Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 753 Desert Love Ballad

I was overjoyed and asked Quan Mingyi: "What does that armor look like? Is there a wolf head carved on it?"

"Hey, how did you know?" Quan Mingyi scratched his hair: "By the way, I haven't asked yet, what do you guys do?"

I thought it was too troublesome to explain, so I just said that I was a friend of Taoist Master Yiqing. Quan Mingyi seemed a little unconvinced. Taoist Master Yiqing said, "Can you take us to see your grandfather?"


Quan Mingyi took us to a house and shouted: Grandpa, a guest is coming.

After a while, a large family came out, including a trembling old man with a cane. Taoist priest Yiqing immediately stepped forward and called his uncle to identify himself.

The scene was naturally filled with joy when relatives who had been separated for many years met. Many neighbors heard the commotion and came out to watch. They gathered around Taoist priest Yiqing and asked questions, but it was a bit awkward for us four outsiders to be caught in the middle.

Later, Quan Mingyi's father invited us into the house, and the whole family prepared a table of good wine and food for us. Although they were all farm dishes, they had a unique flavor. The journey was so dusty that we were already hungry, so we didn't You're welcome again.

After dinner, Grandpa Quan Mingyi asked Taoist Master Yiqing why he came all the way to Gansu.

As soon as the Taoist priest saw that there were too many people in the room, it was difficult to speak, so the old man waved the others out. This showed that the old man had great prestige in the family. Only the eldest son and eldest grandson, Quan Mingyi and his son, were left in the room.

Taoist Master Yiqing explained everything about General A, including the identity and purpose of our visit. After listening, the old man sighed: "I didn't expect that the Gou family, both descendants of the Huo family, would end up in such a predicament."

I was already waiting impatiently and asked, "Mr. Quan, do you know about Princess White Wolf?"

"I know, the White Wolf Princess Gutu..." the old man sighed: "She is the female ancestor of our Huo family."

I wasn't too surprised when I heard this. Previously, Taoist Master Yiqing said that Huo Qubing's illegitimate son was named Huo Tu, and I heard the name Gu Tu from my grandfather, so I vaguely guessed the relationship between the two.

Mr. Quan said that Gutu was the daughter of Hunxie, King of the Huns. Her mother dreamed of a white wolf when she was born, so she got the nickname "White Wolf Princess". Gutu had an active personality and excellent martial arts since she was a child. , is proficient in horseback riding and archery, and can be said to be a woman who cannot be outdone by men.

When Huo Qubing defeated the Xiongnu and shocked the Western Regions, Hunxie proposed a marriage and married his daughter Gutu to Huo Qubing in order to seek peace. At that time, the Huo family's army had been fighting for years and was already depleted of men and horses. Going deep into the Western Regions alone was a very risky thing. Huo Qubing accepted this proposal in order to let the tired soldiers recuperate.

Huo Qubing did not report this marriage to Emperor Wu of the Ming and Han dynasties. Although it was originally just a political marriage, Huo Qubing was deeply attracted by Gu Tu's wildness and beauty after seeing her. Gu Tu also felt attracted to her. The young hero, both civil and military, fell in love with her, and the two got married in the Western Regions and spent a happy time together.

However, Hunxie had no intention of actually suing for peace from the beginning. It was just to make Huo Jiajun relax his vigilance. For three months after Huo Qubing got married, Huo Jiajun had been stationed in a city in the Western Regions, while Hunxie and the Xiongnu kings plotted a counterattack. !

One night, a horn broke the tranquility of the night. The Xiongnu troops who had been ambushing them came from all directions, catching the unsuspecting Huo army by surprise. Huo Qubing hurried out of the tent, but was suddenly stopped by Gu Tu, with tears in her eyes. He said, "My father married me to you, but he actually asked me to assassinate you. Although you and I are married, we are no match for the hatred of your Han family for plundering my land, killing my soldiers, and taking my people captive."

After that, he took out a dagger from his arms and stabbed Huo Qubing, but Huo Qubing was protected by divine armor and was completely invulnerable, and the dagger actually bent.

Huo Qubing was furious, pushed Gu Tu away, and led his soldiers to break through bravely. He was wearing divine armor. Huo Qubing was like a god and demon. Ghosts cried and howled everywhere he went. The brave Xiongnu looked like a sheep in front of this young man of the Han Dynasty. The group collapsed.

After a night of bloody and indescribable hard fighting, Huo Qubing finally led the remaining troops to break out of the siege, and Hunxie was also killed in the battle.

Huo Qubing was furious after being deceived, and quickly assembled an army at the border to prepare to destroy the Huns!

Gutu lost both her husband and her father, and her status in the tribe plummeted. The Xiongnu tribes also attributed the failure of the counterattack to her weakness and incompetence. Some even suspected that she was a traitor. The new Xiongnu king of her tribe, Xiutu, coveted her beauty and planned to take her as his concubine. When Gutu refused to comply, Xiutu forced her to live in captivity and starve her.

In despair, Gu Tu once wanted to commit suicide, but then she found out that she was pregnant with Huo Qubing's flesh and blood. She chose to endure the humiliation and bear the burden and gave birth to the child, named Huo Tu.

The Gu Tu family knew that once their fellow tribesmen knew that this was Huo Qubing's child, they would definitely kill him or use him as a bargaining chip to blackmail Huo Qubing. So Gu Tu asked a loyal old servant to quietly deliver the child to Huo Qubing, and wrote a letter to express his feelings, saying that what he owed him had been paid off, and if they met again, they would be sworn enemies!

Soon after, Huo Qubing led his army to fight back. The Huns were frightened, and the kings had long been frightened away by the reputation of Huo Jun's family.

Only Gu Tu knew the secret of Huo Qubing's undefeated victory. She requested to meet Xiutu and advised: Huo Qubing possesses a divine armor that can grant him victory. If he wants to defeat him, he needs to forge it from the same material. Another piece of divine armor.

Then she said that she had a way to create this divine armor.

Xiutu was doubtful and made a condition. If he couldn't make it, Gutu would serve him for the rest of his life!

Gu Tu agreed readily and led a group of soldiers and blacksmiths out of the city. The group came to the city where Huo Qubing had previously stationed. The city was already riddled with holes after the war. Gu Tu found the blast furnace where Huo Qubing melted the golden man. , as she expected, there were still some iron blocks solidified by molten iron remaining inside.

But during the smelting, Gu Tu encountered the same problem as Huo Qubing. The fire burned for several days and nights, but the iron could not be melted at all. The people sent by Xiutu to monitor her were impatient and wanted to take her back. .

Gutu resisted desperately, and finally knocked away the soldiers and jumped into the furnace. Her flesh and blood and resentment finally made the stubborn iron begin to melt, so this second divine armor was born...

(Today is Lao Jiu’s birthday, celebrate it by yourself! Haha, I have almost forgotten my birthday since I have been writing all the time.)

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