Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 749 White Wolf Princess

"Princess White Wolf?" I asked Grandpa: "Where can I find her?"

"This..." Grandpa shook his head: "Princess White Wolf belongs to the Huns and is not under my jurisdiction. The rules in the underworld are also very strict, so I cannot disclose it."

Damn it, the management in the underworld is quite strict!

I asked: "Grandpa, do you know the underworld that governs the Huns?"

"There are no Huns anymore! They have long been divided into several ethnic groups, and some branches are still in Turkey and Pakistan." Grandpa replied.

"Then what should I do?" I asked anxiously.

"Don't worry, dear grandson, remember what grandpa said, the person who tied the bell must untie the bell and go to the Huo family for help..." Grandpa's figure became lighter and weaker, his voice became smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared.

"Grandpa! Wait, can you explain more clearly?"

I suddenly sat up from the bed, and it turned out that it was just a dream, probably a dream given by my grandpa.

Yin Xinyue was woken up by me and asked me what was wrong. I said it was fine, it was just a dream.

After lying down, I thought about what grandpa said, looking for the Huo family? He asked me to find Taoist Master Yiqing for help, and I fell asleep again while thinking about it.

When I woke up the next morning, the man in the T-shirt disappeared again. I thought he was missing for fun with me again. When I went downstairs with Li Mazi and Yin Xinyue to eat the hotel's breakfast buffet, I saw him sitting in a seat by the window. I ate my breakfast thoughtfully, with mung bean porridge, fried dough sticks, and vegetarian steamed buns as snacks in front of me.

We went to get some breakfast, and after sitting down next to him, I told what my grandpa had dreamed about last night, and the man in the T-shirt said, "Brother Yaoyang asked you to find Taoist Master Yiqing?"

"That's what it means, right? I feel that the Taoist priest is very cunning, and he must be hiding something. I'll go to the hospital later and ask him about it," I said.

Li Mazi didn't want to go. Maybe it was because the scene last night was too terrifying and left a psychological shadow. I saw that Yin Xinyue was also a little bit flinched. I said if she didn't want to go, don't force it. Yin Xinyue said bravely: "No, I must go with you."

The man in the T-shirt took out two pieces of paper from his arms, with some words written on them. He said that this was a part of the Tao Te Ching he copied last night. It has the effect of calming the mind and clearing the mind. It may be able to withstand a little of General A in Hundred Battles. Let them carry the aura with them.

I feel like this trip to Macau is in vain. If something happens somewhere, I think it would be better to stay in Wuhan from now on.

After breakfast, we went to the hospital. I bought a bag of breakfast on the way. I wonder if Taoist Master Yiqing will eat meat after he returns to secular life? So it's all vegetarian.

Taoist Yiqing watched Gou Mingyi all night and felt a little sleepy. He sat on the edge of the bed and nodded.

Gou Mingyi had woken up early, playing games with his mobile phone in his hand, grinning while playing. The man in the t-shirt was indeed right. Under the influence of this femininity, his character became extremely competitive. Even playing a game would arouse his competitive spirit!

Although this kid is an adult, he is behaving like a child now. This should be a kind of psychological self-protection.

We didn't dare to go in rashly, so we only knocked lightly on the door a few times. Taoist priest Yiqing woke up with a start. He walked outside the door, stretched for a long time, and yawned. I said, "Taoist priest, you have been here all night. Go get some sleep and let the nurse take care of you."

"No, the nurse makes a noise and throws things around when she comes. I have to be here." Taoist priest Yiqing replied.

"Your uncle is almost a nanny." I smiled.

I asked him to finish his breakfast first and asked him if there was anything else he hadn't told me. Taoist priest Yiqing frowned and said, "I've said everything that needs to be said."

"Then have you heard of the name White Wolf Princess Gutu?" I asked.

Taoist Yiqing muttered for a while, then shook his head and said he didn't know.

