Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 754 Shadow Clan

After the old man finished speaking, he lit a pipe and I asked: "Did the second divine armor come in handy later?"

"No." The old man smiled: "Maybe it was God's will. When the divine armor was forged, Huo Qubing had already led an army to attack King Xiutu's tribe and killed King Xiutu. As a result, these soldiers sent out to make the armor He became a lost dog and was quickly captured by the Huo family army. The second divine armor fell into the hands of Huo Qubing..."

Li Mazi said: "It's amazing. Both of the divine armors belong to Huo Qubing. It's like 'one of the two can conquer the world'. Wouldn't it be difficult to lose in the future?"

"You are wrong." The old man said: "After Huo Qubing learned from the captives that the divine armor was forged from the flesh and blood of the Gu Tu clan, he used it to build a tomb for the Gu Tu clan and left it unsealed and treeless to prevent it from being destroyed. People robbed it."

I asked: "Then how did you get it?"

"It's a long story. After Huo Qubing died, the descendants of the Huo family began to be cursed by a strange force. Most of the men did not live past the age of thirty. Then we separated our families. This separation was also to save our lives..." The old man explained.

I nodded: "Taoist Master Yiqing has already told us."

The old man asked Taoist Master Yiqing: "Eldest nephew, have you also told this... Mr. Businessman about the Shadow Clan?"

"ShadowClan?" This was the first time I heard this term.

The old man pointed at Gou Mingyi and Quan Mingyi: "Do you know why these two children have the same name?"

I immediately shook my head.

"The purpose of our family separation is to let the two families become each other's shadow clan in order to save Gou's life. The names on the two family trees are exactly the same. For example, your Gou family has Gou Laosan, and our family has another Gou Laosan. Third child."

This was the first time I heard about this kind of thing, and I immediately became interested.

The old man continued: "We didn't know where the curse came from, so we used this method to divide the Huo family's bloodline into two, and then moved them to the north and south respectively. In this way, the curse would only find one of them, at least the other family could Gou Quan!"

Taoist priest Yiqing sighed and said, "The ancestors of the Huo family really had good intentions. No wonder the Gou family is now in dire straits, but the whole family is now so prosperous." When I heard his words, I felt a hint of unwillingness to be a victim.

I thought to myself that the ancestors of the Huo family were really imaginative enough to come up with such a method, but does the Shadow Clan's method really work?

I said: "The Shadow Clan is just a way to avoid disaster. I don't think it has a real effect. What harmed the Gou family was the armor of the Hundred-War General."

The old man took a puff of cigarette: "I don't know if it's useful or not. Our ancestors set the rules and we just follow them. By the way, regarding the armor, a certain generation of the ancestor of the family was a traveling merchant. Once he got lost in the desert. , and then he had a strange dream about the White Wolf Princess. He found the tomb according to the guidance in the dream, dug up the white wolf armor, and then enshrined it in the family's ancestral hall."

The old man knelt the ashes on the burning brazier and said, "Then what are you doing here?"

We looked at each other, and I said: "Old man, you have also seen that Gou Mingyi is entangled with this evil thing, and his life is very likely to be in danger. We want to borrow the White Wolf Armor to save Gou Mingyi's life!"

The old man laughed loudly: "Borrow? How to borrow?"

I said that I wanted to use the White Wolf Armor to restrain the Hundred Battles General Armor, and take it off when the Hundred Battles General Armor was weakened. This was my idea, but I was sure of it. I had personally practiced the method of using demons to kill demons before.

The old man snorted coldly: "No! The White Wolf Armor is a treasure of my family. It contains the bones and blood of the White Wolf Princess. Have you ever seen someone lend the bones of their ancestors to outsiders? What's more, you guys have unknown origins and cheated it away. Who should I go to?"

"Old man, saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda, not to mention that your two families are still relatives," I said.

Taoist Master Yiqing also begged: "Uncle Quan, the two surnames Gou and Quan are from the same family. Blood is thicker than water. If the ancestors of the Huo family have spirits in heaven, they certainly don't want to see this incense be cut off."

The old man sneered: "When the family was separated, one family was destined to die. This is inevitable. If your Gou family is unlucky enough to encounter such a thing, you can't blame us. Our whole family has no obligation to help you."

Li Mazi couldn't stand listening anymore: "You old man is so stubborn and selfish. We who have nothing to do with each other still draw our swords to help when there is an injustice, but you, a member of your family, do nothing to help. Damn it, this is the contrast of human nature. "

The old man snorted coldly: "Don't you say what kind of businessman you are? Draw your sword to help. I think you have other intentions."

Yin Xinyue explained: "Old man, we are really here to help Mingyi. If you don't want to believe us, you can send someone to supervise him."

"No need. As the patriarch, I want to maintain the prosperity of the entire family. Now the whole family is living well, why do we need to drown in this muddy water."

The old man came to refute one by one, and he had the style of quarreling with other scholars. I felt itchy with hatred, thinking that I could not reason with such a stubborn old man, so I might as well use some tricks!

At this time, the window was blown open by the wind with a crash, and a strong wind poured into the house, blowing the charcoal brazier to flicker. Everyone was blown open their eyes. When we opened our eyes again, we found that the room The door was wide open and Gou Mingyi was walking out.

"Oops!" I yelled, "Stop him quickly."

Quan Mingyi stood up first, rushed over and grabbed Gou Mingyi's shoulders: "Little brother, why are you going?"

Gou Mingyi waved his arm involuntarily and knocked Quan Mingyi away. He fell heavily on the steps of the house. His father hurried over to help him up.

We quickly came outside the house and saw Gou Mingyi speeding up and running into the forest. Without thinking too much, we immediately chased him.

At this time, someone came running from a distance, shouting as he ran: "Patriarch, patriarch, it's not good, the door of the ancestral hall was opened, and the divine armor enshrined inside was missing."

The old man was so angry that he shouted: "It must be those outsiders who did it, stop them!"

We ignored it at all and were about to run out of the village. I thought to myself, can you catch up with us? Unexpectedly, the village radio suddenly rang at this time, and the voice of Quan Mingyi's father came from it.

"Stop those outsiders, they stole the treasures in the ancestral hall."

Then I remembered that Quan Mingyi’s father was the village party secretary and he abused his power. Damn it.

The village party secretary roared, and immediately the doors of every house opened. A group of young men came to beat us. Yin Xinyue was so frightened that she covered her ears. Li Mazi pulled me and said, "Brother Zhang, please think of a solution quickly. "

What can I do? I have no idea how to deal with living people. The man in the T-shirt calmly took out a few ghost bags and planned to release a few ghosts to deal with the villagers.

I told him not to use this trick yet, and said to Taoist Master Yiqing: "Old Taoist, you can handle it!"

"Since they are unkind, then I am unjust as well!" Taoist Master Yiqing gritted his teeth, recited a spell, and cast the Confusion Barrier.

The villagers who were rushing towards us suddenly changed direction and ran towards a big locust tree in the center of the village. They swung their hoe and pickaxe at the big locust tree and started beating it, chipping away at the bark of the tree.

Seeing this scene left me with lingering fear. I bet they were really serious about it. No one would even know if they were killed in this remote place.

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