Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 755: Falling in love and killing each other

While the villagers were under the spell of ecstasy, we hurried to catch up with Gou Mingyi in the woods. The woods were pitch black at night. Although the moon was very bright that night, the moonlight could not penetrate at all. I was really worried that a wild boar would suddenly jump out of nowhere. Or something, then Li Mazi shouted: "It's broken, all our luggage bags have been left in the village..."

Yin Xinyue also said: "Husband, the bag of things you brought is also in that room."

I felt annoyed, what should I do? Although our team has a good fighting ability, it is really embarrassing to be trapped in this ravine, and our ability to survive in the wild is not as good as that of an ordinary villager here.

Taoist Master Yiqing was extremely anxious: "Mingyi has run away. I have to chase him. You can stay here and think of a solution!"

I stopped him, "No, what's the use of going alone."

Li Mazi said: "How about we go back to the village first and have a good talk with the old patriarch."

"Do you think the old man will reason with us? Maybe just ask the villagers to tie us up and throw us into the ravine." I said.

"Oh, what can we do!" Li Mazi sighed: "The wallet and ID card are still in the bag, and now we don't even have a way out."

At this time, several flashlights came over, which were particularly dazzling in the darkness. A group of people came over from a distance. Yin Xinyue said: "Husband, it's bad, those villagers are chasing me."

The man in the T-shirt finally expressed his stance. He pulled out the sword on his back and said: "Since we are in a dilemma, let's be tough. I promise not to hurt their lives."

"at this point……"

I took out my Heavenly Wolf Whip and prepared to fight them hard. I can hit unscrupulous colleagues at the top and vicious devils at the bottom. I have never hit ordinary people. I have broken the precept today. Please forgive me, grandpa.

At this time, a voice came: "Wait a minute, I am Quan Mingyi. Grandpa asked me to help you."

"Are you lying?" Li Mazi shouted angrily, "Stop, are you holding a knife in your hand?"

Quan Mingyi stood still and held something in front of the flashlight. It was our luggage. I was a little hesitant. This change was too fast. Are they coaxing us to go back? At this time, Quan Mingyi said again: "Grandpa said, as long as you recover the White Wolf Armor, today's matter will be settled, and everything will be settled in the future." Don’t offend the river.”

"Really?" I asked.

"I can swear to the ancestors of the Huo family." Quan Mingyi said.

I put aside my worries and asked them to come over. The ones who came were all young and strong guys, carrying our bags. They handed us our bags and handed us a few flashlights, which, although we hate to admit it, was a real help in times of need.

I asked, "Why did your grandfather suddenly change his mind?"

"Grandpa just went to the ancestral hall to check. The door seemed to have been knocked open from the inside, so he thought it was not you who did it, but the White Wolf Armor flew out on its own." Quan Mingyi explained.

"You flew out by yourself?" My eyes widened.

"It has flown out before, but of course I have never seen it with my own eyes." Quan Mingyi said half-heartedly.

The White Wolf Armor must have sensed the aura of the Hundred Battles General Armor, but I was a little suspicious at the time. Why didn't it just start a fight in the village, but deliberately lured Gou Mingyi away?

I asked: "Has your grandpa ever said where the white wolf armor flew to before?"

"I remember he said that there is a lake in the back mountain. It used to be a place where the Huns killed prisoners. The yin energy was very strong. The White Wolf Armor was dropped there last time, but it seemed to be haunted!" Quan Mingyi actually laughed: “It will be particularly exciting if you go at night!”

I thought to myself that this kid is really not afraid of tigers as a newborn calf. I will be scared to death later. The lake he was talking about was full of yin energy, and the White Wolf Armor itself was already a spiritual 'weapon spirit'. Perhaps it went there to absorb the yin energy.

Quan Mingyi led a few young men to clear the way in front. They grew up here and know this forest well. We followed behind and felt like we were being escorted.

Li Mazi said: "Just now he was trying to kill us, and now he's become a helper. This change is so sudden, I can't even accept it."

Yin Xinyue said: "Isn't there a saying? There are no eternal enemies and no permanent friends, only eternal interests."

