Merchant of the Underworld

Chapter 758: The Dresser in the Mirror

The Hundred Battles General Armor and the White Wolf Army Armor were fused together, making it almost impossible to restore. When we brought it back to Family Village, we were mentally prepared to run away at any time.

Mr. Quan saw the two ruined armors and learned the whole story from Quan Mingyi. He sighed: "Maybe this is fate! After thousands of years, our two ancestors finally found relief in this way. Why not?" What a blessing!”

I was secretly happy, does this mean I won’t pursue it?

The old man really doesn't pursue the case anymore, but he wants to keep these two pieces of armor and still enshrine them in the ancestral hall. These two pieces of armor have no meaning as negative objects. As cultural relics, I think the story behind them is of great significance, so I left them to the old man.

Of course, Taoist priest Yiqing and Gou Mingyi planned to go back to Guangdong. I thought there would be no reward for this trip, but unexpectedly, Taoist priest Yiqing handed me a bank card and said it was the money his troublesome nephew won from the casino. Gou Mingyi walked into the casino out of greed, which resulted in this catastrophe and almost cost him his life. He hoped that Gou Mingyi could find a good job in the future, so the money was given to us as hard work.

The numbers in this card are very generous. I finally regained some mental balance. This trip was not in vain...

The man in the T-shirt told me that I was lucky to have friends like Taoist Master Yiqing, one of the three remaining Taoist golden immortals in the world. Although his cultivation level was a little lower than last time, he can be said to be unparalleled in the world in terms of illusion. Even he can only hide, so he will definitely be able to help me in the future!

After listening to what the man in the T-shirt said, I immediately planned to invite Taoist Priest Yiqing, my uncle and nephew, to stay in Wuhan for a few days, to show my friendship as landlords, and to get close to this Taoist Golden Immortal!

Unfortunately, they wanted to go back to Huangniguan, so we had to say goodbye at the airport.

Fortunately, after this period of fighting side by side, he had a good impression of me and took the initiative to express that he owed me a favor. If you encounter any difficulties in the future, you can just go to Huangniguan to find him!

This is also a powerful trump card, but I know that no matter how much he helps me, he will never be as selfless as Senior Rat.

In one's lifetime, one is lucky enough to meet three or two people who can make a fool of themselves, so how can one expect too much?

We diverted to visit Xiaofan in his hometown in Shandong, and then returned to Wuhan to continue doing business.

Coincidentally, not long after returning, a director approached Yin Xinyue and wanted her to collaborate with a well-known young man named Lu to make a youth idol drama called "Huo Qubing".

Yin Xinyue witnessed the love and death of Huo Qubing and his wife with her own eyes, and has a unique understanding of his emotions. The director has found the right person.

I quite support her trying to cooperate with that little fresh meat, and Yin Xinyue is also eager to give it a try. Unexpectedly, before she has time to sign the contract, a college classmate calls and wants her to attend his wedding.

To put it shamelessly, brother, I can be considered a wealthy person now. Yin Xinyue went to film purely as a hobby and not to make money at all. And the classmate who called was Peng Yu, who was her best male best friend in college, so much so that the new moon boss’s willful trick was pushed back!

I have never met this Peng Yu, but Xinyue will mention him every time when she recalls her college life. It is said that Peng Yu joined the army during college, and his parents told him about a daughter-in-law in his hometown in western Hunan before he left.

He originally planned to stay in the army for two years and then come back. Unexpectedly, Peng Yu did well in the army. He stayed there for seven or eight years, and only now is he demobilized and returning home.

Speaking of which, I admire Peng Yu's girlfriend. People often say that love has a seven-year itch, but for military widows who are widowed, this is a seven-year itch.

After much deliberation, I chose a pair of crystal thumb rings for them.

This finger ring has quite an origin. In the late Ming Dynasty, Wu Sangui, the general who guarded Shanhaiguan, specially asked Western craftsmen to create it in order to express his love for Chen Yuanyuan. It was also consecrated by strange people and had the effect of enhancing the relationship between men and women.

Unfortunately, before Wu Sangui returned to Beijing, Chen Yuanyuan was kidnapped by the traitor Li Zicheng. Wu Sangui defected to the Manchus in anger, leaving behind a tragic allusion!

