Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 751: Viper Blood, Scissors

In desperation, I quickly shouted: "Gu Tu!"

Princess White Wolf was stunned for a moment. The sharp scimitar was hovering around my neck. My skin could even feel the cold air emanating from the blade.

I guess she doesn't understand Chinese, but the name Gu Tu should be a transliteration. No matter living or ghosts, they are always the most sensitive to their own names. Princess White Wolf has been dead for more than two thousand years, and maybe no one calls her for a long time. Passed her name.

She stared at me for a few seconds and then withdrew the knife.

I guess she thinks of me as one of her own? Anyway, it was really dangerous just now.

"What's going on?" Li Mazi said. I quickly took a step back and signaled him to keep quiet.

Princess White Wolf glanced at the three of us with cold eyes. Even though she was a beauty in life, there was a sinister murderous intent in her eyes. Being stared at by these eyes made people shudder.

Since she was able to fight evenly with Bai Zhan General Jia in the "away game" in Macau, it can be seen that her strength is extraordinary and she is definitely at the level of a ghost king.

I have thought about it repeatedly before, what is the vagina that the White Wolf Princess is hosting? What thing can be evenly matched with the Hundred Battles General Armor?

Either it was the scimitar in her hand, or the armor on her body.

Princess White Wolf obviously had no interest in the three of us and wandered around the room. There was a luggage bag thrown beside the bed. She picked up a piece of clothing from it with a machete and sniffed it, as if to capture the residual Yin Qi on it.

"We can't let her meet Gou Mingyi!" the man in the T-shirt said.

"What should I do? If we both go together, we may not be her match." I said.

"Find a way to create some yin energy to confuse her." The man in the T-shirt thought for a while and said.

At this time, the White Wolf Princess got into the wall. I was worried that Gou Mingyi would come back later and the two enemies would collide and the whole world would be turned upside down.

We had to hurry up, so I took a few pieces of Gou Mingyi's underwear from my luggage bag, asked them to go downstairs together, borrowed a pair of scissors from the counter, and asked Li Mazi to buy me some eels.

Li Mazi complained: "Brother Zhang, I'm really not making excuses. It's almost twelve o'clock now. It's dark outside and you can't hit anyone even if you throw a brick. It's not like there are supermarkets in Macau that are open 24 hours a day. Where did you ask me to buy it?"

I started to worry, and the man in the T-shirt took out a small glass bottle from his arms: "I have a bottle here, it should be enough."

I opened the lid and smelled it. It looked like the blood of a black-bellied snake. It was much higher quality than eel blood.

I told Li Mazi not to go anywhere, and I just stood at the door of the hotel and waited for the uncle and nephew to come back and find a way to stabilize them.

Then the man in the T-shirt and I went to a nearby parking lot. The wind was very strong at night in Lanzhou, and the trees on the roadside were blown sideways. The wind was also mixed with very coarse sand, which hurt my face and hurt my glasses. Unable to open it, I almost yelled at the man in the T-shirt and asked him to take a photo of it for me with his cell phone.

By the light of my mobile phone, I used scissors to twist Gou Mingyi's underwear into the shape of a villain. After cutting it, I bit it in my mouth. This kid never washes his clothes. The clothes smell like sweat. It’s disgusting to have them in your mouth.

After cutting, I dipped some blood from the black-bellied snake on a little person. There wasn't much blood in the small bottle. I just covered the little person on the mouth of the bottle, poured a little bit quickly, and then threw it into the air. Then it was blown away by the wind.

After throwing three or four in a row, I felt a little unsure. Wouldn't this trick work?

The man in the T-shirt next to him watched quietly without saying a word.

Then I threw another one. The moment the villain flew into the air, a red shadow suddenly appeared. With a flash of silver light, it cut the villain in half. This knife and this movement made people amazed.

Princess White Wolf stopped there wanderingly, looking around. If the innocent soul had any thoughts, she would probably be wondering, where did these 'ghosts' come from?

I quickly dipped the villain in blood and threw it out. The white wolf princess followed the direction of the wind and chased her out. I saw her floating in mid-air, swiping her knife to kill her. Her movements were light and agile, which made me feel a little nervous. Fascinated.

The man in the T-shirt said: "Jiulin, you stay here and I'll go back and arrange it."

"Okay." I replied casually. I was about to ask him what he planned to arrange, but the man in the T-shirt had already left.

There was not much blood in the bottle, so I stacked the remaining little figures on top of each other, soaked them with blood, and threw them all out. Then I also threw the bottles with blood far away. Princess White Wolf quickly threw them away. They 'killed' them all.

She started wandering in the open space, and I felt a little scared. I was afraid that she would find me. I didn't dare to use the Sirius Whip, Invisible Needle, or Holy Mother's Staff that I was carrying. These things are used to restrain Yin Qi. If I use them now, they will only anger me. She, water can bring down fire, but if the fire is too strong, it can bring down water.

I thought about how I could hold her off for a while, and then I suddenly had an idea and called Oyu out. As soon as she appeared, she huddled in my arms and tremblingly said, "The yin energy in that big sister is so terrible."

"Can you create some illusion to hold her back for a while?" I asked.

" won't work!" Oyu was so frightened that his tone of voice changed: "Illusions can only be used on living creatures, not ghosts. Don't call me next time you encounter such a dangerous thing. Think of it yourself. Method."

After saying that, he went back. Damn it, what's the use of raising you?

I was contemplating talking, and when I looked up, I found Princess White Wolf standing in front of me, staring at me pitifully.

I often deal with yin objects, so I must have a yin energy in me. Could it be that she had nothing to kill and regarded me as a potential target?

I stepped back step by step, and Princess White Wolf approached step by step. Her height of 1.8 meters and her uniform were visually intimidating enough, not to mention the powerful Yin Qi exuding from her body.

At this time, Princess White Wolf suddenly stopped and turned her face in one direction.

I saw a few 'people' wandering over at the crossroads. Some had their heads crushed, some had tire marks on their bodies, and some had a large cluster of steel pipes poking through their backs that looked like hedgehogs.

These are all lonely ghosts who died in traffic accidents. The intersection is a place where ghosts gather. They are probably attracted by this powerful Yin energy. I have heard people say before that ghosts also have territorial awareness. When ghosts break in, local ghosts are often not welcome.

A faint smile suddenly appeared on Princess White Wolf's lips. For a moment, I even suspected that I had seen it wrong. She must have been an extremely bellicose woman during her lifetime!

She immediately rushed over and killed one ghost with one knife. The remaining ghosts were enraged and rushed towards them crazily. They were killed by Princess White Wolf's left and right swords, and ghost blood was splashed everywhere.

The white wolf princess showed a bloodthirsty smile while fighting, which was horrifying to watch.

At this time, the man in the T-shirt called me and said, "Jiulin, come back quickly, I have already arranged it."

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