It's over. Now the clues are gone. Could it be that you ask me to ask Gou Mingyi?

After breakfast, Taoist Master Yiqing was ready to continue accompanying Gou Mingyi. I asked him to take a rest while we watched. Taoist priest Yiqing shook his head desperately and said no, absolutely not.

Taoist Master Yiqing is over sixty years old. I'm afraid that his body won't be able to bear it any longer. If he collapses from exhaustion and something happens to him, who can control Gou Mingyi?

I persisted, and Taoist Master Yiqing smiled bitterly and said, "Then try it, be careful he throws the urinal on your head."

I mustered up the courage and poked my head half out of the door of the ward. When Gou Mingyi saw me, he immediately shouted: "Get out! Get out!" He also threw a pillow over, and I quickly exited.

"What I said is right." Taoist Master Yiqing was a little gloating.

Yin Xinyue said: "Is it because you beat him last night, so he holds a grudge?"

"What you said makes sense." After saying that, I turned my eyes to Li Mazi.

Li Mazi looked panicked: "No, no, I don't want to be this caregiver. It's too scary for this kid to get angry. I still have two children at home. Let my younger brother and sister go! She is more approachable and can definitely get along with her."

Yin Xinyue shuddered: "I won't go! This man has some perverted hobbies! I find it disgusting."

I persuaded Li Mazi to go, but he refused. Finally, I pushed him in. Li Mazi cried and cried: "Brother Zhang, please don't push me into the fire pit."

As soon as Li Mazi entered the ward, he immediately said with a smile: "Little brother, what are you playing at?"

Gou Mingyi resisted: "I don't know you, get out!"

"I'm your uncle's friend." Li Mazi said with a smile on his face.

Gou Mingyi asked where he was, and Li Mazi lied to him that he would be back soon, and then asked him what game he was playing. The two actually started chatting. After all, Li Mazi was a well-rounded person and was very good at dealing with people. It's really admirable.

I asked Director Yiqing to go and rest for a while, but he refused. Finally, I came up with a compromise plan and asked the nurse to find an empty hospital bed. If anything happened, I would call him immediately, and Director Yiqing went to rest.

There was no point in staying in the hospital, so we went out for a walk and found a steakhouse for lunch. We also used the Internet on our mobile phones to look up the White Wolf Princess, but found nothing.

In the afternoon, after the Taoist leader had rested enough, he went to change to Li Mazi. Li Mazi complained to me that he had been on tenterhooks this morning and had downloaded many games to Gou Mingyi's phone. However, the way he played the games was very scary, as if he wanted to kill someone.

We didn't dare to leave the hospital too far, so we walked around the area in the afternoon to relax. On the way, I saw a photo studio with the words "Family Ford Benefiting Guests", and suddenly I had an idea.

"Oh, why am I so stupid? Grandpa means to ask us to find the whole family!" I said.

"Looking for the whole family?" Li Mazi glanced at the photo studio: "Come to take a family photo?"

"What my husband means is that the Huo family is divided into two branches, one surnamed Gou and one surnamed Quan. The family surnamed Quan should know the whereabouts of Princess White Wolf." Yin Xinyue explained.

"Daughter-in-law, you are better at understanding." I raised my thumbs.

Li Mazi said: "The Gou and Quan families are in the south and the north. Could it be that the whole family has moved to South Korea?"

"South Korea?" I wondered.

"I have never heard of this caste. There is only one Quan Zhixian in Korea. Could he be a descendant of Huo Qubing?" Li Mazi guessed.

I said with disdain: "I'm uneducated. There is 'Quan Xi Ban Yang' in "Hundred Family Surnames". Quan Xi Ban Yang is a common surname in China. Let's go find Taoist Master Yiqing."

We hurried back to the hospital and saw Director Yiqing standing in the corridor, looking panicked. My heart skipped a beat, wondering what happened again.

"You came just in time!" Taoist Master Yiqing said anxiously: "Mingyi is missing!"

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