Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 752 A small village in a ravine

I returned to the hotel, and as soon as I reached the corridor, I heard Gou Mingyi making a lot of noise in the room, and the voice of Taoist Priest Yiqing comforting him.

When I entered the house, I saw that the man in the T-shirt, Li Mazi, and Yin Xinyue were all there. There were many talismans posted around the house and on the windows. The ink on them was not dry, so they were obviously newly painted.

I asked what was wrong, and the man in the T-shirt said, "I set up a formation to isolate the negative energy in this room from the outside world."

Gou Mingyi's noisy voice suddenly raised a few pitches: "I don't want that pretty boy to put these papers in my house, tear them all off, tear them all off!"

Taoist Master Yiqing couldn't coax him anymore, so he asked him to tear up a few of them? The man in the t-shirt said absolutely not.

Finally, Li Mazi came up with a clever trick, turned on the computer and let Gou Mingyi play poker online. Gou Mingyi won three or four games in a row and won a lot of Happy Beans. He was so excited that he finally calmed down.

Of course General A, who has fought hundreds of battles, cannot influence people on the Internet from a long distance. Why does he keep winning? It turned out that Li Mazi ran back to his house and boarded the QQ game platform to play with him.

Seeing that Gou Mingyi finally calmed down, everyone went back to rest. However, Li Mazi had a hard time playing poker with Gou Mingyi for a whole night, and he earned thousands of dollars just by exchanging Happy Beans.

The night finally passed without incident. Early the next morning, I went to find Li Mazi. He was standing in front of the computer, with dark circles under his eyes and a lot of cigarette butts accumulated in the ashtray. He complained: "Damn, it's really hard to lose all night." I’m depressed. I have to take apart several cards and bombs to use them. This guy’s cards are so bad. He beat me hundreds of games and keeps making expressions like he’s trying to kill people. Why can’t he get tired of playing? I’m so sleepy. ." As he spoke, he let out a long yawn.

"You take a rest, I'll take your place!" I said.

After Li Mazi lay down, he quickly fell asleep. I took over and played with Gou Mingyi until eight o'clock. Gou Mingyi finally got too sleepy and went offline to sleep. I breathed a sigh of relief.

I had a simple breakfast, and then went out with Yin Xinyue and the T-shirt man. I bought some thick clothes to keep out the cold. Then I went to buy some things. It would be difficult to buy these things when we got to the countryside.

I went to the bus station again and asked where the Family Village was?

Sure enough, there is a place called FamilyMart near Lanzhou, but getting there is troublesome. First, you have to take a bus to Donggang Town. FamilyMart is located in a deep mountain, and it may take a long time to walk. I bought a few tickets for that afternoon.

After lunch, we were ready to leave in the afternoon. At this time, Gou Mingyi was still sleeping. As soon as the Taoist priest was helping him get dressed, the boy fell asleep in a daze and was at the mercy of the Taoist priest.

Yin Xinyue asked: "Taoist Master, was your nephew very spoiled when he was a child?"

"Alas!" Taoist Master Yiqing sighed: "Mingyi is the only root of the Gou family. My brother entrusted it to me. How could I neglect him, so I have always raised him as my son since I was a child."

"Taoist Master, aren't you a monk?" I asked.

"For the sake of righteousness, I returned to secular life and made money by doing Feng Shui and performing rituals for people. Otherwise, could I still take care of him in the Taoist temple?" Taoist Master Yiqing said helplessly.

I whispered: "Daughter-in-law, when Xiaofan gets older, you can't be so spoiled."

Yin Xinyue smiled and said, "Okay, okay."

After that, we went to the station to take the bus. Gou Mingyi kept talking about all kinds of things along the way, and it was hard to explain.

There was plenty of sunshine in Lanzhou on this day. When the sunshine was sufficient, the Yang energy was sufficient, so there was no need to worry about negative things. At four o'clock in the afternoon, we arrived at Donggang Town and wanted to find a car to go to FamilyMart. The driver didn't know what to do when he heard that we were going to the ravine. I am willing to go, but I said that the winding mountain road is too difficult to walk, and there are frequent car accidents, so I will not pay more.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, I began to worry, should we spend the night in this small town.