I thought to myself that the old man is really a realistic person. He was afraid that the White Wolf Armor would be lost, so he immediately asked us for help.

I don’t know how long I’ve been walking, but I heard a ping-ping-pong-pong sound, and Quan Mingyi shouted: “Oh, look, there are two ancient people fighting by the lake.” The young men also screamed with excitement.

We walked over and took a look. In front of us was a low-lying land shrouded in mist, with a lake in the middle. The silver moonlight was shining on the lake, and two figures, one red and one white, were fighting each other in the mist, their weapons intersecting. Sparks kept flying.

The red one is of course the White Wolf Princess, and the white one is the ancient warrior. The Hundred Battles General Armor is connected to Huo Qubing’s destiny. I guess this ancient warrior is actually Huo Qubing, at least he looks like him.

The Yin Qi here is strong, and with the presence of both sides' true bodies, the intensity of this fight is even more intense than before, and it is thrilling to watch.

Yin Xinyue said: "Huo Qubing and Princess White Wolf were originally in love, why do they hate each other after a thousand years?"

I smiled bitterly: "This is probably called falling in love and killing each other!"

Taoist Master Yiqing said urgently: "Save my Mingyi quickly. He is still in the armor. He has no eyesight for swords and guns. What if there is something wrong with him?"

I said, "Taoist priest, don't worry. I'll find a way to separate the two of you later, and then help your nephew take off his armor. Besides the enchantment barrier, what other powerful spells do you have?"

"Throwing beans makes an army!" Taoist Master Yiqing replied.

"Really?" I was overjoyed: "It's so convenient if you know how to do this. Then I'll go prepare it first. By the way, have you brought the beans?"

Taoist priest Yiqing took out a bag of soybeans from his arms without saying a word.

The man in the T-shirt and I started getting ready, taking everything out of the bag. Our plan was to take advantage of the Hundred Battles General's armor to separate them and forcefully take off the armor.

It is naturally very dangerous to do this. In addition, I feel sorry for the whole family. According to our assumptions, these two pairs of armors will probably be destroyed in order to save Gou Mingyi's life.

From a businessman's point of view, this time he really lost all his money. There were no rewards, no gifts, and even soul extraction was impossible. But since I have taken care of it, I have to take care of it to the end. This is called professional ethics!

I gave Li Mazi a small bowl and a knife, and told him to go to Quan Mingyi and order the boy's blood. Not too much, just half a bowl would be enough.

My original plan was to ask Taoist Master Yiqing to do a bloodletting, but now that there is a better option, why not? Quan Mingyi is young, strong, and has sufficient yang energy, so the quality of his blood is naturally better than that of Yi Qingdao.

Li Mazi went to Quan Mingyi, and he readily agreed.

I took out a bundle of dried corn stalks and wire from the bag and began to tie up a straw man. This straw man was tied up very carefully, with a wig on his head and a bag of fresh sheep offal stuffed inside his body.

After a while, Li Mazi came over with half a bowl of blood and praised: "Brother Zhang, your craftsmanship is good."

"Stop talking nonsense and give me the blood!"

I took the blood and poured it into the straw man. Corn is warm in nature, and sheep are also warm-blooded animals. They have attributes closer to humans. Plus the blood of the Huo family, I planned to make a dummy with a similar aura to Gou Mingyi. , deceive General A of Hundred Battles.

Of course, it cannot be deceived for too long. Once it finds out, it will kill Gou Mingyi. According to our plan, we will quickly eliminate it before Bai Zhan General A sees through it. Of course, this will require the help of the White Wolf Armor.

After the pricking was done, I asked Li Mazi to help dress the straw man. The clothes were also found in Gou Mingyi's luggage bag. I also specially selected a few items that smelled the most. I put on my underwear first, then put on pants and a jacket, and then put on a baseball cap. It was so lifelike that it was more than enough to fool people, let alone ghosts.

The man in the t-shirt is also ready. I asked the others to stay here for the time being, and walked towards the lake with the man in the t-shirt and Taoist priest Yiqing!

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