa.

Grandpa, dressed in the shady clothes of Fengdu Ghost Town, stood at the bedside and waved: "My dear grandson, get up, I have something to tell you."

"Grandpa, why are you here?" I was surprised and happy.

"Aren't you happy to see grandpa?"

"Of course I'm happy."

Grandpa sighed, and I asked him what was bothering him. He said, "Grandpa is under the influence now, and he can't help himself. You are in danger today. I originally planned to help you, but something happened and I couldn't get away, so I gave it to you." You asked for a helper."

"Help?" After working for a long time, the heroine from the Western Regions was summoned by grandpa.

On the way back, I was thinking about how this heroine from the Western Regions, who had no idea of ​​her origins, could actually compete with the transformed Hundred Battles General Armor. If I could find what she was hosting, I might be able to get rid of this troublesome thing.

I asked my grandfather excitedly: "Who is that heroine? Grandpa, do you know her?"

"What kind of hero and heroine has a random name? She is Gu Tu, the white wolf princess of the Western Regions!" Grandpa said.

(I wish the readers of "The Merchant of the Underworld" who were born in the 1980s a happy wedding and a happy marriage for a hundred years! "The Merchant of the Underworld" thanks everyone for your support, and hopes that everyone will support Lao Jiu and the genuine version of Mars novels.)

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