At this time, Li Mazi came excitedly and said that he had found a car willing to go to Family Village. We went to a small restaurant with Li Mazi, and a young man in his mid-twenties, holding a cigarette in his mouth, asked, "How many people are there?"

"Six." Li Mazi said.

"Okay, but my car is small. Please be accommodating. The price will still be as we agreed before."

After saying that, the driver was immersed in playing with his mobile phone. I asked him why he didn't leave, and he said he would eat a bowl of noodles first.

I sighed, and we had to wait nearby. Half an hour later, the driver slowly finished the noodles and took us to the front of a truck. I was shocked: "A truck?"

"You don't have to sit if you don't want to sit. I'm not forcing you." The driver's tone was so harsh that I stared at him in anger.

Li Mazi advised me: "Brother from the Zhang family, just be patient. If you go out, you can't help yourself."

Finally we got into the car, and I asked Yin Xinyue to sit in the driver's seat so as not to blow the cold wind behind us. Yin Xinyue was unwilling and offered to let Taoist priest Yiqing sit, as he was the oldest.

Seeing us being humble to each other, the driver said disdainfully: "You city dwellers are so delicate. Why don't you just blow the wind? You won't die."

"How long will it take to get there?" I asked.

"It'll be quick, about two hours. I often go to FamilyMart, so I'm familiar with the road."

Taoist Master Yiqing asked: "Young man, what is your surname?"

"The last name is Quan."

Taoist priest Yiqing was overjoyed and excited: "What a coincidence. We came from Macau just to see the whole family."

The driver looked confused: "Macau? Our family has lived in this valley for generations, and we don't have any relatives in Macau!"

After Taoist Master Yiqing revealed his identity, the driver nodded: "I remembered, grandpa said that our ancestor's surname was Huo, and later it was divided into two branches. We have a distant relative in Guangdong."

"Young man, which generation are you from?" Taoist Master Yiqing asked.

"Mingzi generation, my name is Quan Mingyi." The driver replied.

Yin Xinyue said in surprise: "What a coincidence, one is named Quan Mingyi and the other is named Gou Mingyi."

The driver asked in confusion: "Who is Gou Mingyi?"

Taoist Master Yiqing pulled Gou Mingyi over who was playing games on his mobile phone: "Quick! Mingyi, this is your cousin, call me cousin."

"Go away, leave me alone." Gou Mingyi played the mobile game without raising his head.

Quan Mingyi smiled: "My little brother is not in a good mood? By the way, you came all the way to see us. You must have something important to do, right?"

Taoist Master Yiqing said: "It's a long story. By the way, are there any elderly people at home?"

"My grandfather is still alive. He is over eighty years old this year." Quan Mingyi replied.

Since we are a family, Quan Mingyi didn't charge us for the ride, but his truck seemed to have hauled pigs before, and it smelled like pigs. The mountain road was bumpy along the way, and the wind was howling, which made my head hurt. We pulled up our clothes and wrapped our heads, huddled in the cold wind. This journey was really impressive.

Family Village is located in a mountain valley. When we arrived, it was completely dark and every household had lights on.

After getting off the bus, Quan Mingyi said: "There are more than a hundred people in this village, basically all of them are named Quan, and many people go out to work."

Taoist Yiqing was surprised: "The whole family is so prosperous now?"

Quan Mingyi was also stunned: "Uncle, what does this mean? Isn't your Gou family popular?"

"To be honest, something happened to the Gou family, and now only Mingyi is left..." Taoist priest Yiqing looked a little embarrassed.

Quan Mingyi's eyes fell on Gou Mingyi and he patted his head: "By the way, why does my little brother keep wearing this strange armor? Speaking of which, there is also an armor passed down from our ancestors in our ancestral hall."

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