Later, when he became Queen Pingxi of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, he still did not give up looking for Chen Yuanyuan, but he could not see Chen Yuanyuan until his death. The pair of thumb rings became Wu Sangui's favorite objects in his life. The masters dug it out and transferred it to me several times.

Yin Xinyue originally thought I was stingy, but after hearing me tell the story about the crystal ring finger, she was so moved that she even asked me in a cute way why I didn't keep such a good thing to myself?

"What a fool, we are already an old married couple, how can we use this thing?"

I touched her head and held her in my arms.

At this time, Li Mazi suddenly ran in. He was stunned for a moment when he saw Yin Xinyue and I. Then he raised his thumb and sighed: "Brother, we all know that you are energetic, but you have to pay attention to your image..."

"screw you!"

I rolled my eyes at him, stood up and told him that we were going to attend a classmate's wedding in the next few days and asked him to stay and look at the store.

"Oh, then go ahead."

Li Mazi was slightly startled when he heard the word 'wedding', and then sadly went to inspect other shops.

Yin Xinyue and I looked at each other and sighed. Marriage is his eternal pain. Even if he no longer thinks about it, whenever the relevant words are mentioned, the scars of pockmarks will be revealed.

Peng Yu said on the phone before that he would wait to notify us one week before the wedding, but after a while, it was already the auspicious day for the wedding, and he still didn't call.

Yin Xinyue couldn't wait any longer and asked me if I wanted to call and ask about the situation.

"They might have already finished the wedding, so your efforts are in vain..."

I made a cheap joke, Yin Xinyue rolled her eyes at me, happily called Peng Yu, and turned on the speaker phone.

The phone was picked up as soon as it rang, but no one spoke. Yin Xinyue asked impatiently: "Daewoo, when are you going to do something?"

"Xinyue, I may not be able to get married."

The person on the other side was silent for a long time before he slowly replied, his voice hoarse and filled with an indescribable sadness. This was not what a soldier who had just stepped out of the army should be.

What's more, they have been in love for seven years. There is no reason to break up at this time. It is probably because of some major changes!

When Yin Xinyue heard this, she quickly asked him what was going on? Peng Yu just sighed and didn't want to say more. After Yin Xinyue kept asking, he said feebly: "Jia Jia seems to be possessed."

I thought this was something strange. When I heard this, I immediately became energetic and leaned forward to listen carefully.

The Jiajia Peng Yu talks about is his fiancée, the girl who has been waiting for him for seven years.

Jiajia was still fine when Peng Yu came back from the army. The two of them had been really close for a long time, and then they were in full swing preparing to get married.

He felt that he owed Jiajia too much, so he notified all the friends he could invite and prepared to give her an unprecedented grand wedding! This has become a favorite story in the area in western Hunan, and everyone is blessing the newlyweds.

But what everyone didn't expect was that two weeks before the wedding, Jiajia suddenly decided to regret the marriage, and she did so without any reason!

Jiajia's parents were simple Tujia people. Hearing the news was like a bolt from the blue. Jiajia's father even threatened Jiajia with suicide, but she still insisted on regretting the marriage.

Her parents had no choice but to go to Peng's house to apologize. Fortunately, the relationship between the two families had always been good and there had been no conflicts.

Generally speaking, a girl who temporarily regrets her marriage must have found a new lover, so the two families were secretly observing Jiajia, trying to find out the man, but after five or six days in a row, Jiajia didn't even leave the house.

Except when eating and going to the bathroom, she locked herself in her room and did not allow outsiders to enter.

Peng Yu was afraid that she would not be able to think about it, so he quietly climbed to the roof and uncovered a few tiles to observe. He found that Jiajia had dressed herself up like a bride about to get married, and kept putting on makeup in front of the mirror.

Sometimes she touched her hair, sometimes she dabbed lipstick on her lips. She clearly looked like a woman who couldn't wait to get married, but there was no trace of joy on Jiajia's face. Instead, she was very calm, as calm as a dead person. .

This kind of calmness scares Peng Yu. His many years of military career tell him that Jiajia's situation is very dangerous!

He thought Jiajia was seeking death, so he stayed on the roof day and night and stared at her. However, a few days later, Jiajia showed no signs of committing suicide. Every day after getting up, he would sit by the mirror and admire his pretty face. Her oval face is carefully groomed.

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